Last updated: 11 February 2005
Subject:	etx 125 is an allround scope
Sent:	Wednesday, February 9, 2005 23:54:09
From:	marianne/patrick (
I'm following your site since almost one year now.  I got my etx 125 in
april last year and had/have a lot of great moments with it.  It bought
this particular scope because of its allround capabilities and it turned
out to be the right choice.

1. Terresterial application : Every summer holiday I go into the
mountains and enjoy the scenery.  I'm not a climber, but I like
observing them. It's not easy, if not impossible with the naked eye, but
even so with binoculars, unless your quit close to the scene.  So here
comes in my etx.  Last year I went to a swiss town called Zermatt (they
say the birth place of alpine climbing), rented a chalet with view on
one of the most prestiguous mountains in the world : the matterhorn.  My
scope was placed about 8 km away from the mountain and the altitude
diffrence  between my location and the top of the Matterhorn was 3 km. 
This gives you an idea of distances.  To demonstrate the power of the
etx I enclose three pictures : the first is a naked eye view of the
mountain from the chalet location.  The second is a view of the top of
the mountain using a 2 xBarlow, on which you can clearly see the cross
that is about 2,5 m high.  The third is one frame of a video I took with
my Toucam pro of climbers coming down from the Matterhorn.  I followed
them during 2 hours, with 2x barlow in their descent.  It ws amazing,
seeing them hesitating, discussing, changing, and so on, on the steep
wall of the Matterhorn. The single frame is not so sharp as the video




I hope this could be of interest to you visitors to show the power of the mighty etx also in terresterial viewing. 2. Astronomical application : This winter, at last, I had my first views of Saturn and I was overwhelmed. I could see the rings so clearly, even bands and shadows that it brought tears to my eyes. I managed to take images with my toucam pro attached, which I aligned and stacked with Registax.
The result you see is more or less what I saw in reality through the scope, apart from the color which was much more brighter then in the picture. I hope everyone enjoys their etx scope as I do and for me, this is only the beginning ! Anybody who wants to know more, can contact me. Thanks for you site that brought me a lot of knowledge and drive ! Patrick

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