Last updated: 13 September 2005
Subject:	Baader Neodymium Moon and Skyglow Filter - Review
Sent:	Sunday, September 11, 2005 17:09:24
From:	Miles (
Here is a review you might like to add the accessories /  filters section.

Product  : Neodymium  Moon and Skyglow Filter
Manufacturer :  Baader Planetarium
Price paid :  26  GDP,  bought in  the U.K.

The attraction for this filter is its low price put up against the
claims of what it can do,  its almost as cheap as some colour filters. 
I bought it to use on an ETX 105.   It is advertised primarily as a
filter to cut out light pollution from sodium lamps, while boosting 
contrast,  and the notes that come with it offer various general uses,  
thanks apparently to the properties of neodymium.

Against the orange glow of street lamps  it does a good job,  not
spectacular,  but in low power eyepieces it helps to make the
surrounding space more black, and offers more contrast.   This helps
give a satisfying, aesthetically pleasing view, though it does not
significantly help in finding DSO's.  However on already bright objects
like open clusters it can really help to let you fall into the image.  
The double cluster in Perseus, and the 'Wild Duck' cluster all looked
more colourful and contrasty.  With higher magnifications however there
eventually appears a cross-over point when even the slight light loss
cancels out any beneficial effects. Obviously with larger scopes this is
not an issue.   I have no experience of other broadband or LPR filters, 
and It is difficult to predict when it will work best, and what objects
will benefit most, but overall its almost a good enough effect to keep
it permanently attached to the 26mm meade plossl - given that those
sodium lamps are never switched off!

On Jupiter it pretty much did what the blurb said,  increasing the
contrast, reducing glare and helping detail stand out.  Views of the
moon also benefit by appearing more 'black and white',  and you can
pretty much use it as a ' moon filter' - certainly at high powers.   On 
Saturn no enhancement was noted, and the blue colour cast was
distracting.  Great claims however are made about Mars,  so its a good
time to test it out.     Without the filter Mars can appear as a glarey
almost featureless disc, almost too bright,  but  with the filter the
glare is reduced and dark features can be  made out.   This is a good
result,   and it is always used from now on with a 6.7 or 5mm lens - a
great aid for this  2005 opposition.

So its sort of a jack of all trades - and master of one - improving
contrast,  and this effect just for Jupiter and Mars is worth the price
for planetary observers.   Overall,  it is a nice useful well made bit
of kit to have in the box, and a good introduction to what filters can
and cannot do.

Best Wishes

Miles Glen

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