Meade Autostar #494 Guide Stars

Star NameConstellationLocation Notes
AchernarEridanusEnd near Phoenix
AcruxCruxBottom of Southern Cross
AdaraCanis Major12deg S of Sirius
Al NairGrusAlt. name Alnair, end of straight arm
Al NathTaurusAlso Elnath Between Gemini and Auriga
AlbireoCygnusNose of Swan - Double Star
AlcorUrsa Major2nd star of Big Dipper handle - Double with Mizar
AlcyoneTaurusStar group away side of Taurus (V) from Orion
AldebaranTaurusHorn (V) toward Orion
AlderaminCepheusRight lower corner of box
AlgenibPegasusSW corner of box
AlgiebaLeoWhere the body meets the neck
AlgolPerseusLeft knee of Perseus - Variable Star
AlhenaGeminiAway from Pollux - parallel toward Canus Minor
AliothUrsa Major1st star of Big Dipper Handle
AlkaidUrsa Major3rd star of Big Dipper Handle
AlmaakAndromeda4th from Pegasus, near Triangulum
AlnilamOrionMiddle star of Orion's belt
AlnitakOrionRight star of Orion's belt (seen as left of middle)
AlphardHydraNear Sextans - Between Leo, Canus Major
AlphekkaCorona BorealisAlso Alphecca Center of Corona Borealis
AlpheratzAndromeda1st star from Pegasus
AlshainAquilaLeft most star of Aquila triplet
AltairAquilaBrightest star of Aquila
AnkaaPhoenixEye of Phoenix
AntaresScorpioHeart of the Scorpion
ArcturusBootesBrightest star of Bootes
ArnebLepusToward Orion
BellatrixOrionLeft arm of Orion
BetelgeuseOrionRight arm of Orion
CanopusCarina2nd brightest star in the sky, near Pictor
CapellaAurigaBright star away from Gemini
CastorGeminiBrigth star on parallel away from Canus Minor
Cor CaroliCanes VenaticiBetween Bootes and Ursa Major
DenebCygnusTail of Swan
DenebolaLeoTip of Triangle
DiphdaCetusSE in Cetus bottom of V
DubheUrsa MajorRight upper corner of Big Dipper
EltaninDracoHead of the Dragon - point away from dippers
EnifPegasusNose of the Horse - Double Star
FomalhautPisces AustrinusBrightest star toward Aquarius
HadarCentaurusSouthern Hemishpere
HamalAriesEye of Ram - near point of Triangulum
IzarBootesCenter - Near Corona Borealis
Kaus AustralisSagittariusNear Tail of Scorpio
KocabUrsa MinorLower left corner of Little Dipper
MarkabPegasusSE corer of box
MegrezUrsa MajorLeft upper corner of Big Dipper at handle
MenkarCetusNear Head
MerakUrsa MajorRight lower corner of Big Dipper
MintakaOrionLeft star of Orion's belt (seen on the right)
MiraCetusMiddle of neck
MirachAndromeda3rd star from the Pegasus box
MirphakPerseusRight shoulder of Perseus - at point of the arcs
MizarUrsa Major2nd star of Big Dipper handle - Double with Alcor
NihalLepusAway from Orion
NunkiSagittariusNorthmost body star
PhadColumbaAlt. name Phaet
PolluxGeminiBright star on parallel toward Canus Minor
ProcyonCanus MajorEye of Little Dog
RasalgethiOphiuchusBelow Rasalhauge near Hercules
RasalhagueOphiuchusPoint of pentagon near Hercules
RegulusLeoSE body star
RigalOrionLeft foot of Orion
SadalmelikAquariusEastern star in M in the N part of Aqu
SaiphOrionRight foot of Orion
ScheatPegasusNE corner of box
ShaulaScorpioTail of Scorpion
ShedirCassiopeiaRight bottom of W
SiriusCanus MajorEye of Big Dog
SpicaVirgoBrightest star of Virgo - Away from Arcturus
TarazedAquilaRightmost of Aquila triplet
ThubanDracoBetween Big and Little Dipper Handles
UnukalhaiSerpens CaputBrightest star in Serpens
VegaLyraBrightest star of Lyra
VindemiatrixVirgoToward Arcturus

Created by Joel Yerby (
Corrections, additions and webification by Jeffrey Hundstad (