Last updated: 8 February 2004

Subject: Feedback on ETX90EC
Date: 2/6/04, 06:26
From: "Werner, William J." (
I bought an ETX90-EC a couple of years ago... but because of personal
strife and situations I don't care to go into, last night was when it
saw it's first light... and BOY was I impressed. It was cloudy, but the
moon shone through the clouds and I was able to see it quite well. I
have experience with other scopes (Meade 10" LX200, and an OLD Criterion
6" Newtonian) and I was just as impressed with the ETX as the others. I
can't wait for clear skies to look at the planets and nebulas (my
favorites). I was kind of skeptical about it's abilitities (You know the
saying... there are three things that determine how good a scope is...
Aperture, aperture and aperture). But I am beginning to see this isn't
necessarily true...

Thanks for all the hard work you put into your site, and keep it up!!!

Bill Werner
Mike here: Now you know why I proclaimed it the "Mighty ETX"!

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