Last updated: 14 February 2008

This page is for user comments and information specific to the Meade ETX-125EC, ETX-125AT, and the ETX-125PE. Comments on accessories and feedback items appropriate to other ETX and DS models are posted on other pages. If you have any comments, suggestions, questions or answers to questions posed here, e-mail them to me and I'll post them. Please use an appropriate Subject Line on your message. Thanks.

Subject:	horizontal gear box failure
Sent:	Monday, February 11, 2008 20:18:28
From:	Mike Pilgrim (
Mike, a couple days ago I input a wanted notice for a ETX-125 mount, or
information leading to the acquisition of a horizontal gear drive
mechanism.  Today, after a productive and lengthy conversation with
Meade, I am happy to report that I agreed to send my scope to them for
the necessary repairs.  Consequently, I no longer am looking for help
with the solution.

Let me share some information with you which I learned through this
episode.  You may wish to re-edit for posting as appropriate on your web
site, as I feel it may be information appreciated by present or future
ETX-125 owners.

I began my search for repairs for an obvious horizontal gear box
failure.  I had visibly confirmed that a tooth was missing from one of
the gears located in the middle of the gear train.

Through correspondence with Dr. Clay I was informed that certain
mechanical components in this scope are in short supply, or simply are
not available at all.  It was therefore, with great anxiety and hope
that I phoned Meade Tech. Support today to talk about my problem.

My first contact with a tech rep. resulted in a complete disappointment
when I was told "your scope is not reparable", based on the tech. rep's
indication that a certain external stamp was not visible on the top
surface of the mount (a certain emblem stamped near the horizontal
locking lever), which from his experience, indicated a certain model

After that phone call, I further inspected for the emblem, and located
what I sensed was an indentation where such an emblem once might have
been, but was now missing.

With heightened spirits I phoned again to Meade, this time hooking up
with a pleasant tech rep named Elaine.  While Elaine seemed unaware of
the afore mentioned emblem, she helped me delve further to specifically
identify which vintage 125 I have.  Now, here is where my entire
scenario turned into a positive revelation.  All along in this episode,
including my correspondence with Dr. Clay, I have incorrectly identified
my ETX-125 as an EC model, when it actually turns out, by verification
of the numbers posted with the UTC code on the box, as a
125AT......(confusion was because the box is labeled as a ETX-125EC,
when in fact the guy I purchased it from told me he ordered it as an AT
model directly from Meade........ and now I recall that he mentioned
that it was delivered in a box identifying it as an EC model).  Now that
we squared away the fact that it is an AT model, it appears that Meade
is capable of affecting the necessary mechanical repairs.

So, here is what I am trying to say.  From my experience with this
failure on a late model ETX-125 (new in November of 2006), it would
appear that Meade is having difficulty servicing the ETX-125EC model
when it comes to mechanical failures.  Apparently they are okay with the
AT model, at least if I can believe they plan to repair and return my
scope within 4 to 5 weeks.

I hope this testimony will be advice to the wise when shopping for a
used ETX-125. It would pay to investigate exactly which model you have
(or are considering to purchase), and somehow confirm head of time that
your particular scope falls within the "repairable" category at Meade. 
The other significant lesson learned is that it might pay to invest in
the Meade Sky Assurance insurance program, provided you purchase it
within your one year warranty period of your scope.

My cost (since my scope is out of warranty, and I have no Sky Assurance
protection), is $165 ($150 for the repair and $15 for their return
shipping) plus $42 that it cost me to ship the scope to them.

I hope this information will benefit other present or future ETX-125
Mike Pilgrim
Boca Raton, Fl
PS.  With my stand-by little ETX-60 I had a great view of Saturn and
it's rings last night from south Florida.

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