
Last updated: 17 June 2001

Subject:	Obs of EPS Bootes w ETX-90
From: Joe McGerald (joemcg@home.com)
Date: Sunday, June 17, 2001 1:02 PM

I observed the above on 15 June 2001 at 0500UT w ETX-90, 4.8 Nagler. It
was an awesome sight with the secondary on the diffraction ring of the
primary! I am observing from SanDiego suburb w abt mag 3 skies. Sky was
clear, transparency good.
From:	sherrodc@ipa.net (Clay Sherrod)
Fantastic Joe!  That is a very nice star...I assume that the eyepiece is
pretty awesome as well!  Good job and thanks for the report.  If you are
getting that good of a diffraction pattern then you obviously have a
very good optical system....most of the ETX's do!

Clay Sherrod

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