
Last updated: 27 July 1999

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to etx@me.com. Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site.

Joe (Cs01Hunk@aol.com)
This is my first attempt at astrophotography. If you think it deserves it, I'd like to exhibit it on your webpage. It was a 3 minute piggyback exposure of the Milky way around Lyra with a 55mm Minolta lens using Kodak Max 800 speed film, tracking for 3 minutes at my home in Washington State.

20 sec. at f/1.4, 50mm lens, film was Kodak Select Series 200 pushed to ISO 320 (NOT 400 -- this film doesn't get pushed as far as others). Note the nebulosity around Gamma Cygni.

Martin Morin (leboutte@videotron.ca)
15 may 1999 around 2AM
JMI Piggyback adapter
Camera Pentax K1000
Kodak Royal Gold 1000 ASA film
50mm lens at F2.8
ETX-90/EC guided unaided for 10 minutes
Iridium Flare
-7.4 Iridium #19 flare
14 may 99 at 23h27m50s EDT
between Corvus and Leo
JMI Piggyback adapter
Camera Pentax K1000
Kodak Royal Gold 1000 ASA film
50mm lense at F2.8
ETX-90/EC guided unaided for 2 minutes
The shadow at the bottom is my Kendrick Dew Cap
15 may 1999 around 2AM
JMI Piggyback adapter
Camera Pentax K1000
Kodak Royal Gold 1000 ASA film
50mm lens at F2.8
ETX-90/EC guided unaided for 5 minutes in polar mode

Jay Essegian (jay.essegian@netmanage.com)
I finally got my piggyback adapter for the ETX-90/EC and took this photograph of Venus back on April 24th. I used a Canon EOS Rebel G, 80mm lens, JMI piggyback adapter, ETX-90/EC guided unaided for 8 minutes! Contrast and brightness adjusted using Kodak's version of Adobe photoshop (free with purchase of Photo CD).

VincentJean-Victor (Jeanvictor.M.V@wanadoo.fr)
Image: Scutum

John Myers (john.s.myers@gte.net)
Image: Orion M42
The Orion Nebula
Nikon FE, 135mm telephoto lens, Kodak Gold Pro ISO 400, 5 minutes, JMI Piggy-back Camera Mount, ETX guided using the Blessing Microstar Dual Axis Drive Corrector and a 9.7mm eyepiece.

Yiannis Dedousis (dedousis@mail.hol.gr)
Image: Sagittarius
This is a piggy photo taken with my new autotracker that fits to many dc motor mounts.

Steve Myers (myersj@tidalwave.net)
Image: North America Nebula
This a view of the region around the North America Nebula taken at 2AM EST on August 1st, 1998. I used the JMI Piggy-back Camera Mount with my Nikon 35mm camera. It's a 2 minute exposure on Kodak Royal Gold 400 ASA film. If you own the "Splendors of the Universe - A Practical Guide to Photographing the Night Sky" by Terence Dickinson and Jack Newton you'll find a similar picture on page 74. The Meade ETX / JMI Piggy-back mount produced photo compares favorably to this professional image.

I worked on the image with my new PhotoWorks Plus software. I added the image to itself and adjusted the color balance.

Allan Gould (Allan.Gould@dah.csiro.au)
Image: Alpha Centaurus
A while ago I said that I'd had some fun playing with the quickcam and ETX. I thought I'd sent a few photos taken with it so that you can see what is possible. Its worth mentioning that the ETX and quickcam are good together due to the latters very light weight and ease of operation. I was pleased with the shot of alpha centaurus as I wasn't sure that I could do stars with the quickcam, but this bright binary was easy. I shall have to try some others later. Regards, Allan

Marek Pavel (marek@mnd.cz)
Image: Cygnus
I follow your great ETX webpage for a year and it helped me to decide to buy ETX. It is not so easy here in the Czech Republic just in the centre of Europe. I send you a Piggy Back Camera photograph of the Milky Way (part of Cygnus and Cepheus). I took it on 26th October 1997 in the Mountains Chriby in south-east part of the Czech republic. The ETX guided very well and there is a good image of the North America Nebula. Details: Home made Piggy Back for ETX, Camera Minolta x-700, 50mm f/1.4 lenns, Fuji Super G 200 ASA, 5 minutes, ETX guided

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Submittals Copyright © 1998-99 by the Submitter
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