Last updated: 17 August 2007
Subject:	Geographic Locator for Autostar
Sent:	Friday, July 20, 2007 14:03:49
From:	Esther y Fernando (
Pardon by my English since it is not too good.
The system that I present to you is relatively simple. It consists of a
small microprocessor in charge of:

1. - To read plots NMEA of a GPS, and to extract the Hour information,
Length, Latitude and date.

2. - To read the information of a digital compass with resolution of
tenth of degree.

3. - To display in LCD, all this information.

4. - To update, via RS232, the internal information of the Autostar
(Date, Hour, Length and Latitude).

5. - To help to correctly position the tripod of the Telescope on the
basis of the information coming from the digital compass.

Way of operation:

Once connected the feeding of the device, display begins to show the
information of the GPS and the digital compass

We oriented the tripod towards the north and when information GPS is
correct, LED GPS OK, we pressed button UPDATE AUTOSTAR and in seconds,
the Autostar is formed, we can begin our session of

Originally, this thought for my telescope ETX-90 AT, but is easily
updatable for other types of telescopes.

All the materials used in the construction of this device, are recycled
or bought to low price reason why the cost very it is not elevated.

In the photos of down you can see the device mounted in the telescope
and working.

At the moment I am working to add the reading of a digital inclinometer
for a correct positioning of the telescope.

If you want more information, or to do some suggestion to me, you can
send an email to me a:
A greeting for all from Zaragoza, Spain   EXPO 2008



Subject:	Geographic Locator for Autostar V2 [NEW!]
Sent:	Wednesday, August 15, 2007 02:14:13
From:	Esther y Fernando (
This finished version 2.0 of Geographic Locator (PDF file) for Autostar.

In this version they are including the inclinometers to put at level the
tripod and the angle of latitude.

In the attached pdf the this all information of schemes, software, and
way of operation so that the one is constructed to it all that it wants

I would like that you included in your page Web.

A greeting from Spain .....
And good skies for all ......

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