![]() Last updated: 16 October 2007 |
This page is for user comments and information specific to the Meade ETX-125EC, ETX-125AT, and the ETX-125PE. Comments on accessories and feedback items appropriate to other ETX and DS models are posted on other pages. If you have any comments, suggestions, questions or answers to questions posed here, e-mail them to me and I'll post them. Please use an appropriate Subject Line on your message. Thanks.
Subject: FW: Problems with ETX-125 Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 07:55:54 From: Jimbo's Place (jamesmg@hotmail.com) I'm forwarding the following email to you to see if you can help me locate a part for my ETX-125EC. I sent the original to Dr. Clay but thought I'd also see if you can help. Regards; JimMike here: You could try Telescope Warehouse (link on the Astronomy Links page).![]()
----- To: drclay@tcworks.net Dr. Clay, I figured out what was wrong. One of the gears (pictured with red arrow) has three broken teeth. Likely broke off when the Q-tip got jammed in the gears. Thanks to excellent instructions on Mike Weasner's site, disassembly was a breeze. Here's my problem: I called Meade to order replacement parts, and they no longer stock or manufacture replacement gears or gearboxes for the EC. Any Idea where I could find this gear ? The Meade customer support person had no idea if other 125 AT/PE or other gearboxes had the same gears as the 125EC. Regards; Jim > From: drclay@tcworks.net > Hello Jim...there are no metal gears available from any source for the ETX drive > trains....the grinding is not a result of grease, but likely from a gear alignment > problem...did you check to see if the gearbox is secured firmly to both the base and to > the fork arm? If it is wobbly, it will not mesh.... > > Dr. Clay > ------------- > Arkansas Sky Observatories > Harvard MPC/ H43 (Conway) > Harvard MPC/ H41 (Petit Jean Mountain) > Harvard MPC/ H45 (Petit Jean Mtn. South) > http://www.arksky.org/ > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: 'Jimbo's Place' > Dr. Clay, > > I purchased a used ETX-125EC in July. Shortly after the purchase the ALT & AZ motors > began grinding and slipping. I uploaded the most current version of Autostar, then did > a reset, calibrate and drive training. However the grinding on both motors got worse. > I took a peek under the hood at the AZ motor gears and saw where there was way too much > grease applied to the gears. > > I used Q-tips to gently remove the unnecessary grease. I tried the motors, but the > slipping seemed to be as bad or even worse. Does your supercharge include replacing the > plastic gears with metal ones, along with degreasing ? > > If so, I'd like to get a supercharge done on my ETX-125EC as soon as your schedule > allows. Please advise; > > Sincerely; > > Jim Gemmel
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