Subject: Lower Satellite AOS/LOS for v21eK Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 9:04:08 From: rseymour@wolfenet.com (richard seymour) For those folks who wish to stay in the warm and fuzzy past of v21eK, here is the patch needed to lower the satellite track calculation's cutoff horizon to two degrees of elevation, similar to 22eH's cutoff. location old new 2cf87 41 40 2cf88 70 00 or, if you use the semi-autopatch program: ; lower satellite AOS/LOS horizon from 15 degrees to two (2). ; v21eK R 2cf87 41 40 R 2cf88 70 00 have fun --dick
Subject: patch for v21ek for satellite AOS to the second Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 23:54:29 From: rseymour@wolfenet.com (richard seymour) One of my continuing grumps about the Autostar is that it reports Satellite rise-times (AOS) to only a minute accuracy, and a truncated minute at that. So a satellite scheduled to cross the target point at 08:22:59 shows as 08:22. The two-byte patch presented here changes that display to show the seconds as well as the minutes. You apply this patch to the autostar.rom file sitting in your Updater>Ephemerides directory, and re-download the Autostar. Full instructions are at the website cited below, along with an "automatic" DOS-batch helper program. The last four lines of this message are formatted for Jim Berry's patch program for the Autostar.Rom file. Visit http://www.wolfe.net/~workshop/astro/patcher.html for full details. If you already have the patcher, or have a hex editor, here are the numbers. The "T" line are a test to verify you are tweaking the correct file, the "R" lines are the "replace" data. Ahhh.. a difference in v2.1Ek is that a corded ETX will now first go to the LOS point, -then- swing to the AOS point. This avoids having the ETX crash into its hard-stops during the actual satellite pass. It also means that setup takes longer. A BUG in v21Ek is that the "[enter] to Pause" function does not properly resume the track... i advise that you just fight the track with the Slew keys after the first 10 degrees of tilt or so. have fun --dick location: Old New ascii T 032FE 45 E T 032FF 6B k R 5F001 46 31 R 5F015 46 31
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