![]() Last updated: 4 November 2007 |
This page documents Mintron Starlight imager comments, tips, and photos. Contributions welcome.
Subject: ETX70 M42, M1, N7000 + Comet Holmes Sent: Sunday, November 4, 2007 02:20:41 From: mgavin@ntlworld.com Hi Mike - always returning to your excellent site for tips and view the pics! Attached are some recent shots of M1, M42 and North America Neb [NGC 7000] and Comet Holmes via my marvellous ETX-70 and Starlight Xpress SXV_M9 CCD. NAM colored to match the red filter used! Same red filter suppresses the bluish outer coma of Comet Holmes. The EX-70+CCD ignores the horrendous light pollution here in SW London-England when typically stars to mag 3 can just be seen...so had a great summer and more ETX-70 pics on my homepage www.astroman.fsnet.co.uk/etx70mg.htm regards Maurice Gavin
Subject: DSO Images from an ETX Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 12:58:51 From: sdbodin@hotmail.com (Steve Bodin) I have enclosed a montage of DSO objects of the summer skies taken with an integrating video camera attached to my 4 inch Meade 107D SCT mounted on a modified ETX 70 mount. I call this an "ETX 102AT". All these images are a stack of 40 to 45 two second exposures processed with freeware Registax. All were taken with the mount tracking in the alt/az mode. The camera is a color version of the ' Stellacam" type, actually all these are made by the Mintron company in Taiwan. This model is retailed by Polarisusa.com in Atlanta as their model DX-8263SL, and a real deal , less than a quality eyepiece in price. I have an 8 SCT and a 17 DOB, and most of my DSO images are taken with the larger aperature, but I am impressed with just how deep a 4 inch can go, past 14th magnitude. The B/W cameras should get a magnitude or two more. This setup makes a fine travel scope, since it fits under an airline seat for those trips to the other hemisphere. I think that all the famous DSOs of the south could be captured easily with one of these video cameras attached to any ETX. All that is required is a VCR, and most new mini-DV camcorders have an external video-in port, so no computer required at the remote observing session. Steve Bodin Silverdale WA, USA
Subject: M 44 Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 10:46:58 From: r_shoesmith@madasafish.com (Richard Shoesmith) Further to the earlier images I sent you using the Mintron Starlight camera, here is a single image that I think gives a good impression of what this camera is capable of. I have a small B/W TV linked to the camera and this image is a single, un-touched digital photograph ( apart from cropping ) of the screen. Telescope ETX-70AT with Baader contrast filter on camera and taken through double-glazed porch window ( too windy to set up outside ). Best wishes and keep up the good work on a great site! Richard
Subject: Astrophotography M48 & M67 Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 14:02:23 From: r_shoesmith@madasafish.com (Richard Shoesmith) Please find attached two images I've just taken with my ETX70-AT using the Mintron 12V1-EX Starlight video camera. (www.mintron.co.uk for details). Not a perfect night, some very thin cloud cover, but the pics turned out not too bad. Each is a composite of ten frames captured and stacked using Astrovideo software and minimally adjusted using Paintshop Pro. The Mintron camera was set to full gain and x128 sensitivity. Best wishes, Richard A Shoesmith Kewing, Rendall, Orkney KW17 2HA
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