Flawed, dangerous, unfair Satellite TV Regulation

Local lives put at risk and local businesses harmed

Major Pinal County Progress on FCC Petition!

6 April 2023: Pinal County Supervisor Jeff McClure held a "Meet and Greet" in San Manuel. He provided a major update to the community on the status of the petition to the FCC for a "Market Area Modification" to allow the Tucson TV stations to be provided to southern Pinal County Dish TV and DirecTV customers. The county has been working with the FCC and attorneys. They have made significant progress on all the elements that need to be discussed in the petition to the FCC, as shown in this checklist provided at the meeting. The county survey is the last item remaining to be completed.


The survey should be mailed to all affected 13,638 households in Pinal County soon. Upon receipt of the survey, everyone MUST submit a response to ensure the proper impacts of not receiving Tucson TV stations are known.

Many thanks to the Pinal County Board of Supervisors and staff, past and present, for getting us to this important stage in a process that I have been working on since 2013.

DirecTV or Dish TV subscribers who live in southern Pinal County should continue to contact the Pinal County Supervisors about this critical issue that prohibits viewing the Tucson TV stations. The Board of Supervisors needs to hear from their constituents that an URGENT solution is needed. Here is contact information for the Board:

Supervisor Jeffrey McClure: bosdistrict4@pinal.gov
Supervisor Mike Goodman: mike.goodman@pinal.gov
Supervisor Stephen Miller: Stephen.Miller@pinal.gov
Supervisor Jeff Serdy: jeff.serdy@pinal.gov
Supervisor Kevin Cavanaugh: kevin.cavanaugh@pinal.gov
Pinal County Manager Leo Lew: countymanager@pinal.gov
Pinal County Clerk of the Board Natasha Kennedy: Natasha.Kennedy@pinalcountyaz.gov

Please cc me (mweasner@mac.com) on any emails you send. Thank you.

Southern Pinal County TV survey available!

Main Flawed Satellite TV Regulation page

Copyright ©2023 Michael L. Weasner / mweasner@mac.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/STELA_FCC_DMA/PC_status_2023apr.html