Last updated: 4 August 2003

Telephone Connector Info - Autostar

Sent:	Friday, August 1, 2003 10:06:28
From: (Violette, Daniel R)
Thanks for a great site Mike.

I researched the telephone connector issue a couple weeks ago when I
built up my Autostar-computer cable.  I used a handset cord and cut off
the plug on one end and crimped on a wall jack type plug.  This goes
into a serial/telephone adapter like already described in your Autostar
tips section.  I got a cheap crimper (abt. $8) a while back to make
custom length phone cords.  It has an adapter for both sizes.  The
standard is also to have the plugs reversed on each end (black wire on
left at one end, right at the other).  Think of it as if the cable were
laid out flat, the connectors would be both up (else one would be upside
down).  Here are the various designations:

RJ10   "handset plug" 4 position, 4 contact (narrow) [same as RJ22]
RJ22   "handset plug" 4 position, 4 contact (narrow) [same as RJ10]
RJ11   "std. telephone plug" 6 position, 4 contacts (outside two pos. no
       contacts)  [same size RJ12]
RJ12   "std. telephone plug" 6 position, 6 contacts 
       (usually used for networks when 6 contacts needed, can use just
       inside 4 if needed to equal RJ11)  [same size RJ11]
RJ45   "Network Plug" 8 positions, 8 contacts (wide) [not for telephones,
       but used on network connections]

Sometimes these show with a dash (e.g., RJ-11).  A search for them with
and without dashes helps.  I find the crimp on connectors and tools at
Fry's Electronics and I think Home Depot and probably Lowes have them
too.  I forget where I actually got the crimper, but the plugs are $1
for 10.  Fry's even had the serial-RJ11 adapter for $0.40 (if you didn't
mind tan).  The gray ones were $3.

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