Last updated: 8 February 2005

Homemade Cable #505

From: (richard seymour)
I am sorry to say that it is impossible (or very, very difficult)
to build a 506 cable for an ETX-60at  telescope.
The 506 cable contains active electronics, not simply wires.

If you have a 495 Autostar (with numeric keypad), then it
is easy to build a type 505 cable.

There are references under
showing how.  Look for "505" and  "cable".
And a list of pinouts is at the bottom of this message.

good luck

Autostar End of 505 connector cable -- rj10 (the smaller "Handset" size)

 +-----------+     1- Data TO Autostar
 |  1 2 3 4  |     2- Data FROM Autostar
 +---+   +---+     3- not used
     |___|         4- ground

Hole in Autostar   1- Astar Rcv: data -to- Autostar  (PC pin 3) (25/2)
 +-----------+     2- Astar Xmt: data -from- Autostar (PC pin 2) (25/3)
 |  4 3 2 1  |     3- not connected
 +---+   +---+     4- ground reference   (PC pin 5) (25/7)

PC Serial connector (pins)   2- data to PC,  3- data from PC, 5- ground
 \  1 2 3 4 5  /
  \  6 7 8 9  /

Looking at holes on end of 505 cable
  \ 5 4 3 2 1 /
   \ 9 8 7 6 /

Solder tails of db9 connector
 \  1 2 3 4 5  /
  \  6 7 8 9  /

This is what i consider the BEST drawing of how to wire the 505 rs232 
cable (from

power supply

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