![]() Last updated: 26 February 2004 |
Subject: Missing plugin for starry night 3.x to connect etx Date: 2/24/04, 08:48 From: "Paul St. Amand" (pst@ksu.edu) This plugin (100KB StuffIt file) is required for controlling your ETX via Starry Night Pro version 3 for Mac OS 9. Note: the latest versions of Starry Night Pro for Mac OS X do NOT need a plugin. From the Starry Night web site: "InfoGenie. Robin Casady of Casady & Greene has produced plugins for the the Meade LX200 and ETX Autostar, Gemini GOTO and Astro-Physics GTO that includes features for interfacing Starry Night with C&G's InfoGenie personal information manager. See Casady & Greene's astronomy page to download these plugins." The web site pointed to, however, no longer exists. The plugin must be placed in the "Plug-ins (Mac)" folder found inside of the "Starry Night Pro Data" folder in order to work. The plugin allows your ETX to be controlled by Starry Night Pro and also allows Starry Night Pro to follow your ETX across the sky. Early versions of the plugin had some bugs, but this version, 2.5, seems to work fine. PaulMike here: This is posted as a service to Mac users. It is not meant to imply that Casady & Greene or their successors do not retain their copyright. The copyright remains theirs. No support is available for this plugin.
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