Last updated: 31 March 2005

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site. You will also find astrophotography examples on the Helpful Information - Astrophotography page.

Submitted by: James Jefferson-Wilson James ( [31 Mar 05]
Submitted by: Eric ( [28 Mar 05]
Scope: stock ETX90-RA
Polar alignment: take a look ove my shoulder... close enough.
Mount: etx90 table-top legs and picnic table
Guiding: what's that :)
Camera: Coolpix 4300 with Scopetronix 40mm eyepiece adapter.
Exposure: 7 shots, 8 seconds each
Processing: digital development, contrast/brightness adjustment
Submitted by: Igor Stojic ( [18 Mar 05]
M 44 taken with etx-70 Philips ToUCam i think it's not so bad. Clear Skies
Submitted by: chasiotis elias ( [18 Mar 05]
On recent days we have very good seeing so i tried the very close double Zeta Bootis. Although the companions are not separated it is visible as a siamese double star.
double star
Submitted by: [18 Mar 05]
Quite nice for an ETX90.
Submitted by: Nolan, Gregory J. ( [18 Mar 05]
I thought I would share some pictures I took of the Eskimo Nebula the night before last since it has been awhile since anyone has offered one. ETX-105 (UHTC), Scopetronix 18mm UW, Coolpix 4500, ISO 800, F2.6, 11 of 87 20 sec exposures, stacked with Registax, minor processing with Photoshop.
I noticed some old discussions regarding autoguiding and ETX series telescopes. In 2001, autoguiding was not really an option with the ETX series scopes, but I was hoping you might be aware of whether or not autoguiding is now feasible, and, if so, what hardware or software should I consider to achieve it?
Mike here: Autoguiding can be done (sort of) using the Meade DSI.
Eskimo Nebula
Submitted by: chasiotis elias ( [14 Mar 05]
Two days ago the night was very clear so i tried the "ghost of Jupiter". Despite light pollution the result was nice. I chose only 1 out of 40 frames of 30 seconds. (A 0.5 focal reducer was used).
Ghost of Jupiter
Submitted by: mike forster ( [10 Mar 05]
Don't know if many astro guys and gals piggy back their digital cameras to an etx 90R and just open the exposure for 30 seconds. Here's one I did of M42 in orion. couple weeks ago.
Submitted by: [7 Mar 05]
M109, nice galaxy
Submitted by: Greg Nolan ( [7 Mar 05]
Better results every time. This is only 5 -30 second images stacked with Registax2 with very little processing. Coolpix 4500 (ISO 800, F2.6, No Zoom)/Scopetronix 18mm Ultra Wide. I am going to give the horsehead nebula a shot on the next clear night. I see few postings of that nebula. Is it that difficult an image to get or is just noone trying? Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes. Once again, I appreciate you providing this site for ETX users.
Submitted by: chasiotis elias ( [4 Mar 05]
i send you a photo of M79, one of the very few winter globular clusters. (All 27 frames of 15 seconds). Visibility was not good. One of my first tries on deep sky imaging.
Submitted by: Greg Nolan ( [28 Feb 05]
I finally got a half decent photo of M42/M43. This image is 5 25-30sec exposures with an ETX-105 and Coolpix 4500. ISO 800, F2.6. Stacked with Registax and processed with Photoshop. I am sure more attempts will provide even better results as practice makes perfect, but I am pleased with this result.
Submitted by: Sotiris Pandis ((LogicNET)) ( [15 Feb 05]
Thanks to your very very good site. It helps me A LOT. M42 photographed from Corfu Greece. My first photos with ETX-125 and digital camera Canon 20D. 2 photos (one with 30sec-800asa and second with 80 sec 800asa exposure) combined and enchanced with Photoshop CS. Keep walking ..... Sotiris Pandis - Corfu Greece
Submitted by: Peter Spiessberger ( [11 Feb 05]
image I took threw my etx 90 of M42 and my modified SC2 web cam hope you like it
Submitted by: [8 Feb 05]
yesterday I did a little walk with ETX-70AT and ToUCam SC1 at prime focus around some open clusters in low elevation winter skies. Nothing spectacular; just to have seen them.
M46 deep down in Puppis (declination -15; I had to 'shoot' between trees and neighboring houses); ritch but relatively weak stars (9...13m); I marked the position of PN NGC2438 (11m) which I could not catch; 5x10s
M47; the brightest one; few bright B stars (6...8m); look at the two orange K giants; 20x25s
M48; about 50 stars between 9...13m; a few yellow-orange ones too; 15x15s
M50; stars between 8...13m plus one prominent red M giant; 20x15s
Oh, by the way, everything done with 'comfortable astronomy' (me and the scope in the warm room behind closed windows).
Clear skies,
Dieter (Munich, Germany)
Submitted by: [8 Feb 05]
I did NGC 2371, nice difficult planetairy nebula
NGC 2371
Submitted by: John Haunton ( [24 Jan 05]
Thanks for your fantastic site. I have just started out with astrophotography and thought I would send you my fist half-decent go at M42. This is the best of two shots stacked and stretched a little. The Camera was a Canon 20D at prime focus on an ETX90 mounted polar and were 15 secs at ISO 3200 (hence the noise!) I was pleased with the result...but would appreciate any tips on improving far the camera and scope are way better than my abilities....
Mike here: For lots of tips, see the Helpful Information: Astrophotography page.
Submitted by: chasiotis elias ( [24 Jan 05]
Submitted by: chasiotis elias ( [21 Jan 05]
First photo here, in fact not crazed with the results of Deep Sky astrophotography with ETX and Web ccds (Although i recognize it is VERY difficult). I think that SBIG should create a CCD just for ETX (Joking!!!).
Submitted by: [18 Jan 05]
Yesterday it was beautiful clear outside. But...I had to play saxophone in my band, so no time to take long exposures. Just enough time to take Rigel before I left to 'the stage' (I saw the nice picture of Vagles Tsamis on your deep sky and I thought to do it also.).
Submitted by: Vagelis Tsamis ( [15 Jan 05]
I am a new owner of ETX 125. I am sending an image of the Trapezium stars region which I took with ATIK 1C and processed with K3CCD Tools and Adobe Photoshop. Stacked 92 out of 201 frames. I enjoy imaging stars very much, if you think it is worth, I can send you some more.
Your site has been an excellent source of info for me!
Athens, Greece.
Here is another one: Rigel A&B. Picked and stacked 28 out of 200 frames. Proccessed with K3CCD Tools and Adobe Photoshop (Filters: UnsharpMask & GaussianBlur - use Bright-Contr. etc...). I think that's enough for today!
Submitted by: [15 Jan 05]
Between the heavy things Huygens, Machholz and Deep Impact, here a little nice faint planetairy nebula.
Submitted by: [15 Jan 05]
similar to what you did earlier on the LXD site with your LXD-55 SC-8 here is a comparison of what to achieve with an ETX-70AT and ToUCam SC1 on M42. The animated GIF-file shows exposure times of 1-2-4-8-16 and 32s. The 2-4s exposures are close to what I saw looking through the telescope.
And this is the final image resulting from my observation on 2005-01-07 22:15 CET with 5x35s & 5x10s exposures of M42 / M43. I was not able to resolve the trapezium but tried to keep a balance between not fully overexposing the central parts but showing the weak outer parts and wings...
Thank you for posting and clear skies, Dieter (Munich)
Submitted by: [9 Jan 05]
here is another one done from inside the house through the closed window.
M41 - the bright open cluster in Canis Majoris. Close to Sirius you can't miss M41. With about 4m.6 it should be visible with the naked eye, but not in my area, standing deep in the south. The picture shows abt. 60 of the 100...150 stars, the bright ones being orange-red giants hundreds of times the luminosity of our sun.
Munich, Germany; 2005-01-05 00:30 CET; MEADE ETX-70AT with PHILIPS ToUCam SC1 at prime focus; 30x10s; indoor

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2004 for photos posted October-December 2004.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2004 for photos posted July-September 2004.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2004 for photos posted April-June 2004.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2004 for photos posted January-March 2004.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2003 for photos posted in 2003.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2002 for photos posted in 2002.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2001 for photos posted in 2001.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 2000 for photos posted in 2000.

See the Guest Deep Sky Archive 1999 for photos taken 1999 and earlier.

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