Last updated: 31 May 2003

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site. [31 May 03]
Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse

Attached to this e-mail are a few reduced resolution shots of the May 15 2003 Lunar Eclipse I took with a Nikon Coolpix 4500 via eyepiece projection through a Meade ETX 60 AT from Spring Valley, CA. The shots are labeled in chronological order: Lunar1 was taken at moonrise through the telephone poles, Lunar20 just at the end of totality, Lunar54 about half way through totality, Lunar69 almost at the end of totality. Lunar75 was taken through an orange filter and shows interesting contrast along the edge of earth's shadow. (Willian) [22 May 03]
Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse
Click for full-size image (Tim Morley) [19 May 03]
Lunar Eclipse
Prime Focus picture of Lunar Eclipse through ETX-125 with Canon 10D. Focusing was tough. The 10D has a 1.6 magnification of the image as compared to a 35mm, so I couldn't get the whole moon in the shot. (divenuts) [19 May 03]
Lunar Eclipse
I was looking through some of the images of the eclipse and found a photo with a 5.5 mag star at the lower left of the limb. ETX-125, CP995,40mm eyepiece set at 8sec @ f/3 (Chris Barry) [19 May 03]
Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse
[Top] This was taken prime focus on my ETX90, I think it was 1/2sec exposure time 1600asa film (partial3.gif)
[Bottom] im in southern California and my name is Chris, and this is a pic of totality, I piggybacked a 500mm lens on the etx and got this pic still using the same 1600asa film (Ignacio Rodriguez) [19 May 03]
Lunar Eclipse
I want to send you this photo of the moon. It was taken at 10:45 pm CST in Monterrey Mexico. The moon is shown in one of the darker eclipse phases. Together with the moon are shown some stars from Libra. The shot was taken using my Olympus OM-2s and Konica Centuria 1600. Exposure was taken using the camera autoexposure feature and it was about 7 seconds. For this eclipse I used my ETX.125 for observation ang piggy back photos. This particular photo was taken with my Meade LX10 at prime focus using a 6.3 focal reducer. [19 May 03]
Lunar Eclipse
Stills from mooneclips video.
Job Geheniau
The Netherlands [16 May 03]
Lunar Eclipse
Click photo to see movie in a new window (2.4MB)
May is a beautiful moth. This morning I recorded with my Sony videocamera the lunar elcips in The Netherlands on the beach at 4 am. We only could see the beginning here. With the eye I followed the eclips through my ETX 90. Unfortunately I couldn't see any of the famous red colour.
Job Geheniau
the Netherlands (Roy Lindberg Jr) [16 May 03]
Lunar Eclipse
Eyepiece projection with an etx-60 and Nikon Coolpix 995.... tough to focus... I s'pose I don't have to mention it, but, there were no filters or anything, just the nice blood red moon during the eclipse... (jim abbey) [16 May 03]
Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse
Here are photos of the Lunar Eclipse. Taken with old reliable(ETX90ec) and my handy Aiptek dv2 camera. [16 May 03]
Lunar Eclipse
Here's a shot of last nights lunar eclipse. (Willian) [16 May 03]
see my total lunar eclipse of may 15/16, 2003 homepage at: (divenuts) [16 May 03]
Lunar Eclipse
Last nights eclipse 5/15/03. I was able to take a couple of photos between the clouds. ETX-125,Nikon CP 995 40 mm eyepiece.

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See the Guest Lunar Eclipse Archive 2001 for photos posted in 2001.

See the Guest Lunar Eclipse Archive 2000 for photos posted in 2000.

See the Guest Lunar Eclipse Archive 1999 for photos taken in 1999.

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