Last updated: 30 August 2003

Subject:	Mars in the ETX-70
Sent:	Tuesday, August 26, 2003 22:06:49
From: (Thomas Henry)
Here's a quick and current report to give you ETX-70 owners some
confidence: head outdoors pronto for Mars!  I got my first shot tonight,
and it's excellent with a 6mm and 2X Barlow.  I immediately picked out
the dark "continents".  They're instantly visible.

I knew the southern polar ice cap should be visible, but I didn't notice
it at first.  Then, wham!  It is very white and really stands out once
you know where to look.  It's also enoromous.  That must be some cold

I put the scope in sleep mode and will check it again in a couple hours
when Mars rises a bit more.  Plus, the temperature is finally beginning
to fall, so perhaps the viewing will be even better in an hour or two.

Best wishes,

Thomas Henry

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