Last updated: 31 August 2002

Visit to Seymour

Seymour is my Hometown. Although I didn't go Home on my recent vacation I did get the opportunity to visit Seymour, Dick Seymour, that is, at his home in Seattle, Washington, on 26 August 2002. Dick and his wife, Karen, invited my wife Laurraine, her sister, Mimi, and myself over for dinner, talk, and observing. We had a wonderful time, sharing similarities and differences. We spent a couple of hours out on Dick's observing deck, first enjoying the beautiful sunset over the Olympics mountain range west of Seattle, and then looking through his telescopes.

Seattle Sunset

As most of you know, Dick is our resident Autostar expert. Here we see Dick and Mike next to Dick's "ETX-250AT" (really a LX200GPS 10" with an Autostar II).

Dick, Mike, and ETX-250AT

Dick also brought out his trusty ETC-90EC and Autostar. We had fun comparing the Autostars and views through each telescope. Although twilight kept the sky rather bright most of the evening, we were able to see several nice objects through the LX200.

Venus photographed with Mike's Nikon Coolpix 995 handheld over a 26mm eyepiece and 2X Barlow Lens.
(Color fringing due to the low altitude of Venus.)

Besides Venus, we looked at M57 (Ring Nebula), M13 and M92 globular clusters, M81 and M82 galaxies, Alberio (double star), and Epsilon Lyrae (the Double Double).

Thanks Dick and Karen. We enjoyed our brief visit with you!

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Copyright ©2002 Michael L. Weasner / etx@me.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/etx/fun/seymour.html