
Last updated: 10 November 2001

Autostar database census

Sent:	Wednesday, August 8, 2001 21:00:26
From:	rseymour@wolfenet.com (richard seymour)
I've been digging into how v22eR operates, and one thing which
has fallen out as a consequence is a partial census of the
various facets of the database.

Meade's ads say that the Autostar has 
  "16,888 stars and 13,235 Deep Sky entries"
That may be... but i can't prove (or disprove) it 
 (i get a larger total for the Deep Sky).
They divide the non-user-object database into two broad categories:
 "Stars"  and "Deep Sky"  (i'm ignoring planets and constellations)

Then they have subcategories (Named, Messier) which are really
 indexes referring to entries in those two larger categories.

The categories i've found, and the number of entries for each, are:

Alignment/Named Stars: 79 entries. (even though other stars have names)
NGC: 7840 entries
IC:  5386 entries <-- if you add these two, you get 13226. 
Messier: 110 entries
Caldwell: 109 entries
Black Holes: 6
Quasars: 22      <-- add 22 to 13226, and you exceed 13,235. 
Clusters: 290
Planetary Nebulae: 38
Nebulae: 64
Galaxies: 166
Named Deep Sky objects: 134
Double/Multiple Stars: 728  <--- a very long list to scroll through!
Nearby Stars: 46
Variable Stars: 176
Stars with Planets: 36
Meteor Showers: 10
Solar Eclipses: 236
Lunar Eclipses: 240

There are (at least) 294 other Deep Sky things i haven't figured out
 yet, and they don't  indicate just how many entries are in their
   master Star database.. 
i'm happy to accept the "16,888" as believable.

The 79 stars under the Stars>Named scroll-list are -not- the only
stars which have names in the Autostar database.
Gamma Ursa Minor is a good example.  
It's SAO 8220, and can also be found under 
 Constellations > Ursa Minor > [enter][goto] [scroll down twice]
You're now seeing "Pherkad".  Press [enter] to select it so that
you can scroll through that star's data.

more as i find it... (and find a minute to abstract it)

Subject:	Autostar's Star database.. 
Sent:	Saturday, October 13, 2001 18:04:58
From:	rseymour@wolfenet.com (richard seymour)
During the period of the Autostar's existence, folks have been
 asking for listings of what's in there.  Here's some.

Attached is starbase.zip holding starbase.txt.  Only 83k unpacked.

It is a complete listing of -all- the stars contained in the
 Autostar's v22eR database.  

Much to my great surprise, there are only 943 in there.

I omitted from this listing the Class and Grouping entries.

The data in this chart are taken -from- the Autostar's star data.
 I didn't add anything, so oddnesses like 6553.5 LtYrs occur both
  here and there...
This edition finally gets the data -out- for others to play with.

have fun
 Autostar v22eR Star Database
 The Column headings are:
   SAO : the SAO number of this star
   RA  and  Dec : the coordinates as the Autostar knows them
                   (the Autostar maintains these as whole arcminutes)
   Grk : The Bayer designation, if it has one
   Con : the 3-letter abbreviated name of the constellation 
   Flags: a=align star, d=double star, n=nearby, p=with planets (see Mag)
   Name: The common name (all UPPERCASE indicates an alignment star)
   Mag : Magnitude, trailing v if variable
   dist: distance in light years (6553 is unknown or just odd)
   MultSep: If a multiple star, distance between (arc sec)(0=not multiple)
          (the "d" in the Flags column are those in the "Object>Star>Double" list)
   seq :  sequence nummber of star in list (hexadecimal)
   descr txt: "Yes" if the Autostar has a scrolling descriptive text
                for this object.
 found  79 alignment stars, 176 variables, 364 multiples,  23 nearby,  11 with planets

   sao      RA       Dec   Grk Con  Flags  Name            mag   dist  MultSep  Seq  descr txt
  73765   0:08:20   29 05' ALP AND  a    ALPHERATZ         2.0v  101.8  81.5     0  Yes 
  21133   0:09:08   59 08' BET CAS   d   Caph              2.2v   45.2  31.2     1  Yes 
 214983   0:09:24  -45 44' EPS PHE                         3.8    49.3   0.0     2      
  91781   0:13:12   15 11' GAM PEG  ad   ALGENIB           2.8v 1629.9 163.3     3  Yes 
 147169   0:14:36  -18 55'     CET                         4.4v  112.4   0.0     4  Yes 
 128694   0:19:24   -8 49' IOT CET   d   Deneb Kaitos She  3.5   250.7 108.8     5  Yes 
 248163   0:20:04  -64 52' ZET TUC                         4.2    24.3   0.0     6      
 255670   0:25:44  -77 15' BET HYI    n                    2.7    21.3   0.0     7  Yes 
 215093   0:26:16  -42 18' ALP PHE  a    ANKAA             2.3    93.1   0.1     8      
 215092   0:26:12  -43 40' KAP PHE                         3.9    45.2   0.0     9      
 248201   0:31:32  -62 57' BET TUC   d                     4.3   108.6  27.0     A  Yes 
  11256   0:33:00   62 55' KAP CAS                         4.1v 6553.5   0.0     B  Yes 
  21566   0:36:56   53 53' ZET CAS                         3.6   814.9   0.0     C  Yes 
  54033   0:36:52   33 43' PI  AND   d                     4.3  1086.6  35.2     D      
  74164   0:38:32   29 18' EPS AND                         4.3   105.1   0.0     E      
  54058   0:39:16   30 51' DEL AND   d                     3.2   116.4  28.7     F  Yes 
  21609   0:40:28   56 32' ALP CAS  ad   SHEDIR            2.2v  203.7  64.4    10  Yes 
 147420   0:43:32  -17 59' BET CET  a    DIPHDA            2.0    53.4   0.0    11  Yes 
 232162   0:43:20  -57 27' ETA PHE   d                     4.3    70.8  19.7    12      
  74267   0:47:20   24 16' ZET AND   d                     4.0v   88.1 162.6    13  Yes 
  21732   0:49:04   57 48' ETA CAS   dn  Achird            3.4    18.5  11.6    14  Yes 
 109471   0:48:20    5 16'                                 5.7    22.4 181.1    15      
 109474   0:48:40    7 35' DEL PSC   d                     4.4   171.5 113.3    16      
  11482   0:56:40   60 43' GAM CAS   d                     2.4v  203.7   2.2    17  Yes 
  54281   0:56:44   38 29' MU  AND   d                     3.8    83.5 266.7    18  Yes 
  74388   0:57:12   23 25' ETA AND   d                     4.4   362.2 131.6    19      
 166716   0:58:36  -29 21' ALP SCL                         4.3  6553.5   0.0    1A  Yes 
    181   1:08:44   86 15'                                 4.2  6553.5   0.0    1B      
 109627   1:02:56    7 53' EPS PSC                         4.2   120.7   0.2    1C  Yes 
  22024   1:08:16   54 55' MU  CAS       Marfak            5.1    23.9 190.5    1D  Yes 
 215365   1:06:04  -46 43' BET PHE                         3.3   155.2   1.0    1E      
 147632   1:08:32  -10 10' ETA CET   d   Dheneb            3.4    79.5 233.5    1F      
  36972   1:09:28   47 14' PHI AND                         4.2  1086.6   0.4    20  Yes 
  54471   1:09:40   35 37' BET AND  ad   MIRACH            2.0    66.5  80.4    21      
 232306   1:08:20  -55 14' ZET PHE   d                     3.9v  250.7   6.5    22  Yes 
  22070   1:11:04   55 08' THE CAS   d   Marfak            4.3   232.8 145.6    23  Yes 
 109739   1:13:40    7 34' ZET PSC                         5.2   125.3   0.1    24  Yes 
 129274   1:24:00   -8 11' THE CET   d                     3.5    79.5  65.4    25  Yes 
  22268   1:25:48   60 14' DEL CAS   d   Ruchbah           2.6v   88.1 131.6    26  Yes 
    308   2:31:48   89 15' ALP UMI  ad   POLARIS           2.0v  465.7  18.3    27  Yes 
 215516   1:28:20  -43 19' GAM PHE                         3.4v 6553.5   0.0    28  Yes 
  92484   1:31:28   15 20' ETA PSC                         3.6   217.3   0.8    29  Yes 
 215536   1:31:12  -49 04' DEL PHE                         3.9   105.1   0.0    2A      
  37362   1:36:44   41 24' UPS AND   d                     4.0    52.5 114.0    2B  Yes 
  37375   1:37:56   48 37'     AND                         3.5   155.2   0.0    2C      
 232481   1:37:40  -57 14' ALP ERI  a    ACHERNAR          0.4   125.3   0.0    2D  Yes 
 232492   1:39:44  -56 11'                                 5.8    21.4  10.8    2E  Yes 
 232490   1:39:44  -56 11'                                 5.7    21.4  10.8    2F  Yes 
 110065   1:41:24    5 29' NU  PSC                         4.4    79.5   0.0    30      
  74883   1:42:28   20 16'     PSC                         5.2    27.3  19.0    31      
  22554   1:43:36   50 41' PHI PER                         4.0v  130.3   0.0    32  Yes 
 147986   1:44:04  -15 56' TAU CET   dn                    3.5    11.8  89.8    33      
 110110   1:45:20    9 09' OMI PSC       Torcularis Septe  4.2   141.7   0.0    34      
 148059   1:51:24  -10 20' ZET CET   d   Baten Kaitos      3.7   105.1 187.0    35  Yes 
  12031   1:54:20   63 40' EPS CAS                         3.3   326.0   0.0    36      
  74996   1:53:04   29 34' ALP TRI   d   Metallah          3.4    57.1 222.3    37      
  75012   1:54:36   20 48' BET ARI       Sharatan          2.6    44.0   0.0    38  Yes 
 215696   1:53:36  -46 18' PSI PHE                         4.4v  296.3   0.0    39  Yes 
 232573   1:55:56  -51 36' CHI ERI   d                     3.7    56.2   4.8    3A  Yes 
   4560   2:03:24   72 25'     CAS                         3.9  6553.5   0.0    3B      
 167471   2:00:00  -21 04' UPS CET                         4.0   465.7   0.0    3C      
 248474   1:58:44  -61 34' ALP HYI                         2.8    67.9   0.0    3D      
      0   2:02:00    2 45' ALP PSC                         5.2   652.0   2.0    3E  Yes 
 110291   2:02:00    2 45' ALP PSC   d   Alrisha           4.3   652.0   4.0    3F  Yes 
  37734   2:03:52   42 19' GAM AND  ad   ALMAAK            2.2   250.7   9.6    40  Yes 
  75151   2:07:08   23 27' ALP ARI  a    HAMAL             2.0    66.5   0.0    41  Yes 
  55306   2:09:32   34 59' BET TRI                         3.0   148.1   0.0    42      
 232658   2:10:24  -50 49'                                 6.1    36.2   0.0    43      
 110408   2:13:00    8 50' XI  CET                         4.3   148.1   0.0    44  Yes 
  55427   2:17:16   33 50' GAM TRI                         4.0    83.5   0.0    45      
 232696   2:16:28  -51 30' PHI ERI   d                     3.5  6553.5  87.5    46  Yes 
 129825   2:19:20   -2 58' OMI CET  ad   MIRA              3.0v  135.8 118.6    47  Yes 
 248545   2:21:44  -68 39' DEL HYI                         4.0    65.1   0.0    48      
 110543   2:28:08    8 27' XI  CET                         4.2   108.6   0.0    49      
 215906   2:26:56  -47 42' KAP ERI                         4.2  6553.5   0.0    4A      
 110636   2:36:04    6 53'                                 5.8    22.1   2.5    4B  Yes 
 110665   2:39:28    0 19' DEL CET                         4.0v 3259.9   0.0    4C  Yes 
 215999   2:40:40  -39 51' IOT ERI                         4.1    85.7   0.0    4D      
  38288   2:44:12   49 13' THE PER   d                     4.1    42.3  19.6    4E  Yes 
 110707   2:43:16    3 14' GAM CET   d   Kaffaljidhma      3.4    62.6   2.7    4F  Yes 
 248621   2:39:32  -68 16' EPS HYI                         4.1  6553.5   0.0    50      
 148575   2:44:04  -13 51' PI  CET                         4.2  6553.5   0.0    51      
 110723   2:44:56   10 06' MU  CET                         4.2    70.8   0.1    52  Yes 
 148584   2:45:04  -18 34' TAU ERI                         4.4    45.2   0.0    53      
  23655   2:50:40   55 53' ETA PER   d   Miram in Becvar   3.7   543.3  28.2    54  Yes 
  75596   2:49:56   27 15'     ARI   d                     3.6    95.8 124.9    55  Yes 
  55928   2:50:32   38 19'     PER   d                     4.2   135.8 249.3    56  Yes 
 193931   2:49:04  -32 24' BET FOR   d                     4.4   125.3   4.6    57      
  23685   2:54:12   52 45' TAU PER   d                     3.9v  171.5  51.7    58  Yes 
 148647   2:52:32  -12 46'                                 6.0    26.9   0.0    59      
      0   2:53:52  -49 53'                                 4.0v  250.7   0.0    5A  Yes 
 130197   2:56:24   -8 53' ETA ERI       Azha              3.8    98.7   0.0    5B      
 216113   2:58:12  -40 18' THE ERI  ad   ACAMAR            3.2    93.1   8.3    5C  Yes 
 216114   2:58:16  -40 18' THE ERI   d                     4.3    93.1   8.3    5D      
 110920   3:02:16    4 05' ALP CET  a    MENKAR            2.5v  362.2   0.0    5E  Yes 
  23789   3:04:44   53 30' GAM PER   d                     2.9   203.7  57.0    5F  Yes 
 168249   3:02:20  -23 37' TAU ERI                         4.0    55.2   0.0    60      
  56138   3:05:08   38 50' RHO PER       Gorgonea Tertia   3.3v  296.3   0.0    61  Yes 
  38592   3:08:08   40 57' BET PER  ad   ALGOL             2.1v   72.4  81.9    62  Yes 
  38597   3:09:04   49 36' IOT PER   d                     4.0    38.8 146.1    63      
  38609   3:09:28   44 51' KAP PER   d                     3.7    98.7  27.7    64  Yes 
  93328   3:11:36   19 43' DEL ARI       Botein            4.3   120.7   0.0    65      
 168373   3:12:04  -28 59' ALP FOR   d   Fornacis          3.8    43.4   3.5    66  Yes 
  75871   3:20:20   29 02'                                 4.4   407.4   0.0    67      
 168460   3:19:28  -21 45' TAU ERI   d                     3.6v  250.7   5.5    68  Yes 
 216263   3:19:52  -43 04'            n                    4.2    20.8   0.0    69      
  38787   3:24:16   49 51' ALP PER  ad   MIRPHAK           1.7   203.7 167.0    6A      
 111172   3:24:48    9 01' OMI TAU                         3.5   203.7   0.0    6B      
  24054   3:29:04   59 56'           d                     4.2  6553.5   2.4    6C  Yes 
 111195   3:27:08    9 43' XI  TAU                         3.7   191.7   0.0    6D      
  38890   3:30:32   47 59' SIG PER                         4.3   814.9   0.0    6E      
  93469   3:30:52   12 56'     TAU                         4.1   271.6   0.0    6F      
 130564   3:32:52   -9 27' EPS ERI    n                    3.7    10.7   2.0    70  Yes 
  38980   3:36:28   48 11' PSI PER                         4.2v 6553.5   0.0    71  Yes 
 168634   3:33:44  -21 37' TAU ERI                         4.2  6553.5   0.0    72      
 111292   3:36:52    0 24'     TAU   d                     4.2    60.3 396.0    73  Yes 
  39053   3:42:52   47 47' DEL PER   d                     3.0v  203.7  99.0    74  Yes 
  56673   3:44:16   32 17' OMI PER       Atik              3.8v  141.7   1.0    75  Yes 
  39078   3:45:08   42 34' NU  PER   d                     3.7   163.0  31.3    76      
 130686   3:43:12   -9 45' DEL ERI    n                    3.5v   29.9   0.0    77  Yes 
  76131   3:44:52   24 06'     TAU       Electra           3.7   163.0   0.0    78  Yes 
  76140   3:45:12   24 28'     TAU       Taygeta           4.3  6553.5   0.0    79  Yes 
  76155   3:45:48   24 22'     TAU       Maia              3.8  6553.5   0.0    7A  Yes 
  12916   3:49:28   65 31'                                 4.4v  232.8   0.0    7B  Yes 
  76172   3:46:16   23 56'     TAU     p Merope            4.1v 6553.5   0.0    7C  Yes 
 149158   3:46:08  -12 06' PI  ERI                         4.4v 6553.5   0.0    7D  Yes 
  76199   3:47:28   24 06' ETA TAU  a    ALCYONE           2.8   407.4   0.0    7E  Yes 
 168827   3:46:48  -23 14' TAU ERI                         4.2    55.2   0.0    7F      
 248877   3:44:12  -64 48' BET RET   d                     3.8    77.61480.0    80      
  76228   3:49:08   24 03'     TAU       Atlas             3.6   125.3   0.0    81  Yes 
 194559   3:49:24  -36 12'                                 4.1   130.3   0.0    82      
  56799   3:54:04   31 53' ZET PER   d                     2.8   326.0  12.8    83  Yes 
 256029   3:47:12  -74 14' GAM HYI                         3.2   652.0   0.0    84      
  56840   3:57:48   40 00' EPS PER   d                     2.8v  362.2   8.8    85  Yes 
  56856   3:58:56   35 47' XI  PER       Menkib            4.0v  814.9   0.0    86  Yes 
 149283   3:58:00  -13 30' GAM ERI   d   Zaurak            2.9v  326.0  52.7    87  Yes 
  93719   4:00:40   12 29' LAM TAU                         3.4v 1629.9   0.0    88  Yes 
 111579   4:03:08    5 59' NU  TAU                         3.9   108.6   0.0    89      
  76430   4:04:40   22 04'     TAU   d                     4.3   250.7 137.1    8A      
  24412   4:06:32   50 21' LAM PER                         4.2  6553.5   0.0    8B      
  39336   4:08:36   47 42'     PER                         4.0v  163.0   0.0    8C  Yes 
 131019   4:11:48   -6 50' OMI ERI       Beid              4.0v   98.7   0.0    8D  Yes 
  39404   4:14:52   48 24' MU  PER   d                     4.1   191.7  83.8    8E  Yes 
 111696   4:15:32    8 53' MU  TAU                         4.2  6553.5   0.0    8F      
 131063   4:15:16   -7 39' OMI ERI   dn  Keid              4.4v   15.5  83.4    90  Yes 
 216710   4:14:00  -42 17' ALP HOR     p                   3.8   125.3   0.0    91      
 248969   4:14:24  -62 28' ALP RET   d                     3.3   250.7  48.5    92      
 233457   4:16:00  -51 29' GAM DOR                         4.2v   53.4   0.0    93  Yes 
  93868   4:19:44   15 37' GAM TAU       Hyadum I          3.6   116.4   0.0    94  Yes 
 194902   4:17:52  -33 47' UPS ERI                         3.5  6553.5   0.2    95  Yes 
 233463   4:16:28  -59 18' EPS RET   d                     4.4    48.6  13.8    96      
  93897   4:22:56   17 32' DEL TAU   d   Hyadum II         3.7   155.2 109.5    97  Yes 
  76601   4:25:20   22 17' KAP TAU                         4.2   130.3   0.1    98  Yes 
  93923   4:25:28   17 55' DEL TAU                         4.2v  171.5   1.5    99  Yes 
  76608   4:26:16   22 48' UPS TAU       Some sources cal  4.2v   90.5   0.0    9A  Yes 
 194984   4:24:00  -34 01'     ERI                         3.9   407.4   0.0    9B      
  93932   4:26:20   15 37'     TAU                         4.4v  465.7   0.1    9C      
  93954   4:28:36   19 10' EPS TAU   d   Ain               3.5   163.0 181.6    9D      
  93955   4:28:32   15 57' THE TAU   d                     3.8    85.7 337.3    9E  Yes 
  93957   4:28:36   15 52' THE TAU   d                     3.4v  112.4 337.3    9F  Yes 
  39639   4:36:40   41 15'     PER                         4.2   203.7   0.1    A0  Yes 
  94027   4:35:52   16 30' ALP TAU  ad   ALDEBARAN         0.8v   67.9 121.6    A1  Yes 
  94026   4:35:36   10 09'     TAU   d                     4.2    90.5  69.6    A2  Yes 
 131346   4:36:16   -3 21' NU  ERI   d                     3.9v 6553.5  50.9    A3  Yes 
 195148   4:35:32  -30 33' UPS ERI       Eri               3.8   232.8   0.0    A4      
 233564   4:33:56  -55 02' ALP DOR                         3.2v  181.1   0.2    A5  Yes 
  94044   4:38:08   12 30'     TAU   d                     4.2   135.8 119.8    A6      
 149781   4:38:08  -14 18'     ERI       Sceptrum          3.8    74.0   0.8    A7      
 149818   4:40:24  -19 40'     ERI                         4.3v  407.4   0.1    A8  Yes 
  76721   4:42:12   22 57' TAU TAU                         4.2   191.7   0.1    A9  Yes 
 216926   4:40:32  -41 51' ALP CAE   d p                   4.4    72.4   6.5    AA  Yes 
 131468   4:45:28   -3 15' MU  ERI                         4.0  6553.5   0.0    AB      
  13298   4:54:00   66 20' ALP CAM                         4.2  1629.9   0.0    AC      
 112106   4:49:48    6 57' PI  ORI   dn                    3.1    26.0  94.5    AD  Yes 
 112124   4:50:36    8 54' PI  ORI                         4.3    90.5   0.0    AE      
 112142   4:51:12    5 36' PI  ORI                         3.6  3259.9   0.0    AF      
 131568   4:52:52   -5 27' OME ERI                         4.3   250.7   0.0    B0      
 112197   4:54:12    2 26' PI  ORI                         3.7v 1086.6   0.0    B1  Yes 
  24929   4:57:16   53 45'     CAM                         4.4  6553.5   0.4    B2      
  57522   4:56:56   33 09' IOT AUR       Hassaleh in Becv  2.6   155.2   0.0    B3  Yes 
  94218   4:56:20   13 30' OMI ORI   d                     4.0   171.5 100.4    B4      
 112281   4:58:32    1 42' PI  ORI                         4.4   181.1   0.0    B5      
  13351   5:03:24   60 26' BET CAM   d                     4.0   362.2  80.8    B6      
  39955   5:01:56   43 49' EPS AUR   d   Al Anz            2.9v  465.7 207.6    B7  Yes 
  39966   5:02:28   41 04' ZET AUR       Haedi             3.7v  652.0   0.0    B8  Yes 
 131688   5:00:48   -5 45'                                 6.2    29.6   0.0    B9      
  40026   5:06:28   41 14' ETA AUR       Hoedus II         3.1   148.1   0.0    BA  Yes 
 170051   5:05:24  -22 22' EPS LEP                         3.1   296.3   0.0    BB      
 131794   5:07:48   -5 05' BET ERI   d   Cursa             2.7    65.1 116.6    BC      
 131824   5:09:08   -8 45' LAM ERI                         4.2v 1086.6   0.0    BD  Yes 
 150223   5:12:16  -11 52' IOT LEP   d                     4.4  6553.5  12.6    BE  Yes 
 112528   5:13:16    2 51' RHO ORI   d                     4.4   326.0   6.9    BF      
 150237   5:12:52  -16 12' MU  LEP                         3.3v  141.7   0.0    C0  Yes 
 150239   5:13:12  -12 56' KAP LEP   d                     4.3    95.8   2.5    C1      
  40186   5:16:40   45 59' ALP AUR  a    CAPELLA           0.0    44.6   0.0    C2  Yes 
 131907   5:14:32   -8 12' BET ORI  ad   RIGEL             0.1   250.7   9.5    C3  Yes 
 131952   5:17:36   -6 50' TAU ORI   d                     3.5   543.3  36.0    C4      
 150340   5:19:32  -13 10' LAM LEP                         4.2  6553.5   0.0    C5      
 132067   5:23:56   -7 48'     ORI                         4.1   296.3   0.0    C6      
 132071   5:24:28   -2 23' ETA ORI                         3.3v  465.7   1.5    C7  Yes 
 112740   5:25:04    6 20' GAM ORI  ad   BELLATRIX         1.6   112.4 179.0    C8      
  77168   5:26:16   28 36' BET TAU  ad   ALNATH            1.6   116.4  33.4    C9      
 170457   5:28:12  -20 45' BET LEP  ad   NIHAL             2.8   163.0   2.5    CA  Yes 
 112849   5:30:44    5 56'     ORI                         4.1   652.0   0.8    CB  Yes 
  94628   5:32:12   18 35'     TAU                         4.3v 1629.9   0.0    CC  Yes 
 132220   5:32:00    0 17' DEL ORI  ad   MINTAKA           2.2v  232.8  51.7    CD  Yes 
 195924   5:31:12  -35 28' EPS COL                         3.8   407.4   0.0    CE      
 150547   5:32:40  -17 49' ALP LEP  ad   ARNEB             2.5   465.7  35.7    CF      
 112914   5:34:48    9 29' PHI ORI                         4.4  6553.5   0.0    D0      
 112921   5:35:08    9 56' LAM ORI   d   Meissa            3.5   465.7   4.4    D1  Yes 
 132323   5:35:24   -5 54' IOT ORI   d   Nair al Saif      2.7   130.3  11.3    D2  Yes 
 132346   5:36:12   -1 12' EPS ORI  ad   ALNILAM           1.7v 1629.9 179.8    D3  Yes 
 112958   5:36:52    9 17' PHI ORI                         4.0   108.6   0.0    D4      
  77336   5:37:36   21 08' ZET TAU                         3.0v  407.4   0.0    D5  Yes 
 249311   5:33:36  -62 29' BET DOR                         3.7v  271.6   0.0    D6  Yes 
 132406   5:38:44   -2 36' SIG ORI                         3.8   465.7   0.2    D7  Yes 
 132444   5:40:44   -1 56' ZET ORI  ad   ALNITAK           2.0   135.8   2.4    D8  Yes 
      0   5:40:44   -1 56' ZET ORI   d                     4.2   135.8   2.4    D9  Yes 
 196059   5:39:36  -34 04' ALP COL   d   Phaet             2.6  3259.9  13.5    DA  Yes 
 170757   5:44:24  -22 25'                                 6.1    25.4  96.5    DB  Yes 
 170759   5:44:24  -22 26' GAM LEP   dn                    3.5    25.4  96.5    DC      
 150801   5:46:56  -14 49' ZET LEP                         3.5    66.5   0.0    DD      
 132542   5:47:44   -9 40' KAP ORI  a    SAIPH             2.0   217.3   0.0    DE      
  58502   5:51:28   39 08' NU  AUR   d                     3.9   191.7  54.5    DF  Yes 
 249346   5:44:44  -65 44' DEL DOR                         4.3   120.7   0.0    E0      
 234134   5:47:16  -51 03' BET PIC                         3.8    53.4   0.0    E1      
 170926   5:51:16  -20 52' DEL LEP                         3.8   148.1   0.0    E2      
 196240   5:50:56  -35 46' BET COL       Wezn              3.1   141.7   0.0    E3      
  77705   5:54:20   20 16' CHI ORI                         4.4    31.3   0.6    E4  Yes 
 113271   5:55:08    7 24' ALP ORI  ad   BETELGEUSE        0.5v  652.0 174.3    E5  Yes 
  25502   5:59:28   54 17' DEL AUR   d                     3.7   148.1 115.4    E6      
 150957   5:56:24  -14 10' ETA LEP                         3.7    49.3   0.0    E7      
  40750   5:59:28   44 56' BET AUR   d   Menkalinan        1.8v   79.5 184.6    E8  Yes 
  40756   5:59:56   45 56' PI  AUR                         4.2v 1086.6   0.0    E9  Yes 
  58636   5:59:40   37 12' THE AUR   d                     2.6v  148.1   3.5    EA  Yes 
 196352   5:57:32  -35 17' GAM COL   d                     4.3  6553.5  33.7    EB      
 217650   5:59:08  -42 48' ETA COL                         3.9   171.5   0.0    EC      
 113389   6:02:20    9 38' MU  ORI                         4.1   116.4   0.3    ED  Yes 
  77915   6:04:04   23 15'     GEM       Propus            4.1   105.1   0.2    EE  Yes 
  95259   6:07:32   14 46' NU  ORI                         4.4   101.8   0.0    EF      
  95362   6:11:56   14 12' XI  ORI   d                     4.4  3259.9  40.0    F0      
  78135   6:14:52   22 30' ETA GEM       Propus            3.2v  232.8   0.0    F1  Yes 
  78143   6:15:20   29 29' KAP AUR                         4.3   181.1   0.0    F2      
 133012   6:14:48   -6 16' GAM MON   d                     3.9   250.7  51.4    F3      
  25665   6:19:36   59 00'     LYN                         4.4v   93.1   0.0    F4  Yes 
 196643   6:16:32  -35 08' KAP COL                         4.3   130.3   0.0    F5  Yes 
 256274   6:10:12  -74 45' ALP MEN                         5.0    28.3   0.0    F6      
 196698   6:20:16  -30 03' ZET CMA   d   Furud             3.0   814.9 175.5    F7  Yes 
  78297   6:22:56   22 30' MU  GEM   d   Tejat Posterior   2.8v  163.0 121.6    F8  Yes 
 151428   6:22:40  -17 57' BET CMA   d   Murzim            1.9v  171.5 185.8    F9  Yes 
 196735   6:22:04  -33 26' DEL COL                         3.8   171.5   0.0    FA      
 113810   6:23:44    4 35' EPS MON   d                     4.4   130.3  12.8    FB      
 234480   6:23:56  -52 41' ALP CAR  a    CANOPUS          -0.8   116.4   0.0    FC  Yes 
  78423   6:28:56   20 12' NU  GEM                         4.1   362.2   0.2    FD  Yes 
 133316   6:28:48   -7 01' BET MON     p                   4.5   155.2   7.0    FE  Yes 
 196857   6:28:08  -32 34' LAM CMA                         4.4   250.7   0.0    FF      
 171895   6:31:48  -23 25' XI  CMA   d                     4.3v 6553.5  24.6   100  Yes 
  95912   6:37:40   16 23' GAM GEM  ad   ALHENA            1.9    98.7 143.5   101  Yes 
 151702   6:36:40  -19 15' NU  CMA                         3.9    56.2   0.0   102      
 234589   6:34:56  -52 58'                                 4.3  6553.5   0.0   103      
 151730   6:37:52  -18 14' NU  CMA                         4.4   250.7   0.0   104      
 218071   6:37:44  -43 11' NU  PUP                         3.1  6553.5   0.0   105  Yes 
  78682   6:43:52   25 07' EPS GEM   d   Mebsuta           2.9   191.7 110.3   106  Yes 
  96051   6:43:56   13 13'     GEM   d                     4.4   465.7  27.2   107  Yes 
  96074   6:45:16   12 53' XI  GEM       Alzirr            3.3    59.2   0.0   108  Yes 
 151881   6:45:08  -16 42' ALP CMA  adn  SIRIUS           -1.5     8.6  11.1   109  Yes 
 114428   6:47:48    2 24'     MON                         4.4   191.7   0.0   10A      
 197258   6:49:48  -32 30' KAP CMA                         3.9v 6553.5   0.0   10B  Yes 
  59570   6:52:44   33 57' THE GEM   d                     3.5   155.2  78.6   10C      
 249647   6:48:08  -61 56' ALP PIC                         3.2    62.6   0.0   10D      
 234735   6:49:56  -50 36' TAU PUP                         2.9  6553.5   0.0   10E      
 234737   6:49:48  -53 37'                                 4.4v  130.3   0.0   10F  Yes 
  26051   6:57:16   58 25'     LYN                         4.3   232.8   0.8   110  Yes 
 152071   6:54:08  -12 02' THE CMA                         4.0   148.1   0.0   111      
 172542   6:54:04  -24 11' OMI CMA                         3.8v 1629.9   0.0   112  Yes 
 152126   6:56:08  -17 03' IOT CMA                         4.3v  652.0   0.0   113  Yes 
 172676   6:58:36  -28 58' EPS CMA  ad   ADARA             1.5  3259.9   7.5   114  Yes 
 172797   7:01:40  -27 56' SIG CMA   d                     3.4v  135.8  10.0   115  Yes 
  79031   7:04:04   20 34' ZET GEM       Mekbuda           3.7v  543.3   0.1   116  Yes 
 172839   7:03:00  -23 50' OMI CMA                         3.0  6553.5   0.0   117  Yes 
 152303   7:03:44  -15 38' GAM CMA       Muliphen          4.1  6553.5   0.0   118      
 173047   7:08:20  -26 23' DEL CMA       Wezen             1.8   296.3   0.0   119      
  59858   7:11:08   30 14' TAU GEM                         4.4   465.7   1.8   11A  Yes 
 134330   7:11:48    0 29' DEL MON   d                     4.1   203.7  32.0   11B      
 256374   7:08:44  -70 29' GAM VOL   d                     3.7   203.7  13.6   11C  Yes 
 218537   7:12:32  -46 45'                                 4.4v   67.9   0.0   11D  Yes 
 173282   7:14:48  -26 46' OME CMA                         3.8v 6553.5   0.0   11E  Yes 
  96746   7:18:04   16 32' LAM GEM                         3.5    69.3   0.0   11F  Yes 
 197795   7:17:08  -37 05' PI  PUP   d                     2.7   101.8  69.1   120      
  79294   7:20:04   21 58' DEL GEM       Wasat             3.5    53.4   0.2   121  Yes 
 173446   7:18:40  -24 57' TAU CMA                         4.4  6553.5   0.2   122  Yes 
 249809   7:16:48  -67 57' DEL VOL                         3.9   814.9   0.0   123      
  79374   7:25:40   27 47' IOT GEM       Propus            3.7   101.8   0.0   124      
 173651   7:24:04  -29 18' ETA CMA   d   Aludra            2.4  6553.5 178.6   125  Yes 
 115456   7:27:08    8 17' BET CMI   d   Gomeisa           2.9v  171.5 138.6   126  Yes 
  60118   7:29:04   31 47' RHO GEM   d                     4.1    52.5 220.3   127  Yes 
 115478   7:28:08    8 55' GAM CMI   d                     4.3   171.5 130.0   128      
 218755   7:29:12  -43 18' SIG PUP   d                     3.2   163.0  22.2   129  Yes 
      0   7:34:36   31 53'                                 2.8    48.6   2.0   12A  Yes 
  60198   7:34:36   31 53' ALP GEM  a    CASTOR            1.9v   48.6   2.0   12B  Yes 
  79533   7:35:52   26 53' UPS GEM   d                     4.0   232.8  46.0   12C      
 174009   7:34:00  -22 17'                                 4.4    60.3   0.0   12D      
 115756   7:39:16    5 13' ALP CMI  adn  PROCYON           0.3    11.3   4.5   12E  Yes 
 134986   7:41:12   -9 33' ALP MON                         3.9   135.8   0.0   12F      
  79638   7:43:16   28 53' SIG GEM   d                     4.2v  181.1 182.1   130  Yes 
  79653   7:44:24   24 23' KAP GEM   d                     3.5   125.3   7.0   131      
  79666   7:45:16   28 01' BET GEM  ad   POLLUX            1.1    34.6 201.1   132  Yes 
 174400   7:43:48  -28 57'     PUP                         3.9  6553.5   0.0   133  Yes 
 198398   7:45:12  -37 58'                                 3.6   543.3   0.0   134      
 256438   7:41:48  -72 36' ZET VOL   d                     3.9   191.7  16.7   135      
 174601   7:49:16  -24 51' XI  PUP   d   Azmidiske         3.3  1086.6   5.0   136      
 219035   7:49:12  -46 22'           d                     4.1  6553.5  59.2   137  Yes 
 219082   7:52:12  -40 34'               a Puppis          3.7   105.1   0.0   138      
 198545   7:52:36  -38 51'                                 4.4v  271.6   0.0   139  Yes 
 219111   7:53:16  -48 06'             p                   4.2  6553.5   0.0   13A      
 174852   7:56:48  -22 52'     PUP                         4.1   141.7   0.0   13B      
 235635   7:56:44  -52 58' CHI CAR                         3.4v  814.9   0.0   13C  Yes 
 219226   7:58:12  -49 14'           d                     4.4v 6553.5  39.2   13D  Yes 
 116260   8:02:12    2 20'           d                     4.3   135.8 241.3   13E      
 198752   8:03:32  -40 00' ZET PUP       Naos              2.2  6553.5   0.0   13F  Yes 
 175217   8:07:32  -24 18' RHO PUP   d                     2.8v   93.1  29.6   140  Yes 
 135551   8:08:32   -2 59' ZET MON   d                     4.3  1086.6  66.0   141  Yes 
 153890   8:09:00  -19 14'     PUP                         4.4  6553.5   0.0   142      
 219501   8:09:28  -47 20' GAM VEL   d                     4.2  6553.5  41.2   143  Yes 
 219504   8:09:32  -47 20' GAM VEL   d   Suhail al Muhlif  1.7v  191.7  41.2   144  Yes 
 250128   8:07:52  -68 37' EPS VOL   d                     4.3  6553.5   6.0   145      
 198908   8:11:20  -39 37'                                 4.4v  543.3   0.0   146      
 219635   8:14:00  -40 20'           d                     4.4   326.0  51.0   147      
 116569   8:16:28    9 11' BET CNC   d   Altarf            3.5   271.6  29.2   148  Yes 
 199070   8:18:32  -36 39'                                 4.4    57.1   0.0   149      
  42319   8:22:48   43 11'     LYN       Alsciaukat        4.2   141.7   0.0   14A      
 235932   8:22:28  -59 30' EPS CAR       Avior             1.8  6553.5   0.0   14B  Yes 
 135896   8:25:36   -3 54'                                 3.9   125.3   0.0   14C      
 256496   8:18:28  -76 55' ALP CHA                         4.0    61.5   0.0   14D      
  14573   8:30:12   60 43' OMI UMA   d   Muscida           3.3   362.2 143.0   14E  Yes 
 256503   8:20:36  -77 29' THE CHA   d                     4.3    90.5  31.0   14F      
 250228   8:25:44  -66 08' BET VOL                         3.7    77.6   0.0   150      
 116965   8:37:36    5 42' DEL HYA   d                     4.1    98.7 243.6   151      
 116988   8:38:44    3 20' SIG HYA       Al Minliar al Sh  4.4    93.1   0.0   152      
 220204   8:37:36  -42 59'                                 4.1   181.1   0.0   153      
 199490   8:40:04  -35 18' BET PYX   d                     3.9   181.1  12.6   154      
 220265   8:40:36  -46 38'           d                     3.8   105.1  37.5   155      
 236164   8:40:16  -52 55' OMI VEL                         3.6v 6553.5   0.0   156  Yes 
 117050   8:43:12    3 23' ETA HYA                         4.3v 6553.5   0.0   157  Yes 
 236181   8:40:36  -59 45'           d                     4.3v 6553.5  15.6   158  Yes 
  98087   8:44:40   18 09' DEL CNC   d   Asellus Australi  3.9   130.3  38.4   159  Yes 
 199546   8:43:32  -33 11' ALP PYX                         3.6  6553.5   0.0   15A      
  80416   8:46:40   28 45' IOT CNC   d                     4.0   191.7  30.3   15B  Yes 
 220371   8:44:24  -42 38'           d                     4.0    63.9  45.2   15C      
 117112   8:46:44    6 25' EPS HYA                         3.3v  120.7   0.2   15D  Yes 
 154622   8:46:20  -13 32'     HYA   d                     4.3   250.7  19.8   15E      
 236232   8:44:40  -54 42' DEL VEL   d                     1.9    63.9   2.2   15F      
 220422   8:46:00  -46 02'                                 3.9  1086.6   0.0   160      
 117146   8:48:24    5 50' RHO HYA   d                     4.3   232.8  12.3   161  Yes 
 236268   8:46:40  -56 46'                                 4.4v 6553.5   0.0   162  Yes 
 176559   8:50:28  -27 42' GAM PYX     p                   4.0    98.7   0.0   163      
  80478   8:52:32   28 19' RHO CNC                         5.9    44.0  85.0   164  Yes 
 117264   8:55:20    5 56' ZET HYA                         3.1    93.1   0.0   165      
  42630   8:59:12   48 02' IOT UMA   d   Talitha           3.1    43.4   3.9   166  Yes 
 250374   8:55:00  -60 38'           d                     3.8  6553.5  21.1   167      
  98267   8:58:28   11 51' ALP CNC       Acubens           4.2   135.8   0.1   168      
  42642   9:00:36   41 46'                                 3.9    46.5   0.3   169  Yes 
 220730   9:00:04  -41 15'                                 4.4   108.6   0.0   16A      
  42661   9:03:36   47 09' KAP UMA                         3.5   203.7   0.3   16B  Yes 
 220803   9:04:08  -47 05'                                 3.7   163.0   0.0   16C      
 250422   9:02:24  -66 23' ALP VOL                         4.0    63.9   0.0   16D      
  27136   9:08:52   51 36'     UMA                         4.4  6553.5   0.0   16E      
 220878   9:07:56  -43 25' LAM VEL   d   Alsuhail          2.2v  148.1  18.2   16F  Yes 
 256582   9:05:08  -72 36'                                 4.4   135.8   0.0   170      
 236693   9:10:56  -58 58'               a Car             3.4v 6553.5   0.0   171  Yes 
 250471   9:11:16  -62 19'                                 3.9  6553.5   0.0   172  Yes 
 117527   9:14:20    2 18' THE HYA   d                     3.8   120.7  27.1   173      
 250495   9:13:12  -69 43' BET CAR       Miaplacidus       1.6   155.2   0.0   174  Yes 
  61391   9:18:48   36 48'     LYN   d                     3.8    77.6   2.7   175  Yes 
 236787   9:16:12  -57 32'                                 4.3   130.3   0.0   176      
 236808   9:17:04  -59 16' IOT CAR       Turais            2.2   191.7   0.0   177  Yes 
  61414   9:21:00   34 23' ALP LYN                         3.1   130.3   0.0   178      
  80807   9:24:36   26 10' KAP LEO   d   Al Minliar al As  4.4  1086.6   2.5   179  Yes 
 236891   9:22:04  -55 00' KAP VEL                         2.5   250.7   0.0   17A  Yes 
 136871   9:27:32   -8 39' ALP HYA  ad   ALPHARD           1.9   148.1 283.1   17B  Yes 
   1551   9:37:04   81 19'                                 4.2   191.7   0.0   17C      
  14908   9:31:28   63 03'     UMA   d                     3.6    79.5  22.7   17D  Yes 
  80885   9:31:40   22 58' LAM LEO       Alterf            4.3   163.0   0.0   17E  Yes 
  27289   9:32:48   51 40' THE UMA   d                     3.1    62.6   4.0   17F      
 221234   9:30:40  -40 28' PSI VEL                         3.5    50.1   0.6   180  Yes 
 237067   9:31:12  -57 02'                                 3.1v  148.1   0.0   181  Yes 
  61586   9:35:36   35 48'                                 5.4    29.9   3.2   182  Yes 
 237117   9:34:24  -59 13'                                 4.0  6553.5   0.0   183      
 221344   9:36:48  -49 21'           d                     4.3   171.5  25.7   184      
 137035   9:39:48   -1 08' IOT HYA                         3.9   125.3   0.0   185      
  98709   9:41:08    9 53' OMI LEO       Subra             3.5    95.8   0.0   186  Yes 
  81004   9:45:48   23 46' EPS LEO       Ras Elased Austr  2.9   326.0   0.0   187  Yes 
 250683   9:45:12  -62 30'             p                   3.6v  120.7   0.0   188  Yes 
  27401   9:50:56   59 02' UPS UMA   d p                   3.7v   79.5  11.3   189  Yes 
 250695   9:47:04  -65 04' UPS CAR   d                     3.0   120.7   5.0   18A  Yes 
 155542   9:51:28  -14 50' UPS HYA                         4.1   155.2   0.0   18B      
  81064   9:52:44   26 00' MU  LEO                         3.8   130.3   0.0   18C      
 237522   9:56:48  -54 34' PHI VEL   d                     3.5  6553.5  37.2   18D  Yes 
  61874  10:07:24   35 14'                                 4.4    65.1   0.0   18E  Yes 
  98955  10:07:20   16 45' ETA LEO                         3.5  1086.6   0.1   18F      
  98964  10:07:52    9 59'     LEO   d                     4.3  6553.5   7.9   190  Yes 
 137366  10:07:56    0 22' ALP SEX                         4.4   217.3   0.0   191      
  98967  10:08:20   11 58' ALP LEO  ad   REGULUS           1.3    72.4 177.6   192  Yes 
 155785  10:10:32  -12 21' LAM HYA   d                     3.6   120.7 112.1   193  Yes 
 221895  10:14:44  -42 07'                                 3.8    95.8   0.0   194      
  81265  10:16:40   23 25' ZET LEO   d   Adhafera          3.4   191.7 325.8   195  Yes 
  43268  10:17:04   42 54' LAM UMA       Tania Borealis    3.4   108.6   0.0   196      
 250885  10:13:44  -70 02' OME CAR                         3.3  6553.5   0.0   197      
 250905  10:17:04  -61 19'           d                     3.4v  120.7  16.3   198  Yes 
  81298  10:19:56   19 50' GAM LEO  ad   ALGIEBA           2.6   148.1   4.5   199  Yes 
  81299  10:19:56   19 50' GAM LEO   d                     3.7   148.1   4.5   19A  Yes 
  43310  10:22:16   41 29' MU  UMA       Tania Australis   3.0    93.1   0.0   19B  Yes 
 155980  10:26:04  -16 50' MU  HYA                         3.8   181.1   0.0   19C      
  62053  10:27:52   36 42' BET                             4.2   148.1   0.5   19D  Yes 
 256710  10:24:20  -74 01'                                 4.0    37.9   0.0   19E      
 201405  10:27:08  -31 04' ALP ANT                         4.2   135.8   0.0   19F      
 238085  10:27:52  -58 44'                                 3.8   326.0   0.0   1A0  Yes 
 118355  10:32:48    9 18' RHO LEO                         3.8v  296.3   0.0   1A1  Yes 
 251006  10:32:00  -61 41'                                 3.3v 6553.5   0.0   1A2  Yes 
 238222  10:35:32  -57 33'                                 4.4   125.3   0.0   1A3      
 222199  10:37:16  -48 13'                                 3.8    81.5   0.3   1A4  Yes 
 256731  10:35:28  -78 36' GAM CHA                         4.1   362.2   0.0   1A5      
 238309  10:39:16  -55 36'           d                     4.2   141.7  51.7   1A6  Yes 
 251083  10:42:56  -64 23' THE CAR                         2.7  6553.5   0.0   1A7  Yes 
 222321  10:46:44  -49 25' MU  VEL                         2.6   148.1   1.7   1A8  Yes 
 156256  10:49:36  -16 11' NU  HYA                         3.1   116.4   0.0   1A9      
 258593  10:45:44  -80 32' DEL CHA                         4.4  6553.5   0.0   1AA  Yes 
  62297  10:53:16   34 12'               Praecipua         3.8   135.8   0.0   1AB      
 238574  10:53:28  -58 51'           d                     3.7    55.2 153.8   1AC  Yes 
  43557  10:59:28   40 25'     UMA                         5.0    45.2   0.0   1AD      
 156375  10:59:44  -18 17' ALP CRT       Alkes             4.0   105.1   0.0   1AE      
 222487  11:00:08  -42 13'                                 4.3  1086.6   0.0   1AF      
  27876  11:01:48   56 22' BET UMA  a    MERAK             2.3    61.5   0.0   1B0      
  81637  11:02:16   20 10'     LEO                         4.4   191.7   0.0   1B1      
  15384  11:03:40   61 45' ALP UMA  a    DUBHE             1.7    85.7   0.5   1B2  Yes 
  43629  11:09:36   44 29' PSI UMA                         3.0  6553.5   0.0   1B3      
 238813  11:08:32  -58 58'                                 3.9v 3259.9   0.0   1B4  Yes 
 179624  11:11:36  -22 49' BET CRT                         4.4    63.9   0.0   1B5      
  81727  11:14:04   20 31' DEL LEO   d   Zosma             2.5    67.9 191.3   1B6  Yes 
  99512  11:14:12   15 25' THE LEO       Chort             3.3   125.3   0.0   1B7      
 138102  11:16:36   -3 39' PHI LEO   d                     4.4   171.5  96.9   1B8      
  62484  11:18:08   31 31' XI  UMA                         4.8    23.7   3.0   1B9  Yes 
  62484  11:18:08   31 31' XI  UMA   dn  Alula Australis   4.4    23.7   3.0   1BA  Yes 
  62486  11:18:28   33 05' NU  UMA   d   Alula Borealis    3.4   163.0   7.1   1BB      
 156605  11:19:20  -14 46' DEL CRT                         3.5   135.8   0.0   1BC      
 118804  11:21:08    6 01' SIG LEO                         4.0  3259.9   0.0   1BD      
 238986  11:21:00  -54 29' PI  CEN                         3.8   296.3   0.2   1BE  Yes 
  99587  11:23:52   10 31' IOT LEO                         3.9    62.6   1.1   1BF  Yes 
 156661  11:24:52  -17 41' GAM CRT   d                     4.0   116.4   5.3   1C0      
  15532  11:31:24   69 19' LAM DRA       Gianfar           3.8   125.3   0.0   1C1  Yes 
 202558  11:33:00  -31 51' XI  HYA   d                     3.5   120.7  68.1   1C2      
 251472  11:35:44  -63 01' LAM CEN   d                     3.1  6553.5  16.2   1C3  Yes 
 138298  11:36:56    0 49' UPS LEO                         4.3   171.5   0.1   1C4  Yes 
  62655  11:41:00   34 12'     UMA                         5.3    27.3 159.3   1C5      
 119035  11:45:48    6 31' NU  VIR                         4.0   232.8   0.0   1C6  Yes 
  43886  11:46:00   47 46' CHI UMA                         3.7   171.5   0.0   1C7  Yes 
 251575  11:45:36  -66 43' LAM MUS   d                     3.6  6553.5  40.5   1C8      
 251579  11:46:28  -61 10'           d                     4.1   296.3  25.0   1C9      
  99809  11:49:00   14 34' BET LEO  ad   DENEBOLA          2.1v   39.7 264.0   1CA  Yes 
 251602  11:49:40  -63 47'                                 4.3  6553.5   0.0   1CB      
 119076  11:50:40    1 45' BET VIR   d   Zavijah           3.6    31.3 512.2   1CC      
 223062  11:51:08  -45 10'                                 4.4   148.1   0.0   1CD      
  62738  11:52:56   37 43'               Groombridge 1830  6.4    28.1   1.7   1CE  Yes 
 202901  11:52:52  -33 54' BET HYA                         4.2v  326.0   0.8   1CF      
  28179  11:53:48   53 41' GAM UMA  a    PHAD              2.4   116.4   0.0   1D0      
 251705  12:03:00  -63 18' THE CRU   d                     4.3   155.2   4.5   1D1      
 119213  12:05:12    8 43' OMI VIR                         4.1    83.5   0.0   1D2  Yes 
 251742  12:06:52  -64 36' ETA CRU   d                     4.1    61.5  44.0   1D3      
 239687  12:08:04  -50 39'           d                     4.4  6553.5 268.6   1D4  Yes 
 239689  12:08:20  -50 43' DEL CEN   d                     2.5v  125.3 268.6   1D5  Yes 
 180505  12:08:24  -24 43' ALP CRV       Alchiba           4.0    46.5   0.0   1D6      
 180531  12:10:04  -22 37' EPS CRV       Minkar            3.0   120.7   0.0   1D7      
 239737  12:11:36  -52 22' RHO CEN                         3.9   101.8   0.0   1D8      
 239791  12:15:08  -58 44' DEL CRU                         2.7v 1086.6   0.0   1D9  Yes 
  28315  12:15:24   57 01' DEL UMA  ad   MEGREZ            3.3    53.4 189.6   1DA      
 157176  12:15:48  -17 32' GAM CRV       Gienah Ghurab     2.5  6553.5   0.0   1DB  Yes 
 251830  12:17:32  -67 57' EPS MUS                         4.1v   70.8   0.0   1DC  Yes 
 256924  12:18:20  -79 18' BET CHA                         4.2  6553.5   0.0   1DD  Yes 
 251841  12:18:24  -64 00' ZET CRU   d                     4.0  6553.5  33.7   1DE  Yes 
 138721  12:19:52    0 40' ETA VIR       Zaniah            3.8   203.7   0.0   1DF  Yes 
 251862  12:21:20  -60 24' EPS CRU                         3.5   125.3   0.0   1E0  Yes 
 251904  12:26:32  -63 05' ALP CRU  ad   ACRUX             1.3   407.4   4.4   1E1  Yes 
 251904  12:26:36  -63 05' ALP CRU   d                     1.7   407.4   4.4   1E2  Yes 
  82313  12:26:56   28 16' GAM COM                         4.3  1086.6   0.0   1E3      
 223454  12:28:00  -50 13' SIG CEN                         3.9  6553.5   0.0   1E4      
 157323  12:29:48  -16 30' DEL CRV   d   Algorab           2.9   135.8  24.3   1E5  Yes 
 240019  12:31:08  -57 06' GAM CRU   d   Gacrux            1.6  6553.5 110.5   1E6  Yes 
 256955  12:32:28  -72 07' GAM MUS                         3.8  6553.5   0.0   1E7      
 157345  12:32:04  -16 11' ETA CRV                         4.3    62.6   0.0   1E8      
  44230  12:33:44   41 21' BET CVN    n  Chara             4.2    27.8   0.0   1E9  Yes 
 180915  12:34:20  -23 23' BET CRV                         2.6    95.8   0.0   1EA      
   7593  12:33:28   69 47' KAP DRA                         3.8v  250.7   0.0   1EB  Yes 
 251974  12:37:08  -69 08' ALP MUS   d                     2.6v 6553.5  29.6   1EC  Yes 
 223560  12:37:40  -48 32' TAU CEN                         3.8   135.8   0.0   1ED      
 223603  12:41:28  -48 57' GAM CEN                         2.1   203.7   1.5   1EE  Yes 
 138917  12:41:36   -1 26' GAM VIR   d   Porrima           3.6    32.9   4.0   1EF  Yes 
 138917  12:41:36   -1 26' GAM VIR   d                     3.6    32.9   4.0   1F0      
 252019  12:46:16  -68 06' BET MUS                         3.0   217.3   1.2   1F1  Yes 
 240259  12:47:40  -59 41' BET CRU   d   Becrux            1.2v 6553.5 371.6   1F2  Yes 
 223731  12:53:04  -48 56'                                 4.3   163.0   0.0   1F3      
 203907  12:53:24  -40 10'                                 4.2    58.2   0.0   1F4      
 240366  12:54:32  -57 10' MU  CRU   d                     4.0  6553.5  34.9   1F5  Yes 
  28553  12:54:00   55 57' EPS UMA  a    ALIOTH            1.7v  362.2   0.0   1F6  Yes 
 119674  12:55:36    3 23' DEL VIR   d   Auva              3.3   148.1 164.5   1F7      
  63256  12:56:00   38 18' ALP CVN                         5.5   120.7  19.3   1F8  Yes 
  63257  12:56:00   38 19' ALP CVN  ad   COR CAROLI        2.9v  120.7  19.3   1F9  Yes 
 257000  13:02:16  -71 32' DEL MUS                         3.6   108.6   0.0   1FA      
 100384  13:02:08   10 57' EPS VIR  ad   VINDEMIATRIX      2.8    75.8 248.6   1FB      
 223909  13:06:52  -49 54' XI  CEN   d                     4.2  6553.5  25.1   1FC  Yes 
 139189  13:09:56   -5 32' THE VIR                         4.3   125.3   0.5   1FD  Yes 
 100443  13:09:56   17 31' ALP COM       Diadem            5.2    60.3   0.2   1FE  Yes 
 100443  13:09:56   17 31' ALP COM                         5.2    60.3   0.2   1FF      
  82706  13:11:52   27 52' BET COM   dn                    4.2    27.1  90.8   200      
 157844  13:18:24  -18 18'     VIR                         4.7    28.3 231.5   201      
 181543  13:18:52  -23 10' GAM HYA   d                     3.0   120.7 138.3   202      
 204371  13:20:32  -36 42' IOT CEN                         2.7    52.5   0.0   203      
  28737  13:23:52   54 55' ZET UMA  a    MIZAR             2.2    69.3   0.0   204  Yes 
  28738  13:23:56   54 55' ZET UMA                         3.9    69.3   0.0   205      
 157923  13:25:08  -11 09' ALP VIR  a    SPICA             0.9v  141.7   0.0   206  Yes 
  28751  13:25:12   54 59'     UMA  a    ALCOR             4.0    72.4   0.0   207  Yes 
 100582  13:28:24   13 46'     VIR                         4.9    75.8 286.3   208      
 204545  13:31:00  -39 24'                                 3.8   271.6   0.2   209  Yes 
 139420  13:34:40    0 35' ZET VIR       Heze              3.3    74.0   0.0   20A      
 241047  13:39:52  -53 27' EPS CEN   d                     2.2v 6553.5  36.9   20B  Yes 
 204812  13:45:40  -33 02'     CEN                         4.2    63.9   0.0   20C  Yes 
 100706  13:47:12   17 27' TAU BOO                         4.5    55.2   5.0   20D  Yes 
 224469  13:49:28  -41 41' NU  CEN                         3.4v 6553.5   0.0   20E  Yes 
  44752  13:47:32   49 18' ETA UMA  a    ALKAID            1.8    93.1   0.0   20F  Yes 
 204875  13:49:24  -34 27'     CEN                         4.1v  105.1   0.0   210      
 224471  13:49:36  -42 28' MU  CEN   d                     3.0v 6553.5  48.0   211  Yes 
 100725  13:49:28   15 47' UPS BOO                         4.0   296.3   0.0   212      
 224538  13:55:32  -47 17' ZET CEN                         2.5  6553.5   0.0   213  Yes 
 100766  13:54:40   18 23' ETA BOO   d   Mufrid            2.6    30.1 112.5   214  Yes 
 224577  13:58:16  -42 06' PHI CEN                         3.8  6553.5   0.0   215      
 224585  13:58:40  -44 48' UPS CEN                         3.8  6553.5   0.0   216  Yes 
 224621  14:01:40  -45 36' UPS CEN                         4.3   250.7   0.0   217      
 120238  14:01:36    1 32' TAU VIR   d                     4.2   135.8 129.0   218  Yes 
 252582  14:03:48  -60 22' BET CEN  a    HADAR             0.6v  362.2   1.2   219  Yes 
 224673  14:06:00  -41 10' CHI CEN                         4.3v 6553.5   0.0   21A  Yes 
 182244  14:06:20  -26 40' PI  HYA                         3.2    66.5   0.0   21B      
 205188  14:06:40  -36 22' THE CEN   d   Menkent           2.0    50.1  69.9   21C      
  16273  14:04:20   64 22' ALP DRA  a    THUBAN            3.6   181.1   0.0   21D  Yes 
 158427  14:12:52  -10 16' KAP VIR                         4.1   148.1   0.0   21E      
 139824  14:16:00   -6 00' IOT VIR       Syrma             4.0    75.8   0.0   21F  Yes 
 258698  14:26:52  -83 40' DEL OCT                         4.3  6553.5   0.0   220      
 100944  14:15:36   19 10' ALP BOO  a    ARCTURUS         -0.1    36.2   0.0   221  Yes 
  44965  14:16:20   46 05' LAM BOO                         4.1    72.4   0.0   222      
 224833  14:19:24  -46 03' IOT LUP                         3.5  6553.5   0.0   223      
 241641  14:20:16  -56 23'                                 4.3  6553.5   0.0   224      
 205453  14:20:32  -37 53' PSI CEN   d                     4.0  1086.6  36.0   225      
 205497  14:23:00  -39 30'                                 4.4v 6553.5   0.0   226  Yes 
 224920  14:26:08  -45 22' TAU LUP                         4.3  1629.9   0.1   227  Yes 
  29137  14:25:08   51 51' THE BOO   d   Asellus Primus    4.0    45.2  69.5   228  Yes 
 241781  14:32:36  -50 27' SIG LUP                         4.4  6553.5   0.0   229      
  64202  14:31:48   30 22' RHO BOO   d                     3.5   112.4  42.2   22A      
   8024  14:27:28   75 41'     UMI   d                     4.2   171.5  58.7   22B      
  64203  14:32:04   38 18' GAM BOO   d   Seginus           3.0v  130.3  33.4   22C  Yes 
 225044  14:35:28  -42 09' ETA CEN                         2.3v 6553.5   0.0   22D  Yes 
  83416  14:34:40   29 44' SIG BOO   d                     4.4    47.9 237.1   22E  Yes 
 225071  14:37:52  -49 25' RHO LUP                         4.0  6553.5   0.0   22F  Yes 
 252838  14:39:32  -60 50' ALP CEN  adn  RIGEL KENTAURUS  -0.1     4.3  20.8   230  Yes 
 252838  14:39:36  -60 50' ALP CEN   dn                    1.3     4.3  20.8   231      
 252853  14:42:28  -64 58' ALP CIR   d                     3.1v   58.2  15.6   232  Yes 
 225128  14:41:52  -47 23' ALP LUP   d                     2.2v 6553.5  27.6   233  Yes 
 257193  14:47:48  -79 02' ALP APS                         3.8   112.4   0.0   234      
 205839  14:41:56  -37 47'                                 4.0  6553.5   0.0   235      
 101145  14:41:08   13 43' ZET BOO                         4.4   362.2   1.2   236  Yes 
 205871  14:43:36  -35 10'                                 4.0   232.8   0.0   237      
 140090  14:43:00   -5 39' MU  VIR                         3.8    72.4   0.0   238      
  83500  14:44:56   27 04' EPS BOO  ad   IZAR              2.7   203.7   2.7   239  Yes 
 120648  14:46:12    1 53'     VIR                         3.7    88.1   0.0   23A      
 182911  14:50:16  -27 57'     HYA     p                   4.4   296.3   0.0   23B      
 225248  14:51:36  -43 34' OMI LUP                         4.3  6553.5   0.1   23C  Yes 
 158836  14:50:40  -15 59' ALP LIB                         5.1    65.1   0.0   23D      
 158840  14:50:52  -16 02' ALP LIB       Zuben Elgenubi    2.7    56.2   0.0   23E      
 101250  14:51:20   19 06' XI  BOO                         4.5    20.8   7.1   23F  Yes 
   8102  14:50:40   74 09' BET UMI  ad   KOCAB             2.0    83.5 209.1   240      
 183040  14:57:28  -21 24'                                 5.7    18.8  22.7   241  Yes 
 140240  14:57:08   -4 20'     LIB                         4.4    69.3   0.0   242      
 225335  14:58:28  -43 08' BET LUP                         2.6  6553.5   0.0   243      
 225344  14:59:08  -42 06' KAP CEN   d                     3.1  6553.5   3.9   244  Yes 
 120809  15:02:52    2 05'     VIR                         4.4   130.3   0.0   245      
  45337  15:01:56   40 23' BET BOO       Nekkar            3.5    88.1   0.0   246      
 183139  15:04:04  -25 16' SIG LIB                         3.2v   50.9   0.0   247  Yes 
 225483  15:08:48  -45 16' LAM LUP                         4.0   271.6   0.4   248  Yes 
 225525  15:11:56  -48 44' KAP LUP   d                     3.8  6553.5  26.6   249  Yes 
 242304  15:12:16  -52 05' ZET LUP   d                     3.4    75.8  71.9   24A  Yes 
 242384  15:17:28  -58 48' BET CIR                         4.0    61.5   0.0   24B      
 253097  15:18:52  -68 40' GAM TRA                         2.8   326.0   0.0   24C      
  64589  15:15:28   33 18' DEL BOO   d                     3.4   108.6 104.9   24D  Yes 
 225638  15:18:32  -47 52' MU  LUP                         4.2   250.7   1.2   24E      
 140430  15:17:00   -9 22' BET LIB       Zuben Elschemali  2.6  1086.6   0.0   24F  Yes 
 183346  15:17:48  -30 08'     LUP                         4.3   181.1   0.0   250      
 225691  15:21:20  -40 38' DEL LUP                         3.2v 6553.5   0.0   251  Yes 
 206552  15:21:48  -36 15' PHI LUP   d                     3.5   232.8  17.2   252      
 225712  15:22:40  -44 41' EPS LUP                         3.3   362.2   0.4   253  Yes 
  64686  15:24:28   37 22' MU  BOO   d   Alkalurops        4.3    83.5 108.9   254  Yes 
   8220  15:20:40   71 50' GAM UMI       Pherkad           3.0v 1086.6   0.0   255  Yes 
  29520  15:24:52   58 57' IOT DRA   d   Ed Asich          3.2    81.5 254.6   256      
  83831  15:27:48   29 06' BET CRB       Nusakan           3.6v  101.8   0.3   257  Yes 
 253226  15:36:40  -66 19' EPS TRA   d                     4.1    85.7  83.1   258  Yes 
 225938  15:35:08  -41 10' GAM LUP                         2.7   407.4   0.6   259  Yes 
  64769  15:32:52   31 21' THE CRB                         4.1   120.7   0.5   25A  Yes 
 159370  15:35:28  -14 47' GAM LIB       Zuben Elakrab     3.9    79.5   0.1   25B  Yes 
 101623  15:34:48   10 32' DEL SER   d                     3.7   155.2   3.9   25C      
 101624  15:34:48   10 32' DEL SER   d                     3.7v  155.2   3.9   25D  Yes 
  83893  15:34:40   26 42' ALP CRB  a    ALPHEKKA          2.2v   72.4   0.0   25E  Yes 
 183619  15:37:00  -28 08' UPS LIB   d                     3.5    74.0   3.5   25F      
 226004  15:38:00  -42 34' OME LUP   d                     4.3   191.7  11.8   260      
 183649  15:38:36  -29 46' TAU LIB                         3.6  6553.5   0.0   261      
  83958  15:42:44   26 17' GAM CRB                         3.8v   98.7   0.2   262  Yes 
 121157  15:44:16    6 25' ALP SER  ad   UNUKALHAI         2.6    61.5  58.2   263  Yes 
 101725  15:46:08   15 25' BET SER   d                     3.6    79.5  30.6   264  Yes 
 121186  15:46:24    7 21' LAM SER                         4.4    34.6   0.0   265      
 101752  15:48:44   18 08' KAP SER                         4.0   155.2   0.0   266      
 140787  15:49:36   -3 25' MU  SER                         3.5   465.7   0.0   267      
 207040  15:50:56  -33 37' CHI LUP                         3.9  6553.5   0.0   268      
 121218  15:50:48    4 28' EPS SER                         3.7    79.5   0.0   269      
 253346  15:55:08  -63 25' BET TRA   d                     2.8    39.2 155.0   26A      
   8328  15:44:00   77 47' ZET UMI                         4.3   203.7   0.0   26B  Yes 
 159563  15:53:48  -16 43' THE LIB                         4.1    90.5   0.0   26C      
 183957  15:56:52  -29 12' RHO SCO   d                     3.8  6553.5  38.2   26D      
 101826  15:56:24   15 39' GAM SER   d                     3.8    47.2 201.5   26E  Yes 
 183987  15:58:48  -26 06' PI  SCO                         2.8   326.0   0.0   26F  Yes 
  84098  15:57:32   26 52' EPS CRB   d                     4.1   135.8 101.4   270  Yes 
 207208  16:00:04  -38 23' ETA LUP   d                     3.4   407.4  15.0   271      
 184014  16:00:20  -22 37' DEL SCO       Dschubba          2.3  6553.5   0.2   272  Yes 
  84129  15:59:28   25 55'                                 2.0v 6553.5   0.2   273  Yes 
  65024  16:01:00   33 18' RHO CRB                         5.4    81.5  89.5   274  Yes 
 159682  16:05:24  -19 48' BET SCO       Graffias          2.6   362.2   0.0   275  Yes 
  29765  16:01:52   58 33' THE DRA                         4.0    63.9   0.0   276      
 207332  16:06:32  -36 48' THE LUP                         4.2  6553.5   0.0   277      
 184123  16:06:48  -20 40' OME SCO                         3.9  6553.5   0.0   278      
 184135  16:07:24  -20 52' OME SCO                         4.3   155.2   0.0   279  Yes 
  45911  16:08:44   44 56' PHI HER                         4.2   163.0   0.0   27A  Yes 
 159764  16:11:56  -19 27' NU  SCO   d   Jabbah            4.0   108.6  41.0   27B  Yes 
 253474  16:15:24  -63 41' DEL TRA   d                     3.8   112.4  30.0   27C      
 141052  16:14:20   -3 41' DEL OPH   d   Yed Prior         2.7    95.8  65.5   27D      
 243643  16:19:48  -50 09' GAM NOR   d                     4.0    74.0  44.9   27E      
 141086  16:18:16   -4 41' EPS OPH   d   Yed Posterior     3.2    75.8 110.5   27F      
 184336  16:21:08  -25 35' SIG SCO       Alniyat           2.8v 6553.5   0.0   280  Yes 
  46028  16:19:44   46 18' TAU HER   d                     3.8   108.6   6.6   281  Yes 
 102107  16:21:52   19 09' GAM HER   d                     3.7   135.8  41.5   282  Yes 
 257407  16:33:24  -78 53' GAM APS                         3.8    58.2   0.0   283      
 226773  16:27:08  -47 33' EPS NOR   d                     4.4  6553.5  22.7   284  Yes 
 159918  16:27:00  -18 27' CHI OPH                         4.4v 6553.5   0.0   285  Yes 
  17074  16:23:56   61 30' ETA DRA   d                     2.7    63.9 564.9   286  Yes 
 184415  16:29:24  -26 25' ALP SCO  ad   ANTARES           0.9v  135.8   2.9   287  Yes 
 207732  16:31:20  -34 42'                                 4.2  6553.5   0.0   288      
 159963  16:31:08  -16 36' PHI OPH   d                     4.2   232.8 120.0   289      
  84411  16:30:12   21 29' BET HER   d   Kornephoros       2.7   135.8 256.2   28A      
 121658  16:30:52    1 59' LAM OPH       Marfic            3.8   326.0   1.2   28B      
 184450  16:32:08  -21 27' OME OPH                         4.4v  116.4   0.0   28C  Yes 
 257424  16:43:04  -77 31' BET APS   d                     4.2    95.8  51.0   28D      
 184481  16:35:52  -28 12' TAU SCO                         2.8   163.0   0.0   28E      
 207814  16:36:20  -35 15'                                 4.1   148.1   0.0   28F      
  46161  16:34:04   42 26' SIG HER                         4.1   326.0   0.1   290  Yes 
 160006  16:37:08  -10 34' ZET OPH                         2.5v 1086.6   0.0   291  Yes 
  65485  16:41:16   31 36' ZET HER                         2.8    31.9   1.1   292  Yes 
 253700  16:48:36  -69 01' ALP TRA                         1.9   105.1   0.0   293      
  65504  16:42:52   38 55' ETA HER   d                     3.5    95.8 113.5   294  Yes 
 244168  16:49:44  -59 02' ETA ARA   d                     3.7   130.3  23.6   295      
 208078  16:50:08  -34 17' EPS SCO                         2.2   148.1   0.0   296      
 208102  16:51:52  -38 02' MU  SCO   d                     3.0v 6553.5 390.0   297  Yes 
 208116  16:52:20  -38 01' MU  SCO   d                     3.5  6553.5 390.0   298  Yes 
 227402  16:54:32  -42 21' ZET SCO                         3.6   116.4   0.0   299  Yes 
 102458  16:54:00   10 09' IOT OPH                         4.3   112.4   0.0   29A      
 244315  16:58:36  -55 59' ZET ARA                         3.1    74.0   0.0   29B      
 244331  16:59:32  -53 09' EPS ARA                         4.0   652.0   0.0   29C      
 121962  16:57:40    9 22' KAP OPH                         3.2v  105.1   0.0   29D  Yes 
   2770  16:45:56   82 02' EPS UMI   d                     4.2v  326.0  76.9   29E  Yes 
  65716  17:00:16   30 55' EPS HER                         3.9   116.4   0.0   29F      
 160332  17:10:20  -15 43' ETA OPH       Sabik             2.4    62.6   0.3   2A0  Yes 
 227707  17:12:08  -43 14' ETA SCO                         3.3    51.7   0.0   2A1      
  17365  17:08:44   65 42' ZET DRA       Aldhibah          3.1   141.7   0.0   2A2      
 185199  17:15:20  -26 36'     OPH                         5.1    17.3   4.5   2A3  Yes 
 185198  17:15:20  -26 36'     OPH                         5.0    17.3   4.5   2A4  Yes 
 102680  17:14:36   14 23' ALP HER  ad   RASALGETHI        3.4v 1629.9   4.9   2A5  Yes 
 102681  17:14:36   14 23' ALP HER                         5.3  1629.9   4.9   2A6  Yes 
  84951  17:15:00   24 50' DEL HER   d   Sarin             3.1    74.0   8.5   2A7  Yes 
 227816  17:19:00  -46 38'                                 5.4    24.8   7.5   2A8  Yes 
  65890  17:15:00   36 48' PI  HER                         3.1   130.3   0.0   2A9      
 208670  17:18:56  -34 59'                                 5.9    23.1   0.5   2AA  Yes 
 185296  17:21:00  -21 06' XI  OPH   d                     4.3    53.4   3.7   2AB      
 160479  17:20:48  -12 50' NU  SER   d                     4.3   116.4  46.2   2AC      
 185320  17:22:00  -24 59' THE OPH                         3.2v 6553.5   0.0   2AD  Yes 
 244725  17:25:16  -55 31' BET ARA                         2.8    95.8   0.0   2AE  Yes 
 244726  17:25:20  -56 22' GAM ARA   d                     3.3  6553.5  17.8   2AF  Yes 
 185401  17:26:20  -24 10'     OPH                         4.1    72.4   0.0   2B0      
 185412  17:27:20  -29 52'     OPH                         4.2   155.2   0.0   2B1      
 122387  17:26:28    4 08' SIG OPH                         4.3   407.4   0.0   2B2      
 253945  17:31:04  -60 41' DEL ARA   d                     3.6  6553.5  47.4   2B3  Yes 
 208896  17:30:44  -37 17' UPS SCO       Lesath            2.6  6553.5   0.0   2B4      
 228069  17:31:48  -49 52' ALP ARA   d                     2.9   465.7  55.5   2B5  Yes 
  85163  17:30:44   26 06' LAM HER       Maasym            4.4   203.7   0.0   2B6      
 208954  17:33:36  -37 06' LAM SCO  ad   SHAULA            1.6v 6553.5  94.9   2B7  Yes 
  30429  17:30:24   52 18' BET DRA   d   Rastaban          2.7   250.7   4.1   2B8      
 209019  17:36:32  -38 38'                                 4.2   181.1   0.0   2B9      
 228201  17:37:16  -42 59' THE SCO       Sargas            1.8   120.7   0.0   2BA  Yes 
 102932  17:34:56   12 33' ALP OPH  a    RASALHAGUE        2.0    48.6   0.1   2BB  Yes 
 160700  17:37:32  -15 23' XI  SER   d                     3.5   108.6  22.0   2BC  Yes 
 209163  17:42:28  -39 01' KAP SCO                         2.4v 6553.5   0.0   2BD  Yes 
 160747  17:41:24  -12 52' OMI SER                         4.2v  543.3   0.0   2BE      
 254020  17:45:44  -64 43' ETA PAV                         3.6   130.3   0.0   2BF      
  46872  17:39:24   46 00' IOT HER   d                     3.7v  652.0 116.0   2C0  Yes 
 122671  17:43:28    4 34' BET OPH       Cebalrai          2.7    98.7   0.0   2C1  Yes 
 228420  17:47:32  -40 07' IOT SCO   d                     3.0   171.5  37.5   2C2      
  85397  17:46:24   27 43' MU  HER   d                     3.4    30.1  33.7   2C3  Yes 
 122754  17:47:52    2 42' GAM OPH                         3.7    83.5   0.0   2C4      
 209318  17:49:48  -37 02'           d                     3.2    81.5  41.7   2C5      
  30631  17:53:28   56 52' XI  DRA   d   Grumium           3.7    93.1 316.0   2C6      
  66485  17:56:12   37 15' THE HER                         3.8  1629.9   0.0   2C7  Yes 
 142004  17:59:00   -9 46' NU  OPH                         3.3   155.2   0.0   2C8      
  85590  17:57:44   29 14' XI  HER                         3.7   155.2   0.0   2C9      
  30653  17:56:36   51 29' GAM DRA  ad   ETAMIN            2.2   130.3 140.1   2CA  Yes 
  66524  17:58:28   30 11' NU  HER                         4.4v  465.7   0.0   2CB  Yes 
 123013  18:00:36    2 55'     OPH   d                     3.9  1629.9  54.5   2CC  Yes 
 123035  18:01:44    1 18'     OPH                         4.4   155.2   0.6   2CD  Yes 
 245242  18:06:36  -50 05' THE ARA                         3.6  6553.5   0.0   2CE      
 254147  18:08:32  -63 40' PI  PAV                         4.3    90.5   0.0   2CF      
 209696  18:05:48  -30 25' GAM SGR       Nash              2.9   130.3   0.0   2D0      
 123107  18:05:24    2 29'     OPH    n                    4.0    16.2   1.8   2D1  Yes 
 123142  18:07:20    9 33'     OPH   d                     3.7    69.3  54.4   2D2  Yes 
  85750  18:07:32   28 45' OMI HER                         3.8v  652.0   0.0   2D3  Yes 
  85769  18:08:44   20 48'     HER   d                     4.3   326.0  23.3   2D4  Yes 
   2937  17:32:12   86 35' DEL UMI                         4.3   814.9   0.0   2D5      
 186497  18:13:44  -21 03' MU  SGR                         3.8v  271.6   0.0   2D6  Yes 
 209957  18:17:36  -36 45' ETA SGR   d                     3.1v   72.4   3.5   2D7  Yes 
 254226  18:23:12  -61 29' XI  PAV   d                     4.3   203.7   3.5   2D8  Yes 
 186681  18:20:56  -29 49' DEL SGR   d   Kaus Meridionali  2.7    69.3  58.0   2D9      
 142241  18:21:16   -2 53' ETA SER   d                     3.2    56.2 179.6   2DA      
  66869  18:19:48   36 03' KAP LYR                         4.3   296.3   0.0   2DB      
 210091  18:24:08  -34 23' EPS SGR  ad   KAUS AUSTRALIS    1.8   141.7  36.0   2DC      
  86003  18:23:40   21 46'     HER   d                     3.8   130.3 221.8   2DD      
 229023  18:26:56  -45 58' ALP TEL                         3.5  6553.5   0.0   2DE      
 229047  18:28:48  -49 04' ZET TEL                         4.1   120.7   0.0   2DF      
 186841  18:27:56  -25 25' LAM SGR       Kaus Borealis     2.8    61.5   0.0   2E0      
   9084  18:20:44   71 20' PHI DRA                         4.2v  271.6   0.2   2E1  Yes 
   9087  18:21:00   72 43' CHI DRA    n                    3.5    27.1   0.1   2E2  Yes 
 142408  18:35:12   -8 14' ALP SCT                         3.8   203.7   0.0   2E3  Yes 
 257620  18:43:00  -71 25' ZET PAV   d                     4.0    93.1  55.5   2E4      
  67174  18:36:56   38 47' ALP LYR  adn  VEGA              0.0v   26.5  62.7   2E5  Yes 
 187239  18:45:36  -26 59' PHI SGR                         3.1  6553.5   0.1   2E6  Yes 
  67310  18:44:20   39 40' EPS LYR                         5.0   155.2 209.3   2E7  Yes 
  67321  18:44:44   37 36' ZET LYR   d                     4.3   105.1  43.7   2E8  Yes 
  86406  18:45:36   20 32'     HER   d                     4.1    62.6  63.7   2E9  Yes 
 142618  18:47:08   -4 44' BET SCT                         4.2   171.5   0.0   2EA      
 104093  18:47:00   18 10'     HER   d                     4.3   101.8 121.3   2EB      
 254393  18:52:12  -62 11' LAM PAV   d                     4.2v 6553.5  63.0   2EC  Yes 
  67451  18:50:04   33 21' BET LYR   d   Sheliak           3.4v 1629.9  45.7   2ED  Yes 
 254413  18:56:56  -67 14' KAP PAV                         4.4v  326.0   0.0   2EE      
 187448  18:55:12  -26 17' SIG SGR  ad   NUNKI             2.0  6553.5 309.0   2EF  Yes 
  67559  18:54:28   36 53' DEL LYR   d                     4.3v 3259.9  86.1   2F0  Yes 
 187504  18:57:40  -21 06' XI  SGR                         3.5   296.3   0.0   2F1      
  47919  18:55:20   43 56'     LYR                         4.0v 6553.5   0.0   2F2  Yes 
 104318  18:59:36   15 04' EPS AQL   d   Deneb el Okab     4.0   116.4 131.1   2F3      
  67663  18:58:56   32 41' GAM LYR   d   Sulafat           3.2   155.2 176.8   2F4      
 142931  19:01:40   -5 44'     AQL                         4.0   155.2   0.0   2F5      
 187600  19:02:36  -29 52' ZET SGR       Ascella           2.5   130.3   0.5   2F6  Yes 
 187643  19:04:40  -21 44' OMI SGR   d                     3.7    74.0  35.7   2F7      
 258857  21:08:44  -88 57' SIG OCT       Polaris Australi  5.4  6553.5   0.0   2F8  Yes 
 187683  19:06:56  -27 40' TAU SGR                         3.3    74.0   0.0   2F9      
 104461  19:05:24   13 51' ZET AQL   d   Deneb el Okab     2.9    72.4 158.6   2FA      
 143021  19:06:12   -4 52' LAM AQL                         3.4   101.8   0.0   2FB      
 210990  19:09:28  -37 54' ALP CRA       Alfecca Meridian  4.1    90.5   0.0   2FC      
 211005  19:10:00  -39 20' BET CRA                         4.1   203.7   0.0   2FD      
 187756  19:09:44  -21 01' PI  SGR       Albaldah          2.8   125.3   0.1   2FE  Yes 
  68010  19:13:44   39 08' ETA LYR   d   Aladfar           4.3  1629.9  28.2   2FF  Yes 
  18222  19:12:32   67 39' DEL DRA   d   Nodus Secundus    3.0   101.8  88.0   300      
  68065  19:16:20   38 08' THE LYR   d                     4.3   250.7 100.1   301      
  31537  19:17:04   53 22' KAP CYG                         3.7   135.8   0.0   302      
 229646  19:22:36  -44 27' BET SGR   d   Arkab Prior       4.0  6553.5  28.2   303  Yes 
 162512  19:21:40  -17 50' RHO SGR                         3.9v   77.6   0.0   304  Yes 
 229654  19:23:12  -44 47' BET SGR       Arkab Posterior   4.2   108.6   0.0   305      
 229659  19:23:52  -40 36' ALP SGR                         3.9  6553.5   0.0   306      
   9366  19:15:32   73 21' TAU DRA                         4.4   217.3   0.0   307      
 124603  19:25:28    3 06' DEL AQL   d                     3.3    45.2 108.9   308  Yes 
  87261  19:28:40   24 39' ALP VUL   d   Anser (rarely us  4.4   232.8 413.7   309  Yes 
  87301  19:30:40   27 57' BET CYG  ad   ALBIREO           3.0   191.7  34.7   30A  Yes 
  31702  19:29:40   51 43' IOT CYG                         3.7   652.0   0.0   30B      
 124799  19:34:04    7 22' MU  AQL   d                     4.4    72.4 177.5   30C  Yes 
 143597  19:36:40   -1 17' IOT AQL   d                     4.3   814.9  47.0   30D      
  18396  19:32:20   69 39' SIG DRA       Alsafi            4.6    18.4 315.6   30E      
  31815  19:36:24   50 13' THE CYG   d                     4.4    58.2  48.4   30F  Yes 
 105120  19:40:04   18 00' ALP SGE   d   Sham              4.3  6553.5  90.0   310  Yes 
 105133  19:41:00   17 28' BET SGE                         4.3   296.3   0.0   311      
  31899  19:41:52   50 31'                                 6.1    83.5  39.2   312  Yes 
 105223  19:46:12   10 36' GAM AQL  ad   TARAZED           2.7   203.7 132.6   313      
  48796  19:44:56   45 07' DEL CYG                         2.8   108.6   2.0   314  Yes 
 105259  19:47:20   18 32' DEL SGE                         3.8v 3259.9   0.0   315  Yes 
 125122  19:50:44    8 52' ALP AQL  adn  ALTAIR            0.7    16.4 165.1   316  Yes 
  68943  19:50:32   32 54' CHI CYG   d                     4.2v  271.6 158.0   317  Yes 
 125159  19:52:28    1 00' ETA AQL                         3.9v  326.0   0.0   318  Yes 
 229927  19:55:12  -41 52' IOT SGR                         4.1    93.1   0.0   319      
   9540  19:48:08   70 16' EPS DRA   d   Tyl               3.8   203.7   3.2   31A  Yes 
 257757  20:00:32  -72 54' EPS PAV                         3.9   203.7   0.0   31B      
 125235  19:55:16    6 24' BET AQL  ad   ALSHAIN           3.7    46.5 175.0   31C  Yes 
  69116  19:56:16   35 05' ETA CYG   d                     3.8   217.3  46.0   31D  Yes 
 211716  19:59:44  -35 16' THE SGR                         4.3  6553.5   0.0   31E      
 105500  19:58:44   19 29' GAM SGE                         3.4   250.7   0.0   31F      
 254733  20:08:40  -66 10' DEL PAV    n                    3.5    19.1   0.0   320  Yes 
 211885  20:11:08  -36 06'                                 5.3    18.2   0.0   321  Yes 
 144150  20:11:16    0 49' THE AQL   d                     3.2   271.6 113.6   322      
 189065  20:15:16  -27 01'                                 5.7    26.2   0.0   323      
  49337  20:13:36   46 44'     CYG   d                     3.7v  465.7 337.5   324  Yes 
  32378  20:13:20   56 34'     CYG                         4.3   155.2   0.0   325  Yes 
 163422  20:17:36  -12 30' ALP CAP   d   Prima Giedi       4.2   543.3 377.7   326  Yes 
   9665  20:08:52   77 42' KAP CEP   d                     4.3  3259.9   7.3   327      
  49385  20:15:28   47 42' OMI CYG   d                     3.9v  232.8 208.8   328  Yes 
 163427  20:18:00  -12 32' ALP CAP   d   Secunda Giedi     3.5    95.8 377.7   329  Yes 
 163481  20:21:00  -14 46' BET CAP       Dabih             3.0   326.0   0.0   32A  Yes 
 246574  20:25:36  -56 44' ALP PAV   d   Peacock           1.9  6553.5 245.3   32B  Yes 
  49528  20:22:12   40 15' GAM CYG   d   Sadr              2.2  1086.6 141.1   32C  Yes 
  69950  20:23:48   32 11'     CYG                         4.4   232.8   0.0   32D      
  70095  20:29:20   30 22'     CYG                         4.0   232.8   0.0   32E      
  18897  20:29:32   62 59' THE CEP                         4.2    85.7   0.0   32F      
 106230  20:33:12   11 18' EPS DEL       Deneb Dulfim      4.0   130.3   0.0   330      
 230300  20:37:32  -47 17' ALP IND   d                     3.1    70.8  66.0   331      
 106316  20:37:32   14 35' BET DEL       Rotanev           3.6   116.4   0.6   332  Yes 
 144649  20:38:20   -1 06'     AQL   d                     4.3   326.0  32.2   333  Yes 
 106357  20:39:36   15 54' ALP DEL   d   Sualocin          3.7   407.4  43.4   334  Yes 
 254862  20:44:56  -66 12' BET PAV                         3.4    93.1   0.0   335      
  49941  20:41:24   45 16' ALP CYG  ad   DENEB             1.2v  543.3  75.4   336  Yes 
 106425  20:43:24   15 04' DEL DEL                         4.4v  250.7   0.0   337  Yes 
 189664  20:46:04  -25 16' PSI CAP                         4.1    33.2   0.0   338      
  70467  20:45:36   30 43'     CYG   d                     4.2   217.3   6.0   339      
 106476  20:46:36   16 07' GAM DEL   d                     4.2   125.3   9.8   33A  Yes 
  70474  20:46:12   33 58' EPS CYG   d   Gienah Cygni      2.4    57.1  54.9   33B      
 144810  20:47:40   -9 29' EPS AQR                         3.7   155.2   0.0   33C      
 144814  20:47:44   -5 01'     AQR                         4.4v  407.4   0.0   33D      
  19019  20:45:16   61 50' ETA CEP   d                     3.4    45.9  51.7   33E      
 212472  20:49:56  -33 46' ALP MIC                         4.9   271.6  20.5   33F      
 189781  20:51:48  -26 55' OME CAP                         4.1  3259.9   0.0   340      
 246784  20:54:48  -58 27' BET IND   d                     3.6   652.0  17.2   341      
 257879  21:04:40  -77 01' ALP OCT                         5.1   130.3   0.0   342      
  50274  20:57:08   41 10' NU  CYG                         3.9   326.0   0.0   343      
 212636  21:01:16  -32 15' GAM MIC                         4.6    95.8  25.7   344      
 164132  21:05:56  -17 13' THE CAP                         4.0   191.7   0.0   345      
  50424  21:04:52   43 55' XI  CYG                         3.7   465.7   0.0   346  Yes 
  70919  21:06:52   38 44'     CYG                         5.2    11.1  28.7   347  Yes 
      0  21:06:52   38 44'     CYG                         6.0    11.0  28.7   348  Yes 
  71070  21:12:56   30 13' ZET CYG   d                     3.2   120.7  91.1   349  Yes 
 126643  21:14:28   10 00' DEL EQU                         4.4    56.2   0.2   34A  Yes 
  71121  21:14:44   38 02' TAU CYG                         3.7v   59.2   1.0   34B  Yes 
 126662  21:15:48    5 14' ALP EQU       Kitalpha          3.9   155.2   0.1   34C      
 246965  21:19:52  -53 26' THE IND   d                     4.3    75.8   6.0   34D  Yes 
  71165  21:17:24   39 23' SIG CYG                         4.2   296.3   0.0   34E  Yes 
  71173  21:17:52   34 53' UPS CYG   d                     4.4v  171.5  15.3   34F  Yes 
  19302  21:18:32   62 35' ALP CEP  ad   ALDERAMIN         2.4    47.9 206.8   350  Yes 
 164346  21:22:12  -16 50' IOT CAP                         4.2    98.7   0.0   351      
 107073  21:22:04   19 48'     PEG   d                     4.0   232.8  36.2   352  Yes 
 254999  21:26:24  -65 21' GAM PAV    n                    4.2    29.3   0.0   353      
 190341  21:26:40  -22 24' ZET CAP   d                     3.7   326.0  21.2   354      
 145457  21:31:32   -5 34' BET AQR   d   Sadalsuud         2.9   543.3  35.5   355  Yes 
  10057  21:28:36   70 33' BET CEP   d   Alfirk            3.2v  232.8  13.3   356  Yes 
  51035  21:33:56   45 35' RHO CYG                         4.0  1629.9   0.0   357      
 257948  21:41:28  -77 23' NU  OCT                         3.7    61.5   0.1   358  Yes 
 164560  21:40:04  -16 39' GAM CAP       Nashira           3.6   112.4   0.0   359      
 213258  21:44:56  -33 01' IOT PSA   d                     4.3    79.5  20.0   35A      
 127029  21:44:08    9 52' EPS PEG  ad   ENIF              2.3v  543.3 142.5   35B  Yes 
 107365  21:44:28   17 21'     PEG                         4.3   407.4   0.0   35C      
  89949  21:44:36   25 38' KAP PEG                         4.1    93.1   0.3   35D  Yes 
  33693  21:43:28   58 46' MU  CEP   d   Herschel's "Garn  4.0v 1086.6  19.5   35E  Yes 
 164644  21:47:00  -16 07' DEL CAP       Deneb Algedi      2.8v   37.4   0.0   35F  Yes 
  19624  21:45:24   61 07' NU  CEP                         4.2v  250.7   0.0   360  Yes 
  51293  21:46:44   49 18' PI  CYG                         4.2  3259.9   0.0   361      
 213374  21:53:52  -37 21' GAM GRU                         3.0   250.7   0.0   362      
 247244  21:57:52  -54 59' DEL IND                         4.4   163.0   0.1   363  Yes 
 247287  22:03:20  -56 47' EPS IND                         4.6    11.4   0.0   364      
 213543  22:06:04  -39 32' LAM GRU                         4.4   250.7   0.0   365      
 145862  22:05:44    0 19' ALP AQR  ad   SADALMELIK        2.9   271.6 113.0   366  Yes 
  19827  22:03:44   64 37' XI  CEP   d   Alkurhah          4.2   101.8   7.6   367  Yes 
 164861  22:06:24  -13 52' IOT AQR                         4.2  6553.5   0.0   368      
 230992  22:08:12  -46 57' ALP GRU  ad   ALNAIR            1.7    57.1  28.3   369      
  90238  22:07:00   25 20' IOT PEG   d                     3.7    39.7 103.6   36A  Yes 
 127340  22:10:12    6 11' THE PEG       Baham             3.5    66.5   0.0   36B  Yes 
  72077  22:09:56   33 10' PI  PEG                         4.2   465.7   0.0   36C      
  34137  22:10:48   58 12' ZET CEP                         3.3   191.7   0.0   36D      
  72155  22:13:52   39 42'           d                     4.4   163.0  28.3   36E  Yes 
  34227  22:15:00   57 02' EPS CEP   d                     4.1v   79.5 127.8   36F  Yes 
  72191  22:15:56   37 44'     LAC                         4.1  1086.6   0.0   370      
 145991  22:16:48   -7 47' THE AQR                         4.1   155.2   0.0   371      
 255193  22:18:28  -60 15' ALP TUC                         2.8   125.3   0.1   372      
 146044  22:21:36   -1 23' GAM AQR   d   Sadalachbia       3.8    70.8  37.4   373  Yes 
  34395  22:23:32   52 13' BET LAC                         4.4   155.2   0.0   374      
 255222  22:27:20  -64 57' DEL TUC   d                     4.4  6553.5   6.9   375  Yes 
 231154  22:29:16  -43 29' DEL GRU   d                     3.9   135.8   5.5   376      
 146108  22:28:48    0 01' ZET AQR                         4.4   148.1   1.7   377  Yes 
 231161  22:29:44  -43 44' DEL GRU   d                     4.1v  652.0  60.5   378  Yes 
  34508  22:29:08   58 24' DEL CEP   d                     3.7v  296.3  40.7   379  Yes 
  52055  22:29:28   47 42'     LAC                         4.3   543.3   0.0   37A      
 213883  22:31:28  -32 20' BET PSA   d                     4.2   155.2  30.2   37B  Yes 
  34542  22:31:16   50 16' ALP LAC   d                     3.7    81.5  36.2   37C  Yes 
 146181  22:35:20    0 07' ETA AQR                         4.0   130.3   0.0   37D      
 191318  22:40:36  -27 02' EPS PSA                         4.1  6553.5   0.0   37E      
 258941  22:46:00  -81 22' BET OCT                         4.1  6553.5   0.0   37F      
  52251  22:40:28   44 16'     LAC                         4.4   326.0   0.0   380      
 108103  22:41:24   10 49' ZET PEG   d                     3.4   141.7  64.3   381      
 231258  22:42:40  -46 53' BET GRU                         2.0v  407.4   0.0   382  Yes 
  90734  22:43:00   30 13' ETA PEG   d   Matar             2.9   191.7  90.4   383  Yes 
 108165  22:46:40   12 10' XI  PEG   d                     4.1    62.6 145.0   384  Yes 
  90775  22:46:28   23 33' LAM PEG                         3.9    77.6   0.0   385      
 247593  22:48:32  -51 19' EPS GRU                         3.4    74.0   0.0   386      
 165321  22:49:32  -13 35' TAU AQR   d                     4.0   155.2 132.5   387      
  90816  22:50:00   24 36' MU  PEG                         3.4    81.5   0.0   388      
  20268  22:49:40   66 12' IOT CEP                         3.5    79.5   0.0   389      
 214153  22:52:28  -32 52' GAM PSA   d                     4.4    75.8   4.1   38A      
 146362  22:52:36   -7 34' LAM AQR                         3.7v  191.7   0.0   38B  Yes 
 165375  22:54:36  -15 49' DEL AQR     p Skat              3.2    85.7   0.0   38C      
 214189  22:55:56  -32 32' DEL PSA   d                     4.2   155.2   5.1   38D  Yes 
 214197  22:56:24  -31 33'                                 6.4    25.0   0.0   38E  Yes 
 191524  22:57:36  -29 37' ALP PSA  a n  FOMALHAUT         1.1    21.8   0.0   38F  Yes 
  90896  22:57:24   20 46'     PEG                         5.4    44.0   0.0   390      
 146412  22:58:12   -2 23'                                 6.1  6553.5   0.0   391  Yes 
 247680  23:00:52  -52 45' ZET GRU     p                   4.1    83.5   0.0   392      
  52609  23:01:52   42 19' OMI AND                         3.6v  217.3   0.3   393  Yes 
  90981  23:03:44   28 04' BET PEG  ad   SCHEAT            2.4v  148.1 253.1   394  Yes 
 108378  23:04:44   15 12' ALP PEG  a    MARKAB            2.4    85.7   0.0   395  Yes 
 231444  23:06:52  -43 31' THE GRU                         4.2   191.7   1.2   396      
 191651  23:06:40  -23 44'     AQR   d                     4.4   116.4   2.9   397  Yes 
 191683  23:09:24  -21 10'     AQR                         3.6   326.0   0.0   398      
  10629  23:07:52   75 23' PI  CEP                         4.4   543.3   1.0   399  Yes 
 231468  23:10:20  -45 14' IOT GRU                         3.9   108.6   0.0   39A      
  35236  23:13:16   57 10'                                 5.5    21.4 106.5   39B  Yes 
 146585  23:14:16   -6 02' PHI AQR                         4.2   326.0   0.0   39C      
 146598  23:15:52   -9 05' PSI AQR   d                     4.2    66.5  49.2   39D  Yes 
 247814  23:17:24  -58 14' GAM TUC                         3.9    75.8   0.0   39E      
 128085  23:17:08    3 16' GAM PSC                         3.6    90.5   0.0   39F  Yes 
 146620  23:17:52   -9 10' PSI AQR                         4.3  6553.5   0.0   3A0  Yes 
 214444  23:18:48  -32 31' GAM SCL                         4.4    75.8   0.0   3A1      
 191858  23:22:56  -20 06'     AQR                         3.9    90.5   0.0   3A2      
  91253  23:25:20   23 24' UPS PEG                         4.4    90.5   0.0   3A3      
 191900  23:26:00  -20 38'     AQR                         4.3   465.7   0.0   3A4      
 128196  23:27:56    6 22' THE PSC                         4.2   203.7   0.0   3A5      
 214615  23:32:56  -37 49' BET SCL                         4.3  6553.5   0.0   3A6  Yes 
  53204  23:37:32   46 27' LAM AND   d                     3.8v   65.1 217.6   3A7  Yes 
  53216  23:38:08   43 16' IOT AND                         4.2   296.3   0.0   3A8      
 128310  23:39:56    5 37' IOT PSC   d                     4.1    43.4  69.9   3A9  Yes 
  10818  23:39:20   77 37' GAM CEP       Alrai             3.2    50.9   0.0   3AA      
  53264  23:40:24   44 20' KAP AND   d                     4.1   181.1  46.7   3AB      
 165842  23:42:40  -14 32' OME AQR   d                     4.4    79.5   5.0   3AC  Yes 
 128513  23:59:16    6 51' OME PSC                         4.0   181.1   1.0   3AD      
 147042   0:01:56   -6 00'     PSC                         4.4v  543.3   0.0   3AE  Yes 
   sao      RA       Dec   Grk Con  Flags  Name            mag   dist  MultSep  Seq  descr txt

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