Last updated: 31 December 2001

Some ETX users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message). Send to Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site. (De Leo) [31 Dec 01]
Solar Eclipse Solar Eclipse
I took these photos in Costa Rica of the solar eclipse that just took place on the 14th of December. I would like to share them with you all, and if they could please have a caption saying they are mine? Thanks,
Mario De Leo Winkler
Mexico City (P.E. Anderson) [7 Aug 01]
Solar Eclipse Solar Eclipse Solar Eclipse
When in the US last year I purchased an ETX from Shutan principally to take on solar eclipses because it is light and portable. I purchased an appropriate full aperture solar filter at the same time. I found the ETX particularly useful for the African eclipse which my group viewed from the Zambezi escarpment north of Centenary, Zimbabwe. I used the camera adaptor which produces F14 and by using an extension tube on the eyepiece focusser (actally a generic type barlow with the lens removed), I was able to achieve a focus with both camera and eyepiece which meant that I could literally flick back and forth instantly between camera and eyepiece. This is a great boon for eclipses where time is limited! I am attaching three images, which if you feel are suitable, you may wish to place on your webpage. My website contains background about me, and my astronomical interests. (Gerald Wechselberger) [30 Jun 01]
Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
With your help i got the ETX's running in the Southern Hemisphere. It was my third eclipse (the second with ETX) and the most impressive one. The weather was 100% perfect. The environment was very nicely prepared by the Zambian people who where very friendly and showed their countrey from the best side! We had the honour to be visited by the president of Zambia who selected the same place for looking at the eclipse as we! The people there had a real festivity! So, find attached some pictures which where shot with ETX125 and Canon G1 for partial phase the ETX90 plus OM1 for totality and a Pentax Z1P mounted with the ETX90 also for totality. Setup plus environment
Left the ETX90 plus Pentax on an EQ5 mount. Right the ETX125EC with an Olympus 2020 piggybacked.
On the right side my daughter in law 'Joey' with 80x14 Binocular. (Denis JOYE) [23 Jun 01]
Im am just back for a three days trip in Zambia for the 21 june solar Eclipse. I was there with my ETX 90-EC and my EPSON PC3000 digital camera. My freshly taken pictures may be seen at: (rob) [23 Jun 01]
Solar Eclipse
he took the pics with olympus 30/30 over xray paper which he stuck on the eyepiece of the binoculars then he adjusted the black by darkening the pics on coreldraw 8 also he says on the last sequences sun spots were clear
Item from Dick Seymour - [23 Jun 01]
if you visit today's (21-Jun) Astro Photo of the Day (APOD) site,
(-re-visit, if you were too early)
Sky & Telescope has a downloadable 1.2meg quicktime movie
 of the onset of totality....

taken with a Nikon Coolpix 950 ... thru an ETX70 (yes, seventy!).

Full-frame sun, a bit jiggly, but pretty decent...

It's at:


have fun
--dick (peter zimmerman) [7 Jan 01]
Image: Solar Eclipse
I wanted to share with you a picture of the Christmas eclipse as seen from the DC area. It taken with an ETX-90EC using a Minox LX subminiature ("spy") camera in afocal projection. A Sirius 40mm eyepiece was used, along with Thousand Oaks filter material with a 10^5 attenuation in the visible. I sent you a picture some time ago (available in the 1998 lunar photography archive) showing the camera mounted on an original ETX, and this rig looks outwardly identical. Meade warns against viewing the sun through the ETX optics, but it seemed to me that with safe filtering there could be no problems, and there were none. The picture was scanned at 300 dpi from the print and slightly post-processed in PhotoShop -- mainly to adjust contrast and to apply a very slight unsharp mask filter. Of course, I did some spotting to remove dust, etc., just standard photographic work. It was cropped to get rid of irrelevant dense black sky. This frame was one of the best of the 10 or so that I shot that noon-day.

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See the Guest Solar Eclipse Photography Archive 2000 for photos posted in 1998-2000.

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Submittals Copyright © 2001 by the Submitter