Last updated: 22 January 2004

Subject: quick tip for newbees
Date: 1/20/04, 13:48
From: walt peifer (
Finally, got the hang of set up and alignment. Planetary viewing the
week has been great. Mars, venus, Jupiter and Saturn very clear ,
Unaranus is so so with 9 ml and 2x Barlow.

Heres the tip. When setting up tripod fully extend lower extension but
leave 2 to 3 inches from locks on the middle or upper extension. When
leving you can then either extend or retract leg to get proper
alignment. First few time out I fully extended  both halves of the legs,
meaning I had to shrink 2 of them sometimes to get level instead of just
stretching one.

Power supply for the ETX 70 Radio shack number 273-1767a 9 volt at 300ma
works my scope just fine even on the 40 nights. This is available with
the correct 9-volt battery style tip. So no soldering or splicing. Neat.

Thanks for all your help and the great posts Mike.


St Pete Fl

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