
Last updated: 5 February 2001

Lower Case, Punctuation Patch

From:	rseymour@wolfenet.com (richard seymour)
Well, one of your Spanish fans (Jose L. Chinchilla) requested
a way to enter lowercase and punctuation via the Autostar keypad.

Sounded like fun, so I worked out a patch.  After applying it,
when you scroll down, you pass through these characters:

  Space ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
   : ; < = > ? @
  [ Yen ] ^ _ `

  then wrap to 0...9

Here are two patch streams.  One will do it for v2.0h and v2.0i,
the other for v21ek.  Both only for the 497 Autostar.

As well as printing them here, they're attached as files,
and i'll gradually get them into the web-accessible patch area.
 They are AllChars20h.txt  and  AllChars21ek.txt
The patcher itself is at: 

have fun (boy, does your finger get -tired-!)

======== 497 === v 20.h =======
> This Patch will allow access to almost all ascii 
> characters for Object Names, etc. via the scroll up/down keys
>  Dick Seymour 1/23/2001

> V2.0h and v2.0i, 497 Autostar: (9 changes)
> locat    old    new
R 4c58c    41    21
R 4c590    5A    7a
R 4c59a    5A    7a
R 4c5a2    41    21
R 4c5be    5A    7a
R 4c5c4    41    21
R 4c5c8    5A    7a
R 4c5d2    41    21
R 4c5da    41    21

======== 497 === v21ek =======

> This Patch will allow access to almost all ascii 
> characters for Object Names, etc. via the scroll up/down keys
>  Dick Seymour 1/23/2001
> v21ek, 497 Autostar (10 changes)
> loc    old  new
R 591af   41  21
R 591b3   5A  7a
R 591c7   5A  7a
R 591D9   41  21
R 591f5   39  7a
R 591fb   41  21
R 591ff   5A  7a
R 59217   5A  7a
R 5921d   41  21
R 59225   41  21

Mike here: You can also download the ZIP file (675 bytes) containing both patches.

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Copyright ©2000-1 Michael L. Weasner / etx@me.com
Submittal Copyright © 2001 by the Submitter
URL = http://www.weasner.com/etx/autostar/as_lc.html