Last updated: 10 June 2004

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site.

bob greef ( [10 Jun 04]
To add to your I am sure considerable collection of Venus transit pics worldwide. Taken through ETX 70 with Orion filter via Nikon Coolpix 885, 17 mm Konus eyepiece. Norwich UK
Venus Transit ( [10 Jun 04]
Here is just one of a series of photos of the transit of Venus I was able to takefrom Lewes, England. This one was takenat approx 11.05 UT towards the end of the transit. It is a single shot taken through an ETX 125, f/15, using a 26mm eyepiece and a BC&F solar filter, a Kodak LS443 digital camera and a ScopeTronix Digi T Camera adapter.
Venus Transit
Dariusz Swiatek ( [10 Jun 04]
By now you might have got a really huge amount of pics from other guys, yet I hope this is one of the first images from Poland. I used my ETX-90EC working at f/14 with Meade LPI attached to the rear cell of my scope through the Scopetronix Visual Back. The weather was rather poor - we had lots of clouds and even local showers during the transit. Yet I was lucky to capture about 150 frames, 50 out of which turned to be pretty good to be stacked and aligned in K3CCD. The final picture was then enhanced in Photoshop. I would like to share this picture with you and the others. Warsaw, Poland
Venus Transit
Kacper Wierzchos ( [10 Jun 04]
Hi Im sending an image of the venus transit on 8th of june 2004. The image is made stacking 25 frames with registax and leveled with photoshop. The gif animation is a composition of 25 frames each image and each image was taken with 2 minutes of interval. Etx-90, TouCam. Place Lerida, Spain
Venus Transit Venus Transit
Nick Preece ( [10 Jun 04]
Guessing that most of the people who use your site are probably from the US and most probably didn't get to see much of the Transit of Venus I thought I'd send you some images I have taken at an event we organised with a local school. We were very lucky with the weather and managed to catch the whole event.
I feel it is also fitting I send you something as without your help, advice and wonderful website I would never have achieved these results!! Since I bought my very first scope (ETX 105) in January this year I have needed your help on many occasions, and many of us would never get the best out of scopes without your site!!
I have taken the image enclosed with the Meade LPI and an ETX 105. I have been gobsmacked by the quality of this little imager. As you can see the results are quite spectacular, especially as it only costs $150!! I used a multi coated glass solar filter from BC&F engineering, which I also believe to be a very good quality filter. As you can see there is even the 'orange peel' effect on the sun!!
I will also send you another image that I would like you and your readers to have a look at? After about 2 hours of the transit we noticed a very distinct ring appearing around Venus? It seemed to coincide with the sun becoming very bright with little or no haze or fine cloud around? Have a look at the image and please let me know if you think I have managed to image the atmosphere of Venus??!! This anomaly didn't last much more than an hour and then it started to slowly dim? Any idea anyone?
Many thanks again for such a great site
Nick Preece. (UK).
P.S. I took timings of all contacts of Venus on the suns edge and worked my AU (astronomical unit) to 92.3 million miles!! That's close enough for me!!
Venus Transit
As promised here is the image I want you and your readers to have a look at. What do you think? Have I managed to get Venus's atmosphere or is it a funny anomaly that happens with imagers?
P.S. I have done no processing of this image. This is straight out of the LPI using the auto adjust feature for the exposure.
Mike here: I suspect it is an artifact of the imager due to the extreme contrast. There have been some photos showing the light refracting through the atmosphere with Venus at the Sun's limb.
Venus Transit
David L. Gasch ( [10 Jun 04]
A few late pictures of Venus from Indiana. Pictures taken with a Pentax Optio 550, afocal with SteadyPix and 40mm lens, with a ETX 125 . From here it was cloudy at the beginning but became clear. Only the tail end of the transit was available to us he in Indiana, but well worth every moment we did get to view.
Venus Transit
kkanakis ( [10 Jun 04]
thank you for your great site. i consider the attached photo as the most interesting from a serie of 12, shot from athens greece, during the ingress phase of venus transit. unfortunately mid and egress phases were covered by thick clouds. the photo shows that the 'black drop effect' (attributed to an optical illusion) is there. the illusion is best seen when photo is enlarged. photo is taken at 06:39:59 ut, with my etx 90ec scope, nikon coolpix 4500, 32mm s.plossl eyepiece, solar filter and orion camera mount. camera was set in auto mode, 10 sec delay, jpeg fine quality. Some optical zoom used to avoid vignieting. The photo is not processed. in case you consider the picture of interest kindly show it on your site.
thanks again for your valuable assistance in exploring the heavens.
athens greece
Venus Transit
Rick ( [10 Jun 04]
I am sure you have been inundated with images of the transit, but why not, it was a thrill of a life time. From Peterborough, Ontario, it was no different than many other parts of the world. My series shows my closest shots of III and IV Contact and a few others. They are not large files and I can send higher resolution if you like. Just let me know. All images were shout witha Nikon Coolpix 995 digitalon a Meade 32mm EP in a Meade ETX 90 scope. Enjoy!
Venus Transit Venus Transit Venus Transit Venus Transit Venus Transit

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