Last updated: 10 March 2005

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Subject:	DSI DIY
Sent:	Monday, March 7, 2005 11:49:29
From:	Charles Washington (
To add to the fun and games with using a DSI on an ETX 125 I have made a
simple but effective modification. Using existing screw holes I made a
simple but rigid  bracket to move the finder over a tad and allow for
the USB cable to be plugged in. I intend to make another with a with a
more appealing shape and better workmanship but the idea is sound.

Regards Charles Washington   (UK) 




Start of today's update

10 Mar 05

Subject:	DSI- DIY
Sent:	Thursday, March 10, 2005 09:21:22
From:	Charles Washington (
Of the enclosed pixs no 19 shows the OTA in it's vertical position

and no 22 shows the new bracket when in this position, I think there is plenty of room for manoeuvre within these parameters.
Pic no 9 though shows the DSI mounted 180 degrees about so the USB socket points to the right on the ETX125 this leaves plenty of clearance between the viewfinder and DSI because the viewing tube on the DSI is offset A picture sent to me from Stephen Bird shows that this should also be a viable position for 90's & 105's. I have been having an email discussion with Stephen and one of the points that I raised was that in this reversed position the Autosuite control panel on the PC becomes invalid as far as direction and tracking is concerned. Upside down and back to front.
This begs a question is there a person using your site that has the ability and the inclination to write a software patch to correct this problem. This could be of tremendous benefit to existing and future ETX users. Kind regards Charles Washington (UK)
As a post script to my last email I feel that I should have clarified
what I meant by the Autosuite control panel.

The imaging program for the DSI is different from the LPI. In the DSI
program you can have control over the telescope direction and focusing
whilst using the imager.

Here are the relevant pages from the manual in case you have not had a
chance to catch sight of them.



Kind regards Charles And once again thanks for this truly great site and all your help.

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