
Last updated: 31 August 2001

Subject:	Incredible first experience with an ETX-60.
Sent:	Thursday, August 30, 2001 18:35:19
From:	jak9@howintheworld.com (Jak Fearon)
The other day, I bought a telescope.  I haven't had one in about 20
years and this one, an ETX-60, was on sale for an unbeatable price, so I
thought, "what the heck", and bought it.  I look at the stars every
single night when I walk my dog, so getting the telescope was the
logical next step for that. :)

Last night, all alone (my wife and kids asleep in the house), I sat
outside in a chair, staring into a tiny lens.

Let me tell you... I just about fell out of that chair when I found my
first real noticeable object, the Andromeda Galaxy.  Mostly a blur, but
a very prominent one amidst the backdrop of pin point stars.  I was
amazed, to put it lightly.

Being that most of the planets aren't in my part of the sky right now, I
had noticed today on a star chart that Saturn would be showing up at
around 1:15AM.  Here I am, sitting there, letting the GO-TO slew the
telescope to the point it would be... hmmmm... that just looks like a
star. At first, disappointment, and then my eyes relaxed and there it
was. Tears literally rolled down my cheeks when I saw, live, Saturn and
its beautiful rings. It was small, but it was unmistakably there and
fully in focus.  I can not even begin to describe in words the feeling
of connection I had at that point. It was overwhelming.

So last night, all alone (my wife and kids asleep in the house), I sat
outside in a chair, and found my soul.

Thanks for the excellent site.  I just discovered it yesterday and it's
great to have such an amazing resource for this new world I've found.

Jak Fearon
how in the world?

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URL = http://www.weasner.com/etx/observations/etx60-first-light.html