Flawed, dangerous, unfair Satellite TV Regulation

Local lives put at risk and local businesses harmed

Emergency Alert System fails due to flawed FCC DMA

6 December 2022: I sent the following email to each member of the Pinal County Board of Supervisors and the County Manager:

Subject: Arizona Emergency Alerts & FCC DMA Petition

Here is another reason why the flawed FCC Designated Market Area (DMA) regulation is dangerous for southern Pinal County residents.

Monday, 5 December, about 5 PM, KPNX 12News in Phoenix aired an Emergency Alert System test broadcast. At the end of the test a voice-over stated that it was a test of the Emergency Alert System for the Phoenix metro area and northern Arizona.

Since Phoenix TV stations do not broadcast Emergency Alerts that cover southern Pinal County, the FCC DMA continues to put local lives at risk. Shouldn't we expect better from our Government?

What is the current status of the County's effort to allow viewing of Tucson TV stations by southern Pinal County residents?

Mike Weasner
Satellite TV Reform Advocate
Oracle, Arizona

As of 14 December 2022, none of the Supervisors or the County Manager have responded to my request for an update.

Southern Pinal County residents who cannot receive the Tucson TV stations on DirecTV or Dish TV should contact their Pinal County Supervisor about this critical flaw. Supervisors need hear from their constituents that an URGENT solution is needed. Here is contact information for the Board:

Supervisor Jeffrey McClure: bosdistrict4@pinal.gov
Supervisor Mike Goodman: mike.goodman@pinal.gov
Supervisor Stephen Miller: Stephen.Miller@pinal.gov
Supervisor Jeff Serdy: jeff.serdy@pinal.gov
Supervisor Kevin Cavanaugh: kevin.cavanaugh@pinal.gov
Pinal County Manager Leo Lew: countymanager@pinal.gov
Pinal County Clerk of the Board Natasha Kennedy: Natasha.Kennedy@pinalcountyaz.gov

Please cc me (mweasner@mac.com) on any FCC Petition emails you send. Thank you.

Governmental Actions, or the Lack Thereof

Main Flawed Satellite TV Regulation page

Copyright ©2022 Michael L. Weasner / mweasner@mac.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/STELA_FCC_DMA/PC_status_2022dec.html