Last updated: 13 September 2008
Subject:	ETX-125PE - a joy, right out of the box
Sent:	Friday, September 12, 2008 07:46:29
From:	Steve Arnold (
First time user of an ETX-125PE here, although I'm familiar with the 497
Autostar from my LXD-55.  After a cursory look over the instructions, I
had it up and out and auto-aligned in just a few minutes - what a breeze
the new sensors make it!  I proceeded with accurate gotos to Jupiter,
the Moon, and M57. Views were crisp and clean, although there was a fair
amount of settling time after touching focus (I don't experience that
with the heavier scope).

The ONLY thing that was unclear to me was which way to attach the mount
to the tripod; according to the manual, one of the holes is marked, but
in my case, it wasn't. The picture cleared this one up for me though,
since I could see the battery box orientation with respect to the holes.

I was looking for a good drop & go scope mainly for planetary/lunar, and
it looks like this one's the ticket!

Steve Arnold
Mike here: As to the tripod, the orientation only matters if setting up for Polar Mounting. Then you should place the control panel on the west side with the platform tilted for your latitude and the fork arms pointed towards the celestial north pole.


Thanks for the scoop on that one Mike. It won't be long till I'm
throwing it into polar mode to see if it makes a difference in tracking
for planetary imaging.


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