Last updated: 15 June 2003

OPT Meade Day

On Saturday, 14 June 2003, I attended the Oceanside Photo & Telescope "Meade Day". Scott Roberts represented Meade. Unfortunately, due to a prior commitment I could only stay from 10am to 1pm.

The weather generally cooperated while I was there. Several telescopes were set up, as can be seen in these photographs:

OPT Meade Day

OPT Meade Day

OPT Meade Day

OPT Meade Day

OPT Meade Day

Coronado Technology Group was also there, showing their Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Filter Telescopes (one of these days...). The views through these were impressive. The Sun was very active; over a period of several minutes you could see changes in details. I managed to take a couple of photos by handholding my Casio Exilim EX-S2 digital camera to the eyepiece:



The views with the eye were MUCH nicer and clearer than these handheld photos show.

One non-astronomy thrill was riding a Segway! Mike Fowler (shown below) had one and was letting people ride it. Mike let me try it; I found it pretty easy to get used to.




While I was there I purchased the Meade 2" Star Diagonal with UHTC and a Tele Vue 35mm Panoptic eyepiece for use on my LXD55-8"SC. I'll report on them on my LXD55 Site after I have a chance to use them.

I wish I could have stayed longer.

One item did cast a shadow over the day for many attendees. The night before, an Oceanside police officer was murdered by a local gang member. The suspect was captured later that night. The Oceanside police officer was the first killed in the line of duty in several decades. I'm sure we all express our condolences to the officer's family and to the Oceanside Police Department.

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Copyright ©2003 Michael L. Weasner / etx@me.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/etx/fun/opt0603.html