Last updated: 18 March 2009
Subject:	First Attempts with my ETX-125PE
Sent:	Monday, March 16, 2009 06:01:19
From:	Jamie Mathlin (
I thought I would take the time to drop you an e-mail, to thank you for
running and maintaining such a great web-site.  I have recently
purchased an ETX-125PE based on the information and reviews posted, the
information provided has been invaluable, allowing me the opportunity to
set the telescope up correctly and really have confidence in using the
instrument.  I wanted a smaller scope that would allow me the
opportunity to easily set-up and pack away, and having purchased the
Meade travel case, this has proven to be the best part of owning an
ETX-125, in just 10 mins I am un-packed and viewing the stars.

The information provided on your site regarding 'setting up your drives'
has helped to produce a 'goto' scope which is accurate and simple to
use.  90% of the time the object selected is in the eyepiece once
slewing has finished.  I also have found that following the guidance for
setting the scope up in Polar Mode has helped to make photography a
breeze.  When purchasing the scope I also purchased an LPI and have been
learning how to obtain the best results, attached you will find a
picture of Saturn taken on the 14th March 2009, around 11.00pm, the
picture was produced via the LPI set at 50% quality, contrast 1 and
shadow enhance 1, it comprises of 55 frames.  I am very please with the
results as the picture was taken from home in Stowmarket, Suffolk,
England and it was not the best of nights.  I cannot wait until I have
the chance to get away from the town on a really good night !!

Kind Regards,  Jamie R. Mathlin


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