
Last updated: 17 March 2008
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[NEW!] Well, the Sabino Canyon "Music in the Canyon" Star Party is now history. Unfortunately, after being very nice for many days and nights, the skies turned cloudy on the day of the Star Party. Here are some photos I took with my Apple iPhone:

Here's a view to the Northeast from just inside the entrance and near where we set up:


I set up my ETX-90RA and PST for viewing the Sun in white light and in Hydrogen-Alpha light. There were occasional breaks in the clouds that allowed the Sun to be viewed in white light as clouds passed by. Unfortunately, high clouds prevented seeing any clear details in the PST. Here's my setup:


Bill Neis from San Diego and Paul Moss from the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association brought their 10" Dobsonians. Unfortunately I didn't get photos of them. Others who had planned to bring telescopes looked out their windows and decided to cancel.

As Sunset approached the skies did not improve:


But the clouds did make for a lovely Sunset!


During the day and evening we had many visitors to Sabino Canyon stop by and checkout the Sun through the ETX-90 and ask questions about the Dobs and ETX. Everyone was disappointed by the clouds. However, one good thing may have occurred. The Park is now very interested in continuing Star Parties and TAAA will be assisting them in that.

Below you can read the pre-Star Party announcements.

I am helping the "Friends of Sabino Canyon" in Tucson, Arizona, with their "Music in the Canyon" fund raiser, to be held on Saturday, 15 March 2008. I, and I hope you, will be attending a "Star Party" to be held that evening at Sabino Canyon.

The Fund Raiser is scheduled for 1700-2100 (5pm to 9pm). Fund Raiser attendees will be able to look through our telescopes as they walk to and from the main event location. Since I just moved to the Tucson area I have never attended one of their fund raisers before but I have been assured that it is well attended and that past star parties have been well received.

I do not plan to have any formal lectures but this will be a good opportunity if you have questions on using your telescopes or just want to enjoy experiencing the night sky with others. The Moon will be at First Quarter that evening so we'll have a good target to use.

I'm moving into the final planning stages for the Star Party. If you think you might be able to attend please let me know right away. Depending on how many of us can attend, I may have to make special arrangements for parking for us since attendance at the Fund Raiser is expected to be high. Email me at etx@me.com with a subject of "Sabino Canyon Star Party". Thanks!

The Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association has agreed to help with the Star Party. Thanks to them for their support. Come on out, with or without your telescopes!

Click here view a map (PDF) showing the parking lot, telescope drop-off area, telescope setup area, and location of the Music Festival. North is to the left on the map. Reminder: the primary purpose of the evening is as a fund raiser for Friends of Sabino Canyon. The telescope viewing area is between the parking lot and the donation booths so please encourage any visitors you get to continue on to the main event.

For more information on Sabino Canyon and the "Music in the Canyon" event please visit their web site:


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Copyright ©2008 Michael L. Weasner / etx@me.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/etx/star_party/sabino_canyon.html