Last updated: 18 April 2005

I and eight others presented some lectures at Oceanside Photo and Telescope on Astronomy Day, 16 April 2005. Here are some photos I took of the other speakers.

OPT Astronomy Day Lecture Series
As is usual for any event at OPT, some customers set up their telescopes outside the store.

OPT Astronomy Day Lecture Series
Here is a nice solar panel for providing power.

OPT Astronomy Day Lecture Series
Choosing a Telescope (Hosted by Mike West)

OPT Astronomy Day Lecture Series
Choosing and Using Eyepieces (Hosted by John Downs)

OPT Astronomy Day Lecture Series
Safe Solar Observing and Imaging (Hosted by Gary Palmer)

OPT Astronomy Day Lecture Series
The Mystery of the Meade DSI Unraveled (Hosted by John Hoot)

OPT Astronomy Day Lecture Series
Palomar Observatory...Our Personal Eye in the Sky (Hosted by Scott Kardel)
Keeping our Night Sky Astronomy-Friendly (Hosted by Scott Kardel)

OPT Astronomy Day Lecture Series
Introduction to CCD Imaging (Hosted by Dan Philips)
In a totally random drawing of attendees, Dan won the door prize; an ETX-90PE w/UHTC

OPT Astronomy Day Lecture Series
The DSLR Revolution in Astrophotography (Hosted by Chriss Hoffman)

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Copyright ©2005 Michael L. Weasner / etx@me.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/etx/site/opt041605.html