
Corsair II

Updated: 19 July 2024

To celebrate my A-7D flying adventures, I have collected some of my photographs here. Click a Title link on the left to view the photos. Click the photo at the top of the page to see larger version.

Title Remarks
ROTC Summer Camp Saw my first A-7D.
Summer 1971.
Training 354th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Tucson, Arizona.
January - May 1974.
356th TFS Green Demons 356th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Myrtle Beach Air Force Base, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Photos from Myrtle Beach, Hawaii, Red Flag, Panama, and Germany. June 1974 - July 1977.
Museum Piece Pima Air & Space Museum, Tucson, Arizona.
July 2004 and November 2013.
354th Tactical Fighter Wing Rejoin Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio.
June 2007.
356th TFS Reunion Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Photos and videos.
September 2012.
Last A-7D Pilots Reunion Photos from the "Last A-7D Pilots Reunion", Tucson, Arizona.
6-8 November 2013.
2nd Last A-7D Reunion Photos from the "2nd Last A-7D Pilots Reunion", Tucson, Arizona.
5-6 April 2018.
Mementos A-7D models, patches, mugs, pins, TO, and more.
A-7D Tail Numbers A-7D aircraft tail numbers I flew.

Other A-7D web pages.

Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base Home movies of MBAFB A-7D ground and air operations.
Shortest Littlest Ugliest Most Devastating Fighter How the A-7 came to be.
Flying Solo Autobiographical stories by an A-7D pilot.
A-7 video The LTV A-7 Corsair II: Flying Through Time.
A-7D video A-7 Last Flight.
A-7D video A-7 Flying Videos.
A-7D video A-7 Corsair Arrival And Departure At Fairford 2014.
A-7D video A-7D Corsair II display at USAF Museum.
Vought A-7 Corsair II book Great hardcopy book on A-7 history and all A-7 models.
A-7 Formations This video brings back many fond memories of flying the A-7.
A-7D Information" A-7D Info & History.
A-7D HUD Video LTV A-7D Heads Up Display (HUD) video.
A-7 Promotional Video LTV A-7D & A-7E video.
Myrtle Beach A-7D Seen at Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum, McMinnville, OR.
7 May 2013.
A-7 video Portuguese Air Force A-7 airshow video.
A-7 video A-7 ground and flight video.
A-7 video A-7 flight video.
LTV A-7D Corsair II Fact Sheet from the National Museum of the USAF.
A-7D Aircraft on loan Courtesy of the National Museum of the USAF. (PDF)
A-7D Cockpit 3D Tour National Museum of the USAF.
A-7 Corsair II cockpit Layouts, instrument panels, and flight instruments.
A-7D Cockpit Video Tour Video tour of an A-7D cockpit by Dewey Larson.
LTV A-7D Vought (formerly LTV) A-7D product page.
LTV A-7D (Corsair II) Wings of Eagles Discovery Center.
A-7 Corsair II Association A-7 Corsair II Association.

T-37 Photos from Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT) at Webb AFB, Big Spring, Texas.
T-38 Photos from Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT) at Webb AFB, Big Spring, Texas, and a few from my time as a Fighter Lead-In Instructor at Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, New Mexico.

Finding my Way to the Stars My autobiography, published in 2021. It covers my flying experiences.

If you want to see more of our web pages, go to our Home Page.

Copyright © 2012-24 Michael L. Weasner / mweasner@mac.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/A-7D/index.html