Last updated: 30 September 2002
Subject:	Messier with ETX 70 AT
Sent:	Friday, September 27, 2002 11:30:47
From: (Hector Alanis)
Date: September 26 and 27 2002. Night and sunrise.
M57:Faint but observable, I could observe the circular form clearly with
    9 mm and barlow 2x.
M31: Nucleus and oval form visible with 15 mm and barlows 2x.  
M27:  Same as M57 but bigger.  
M42: Beautiful with 15 mm, the filter nebular helps to see it better.  
M45: Another beautiful view with 15mm.  
M34: Beautiful open cluster  with the 15mm and 25 mm.  
M41: another beautiful view of a open cluster with 15 mm.

I know that the etx 70 are a small telescope but it offers good views in
some  deep space objets and the accuracy go to is quite good. I am new
in astronomy and I am still learning.

Greetings from Monterrey Mexico.

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