Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 11:26:23 From: rs@stepequipment.com (Robert Sharpe) There I was, surfing the sky using starry nite pro to control the etx-125. turning the stars off, ncg objects on.... laptop screen was filled with little green circles...right clicking on one, and clicking on "Slew to object".... etx would wurrrrrrrrrr to position, and low and behold, another sky jewel in site! so many on the screen, so many sites to explore.... excitely standing up to get the wife..... and TRIPPING OVER THE DAMN CORD BETWEEN THE AUTOSTAR AND LAPTOP, RIPPING OUT THE CORD FROM THE AUTOSTAR..... well, autostar was OK, except the cord from the laptop to the 4 pin rj10 jack on the autostar would not lock into place on the autostar....i had to hold it in the socket to continue my exploration.....AWWWHGGGGGG... The jack was broken, and needed to be replaced...A call to Meade, and I found that they would repair it for 50 bucks. Not wanting to suffer the downtime after reading about other repair horror stories, I found the proper parts at Newark Electronics www.newark.com 4 conductor jack PN is 87180-044 8 conductor jack PN is 87180-088 I have a good desoldering vacuum tool at work, which made short work of removing the bad socket....am now awaiting a new one...and thinking about how many "glow in the dark" cord wraps I could sell if someone would invent it! (soft red, of course ) bob.
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