
Last updated: 13 November 2001

Inside the ETX-125EC

Sent:	Sunday, November 11, 2001 8:08:08
From:	victorvanwulfen@hotmail.com (V.A. van Wulfen)
I've been a frequent visitor of your site since I discovered it some six
months ago. The amount of information it presents is awesome! I hope I
can make a modest contribution to this wealth of knowledge.

Recently I have taken my ETX-125 apart for a tune-up. Because I live in
the Netherlands and no longer in Tucson where I bought my scope I
decided to give it a try. Shipping an entire ETX trans-atlantic to Clay
Sherrod would cost a small fortune. Not all went well, the wires running
from the base to the DEC motor snapped and more trouble followed. My
scope would no longer listen to my Autostar. Nothing worked, not new
software, new wiring........ I wont tell the entire story, but I ended
up writing countless e-mails to Clay and ordered a new DEC circuit board
and a new power panel. I should receive it this week. Hopefully this
solves my scopes trouble, if not I'll probably have to order a new
Autostar. Clay has been of tremendous help with his expertise and by
sending me the replacement circuit boards.

Because my scope is now in pieces I decided to, using my new digital
camera, take detailed pictures of the ETX's "guts".

Once I have my scope back together and running again I'll write a
detailed report on what to do and not do when performing an ETX update.
The tips on Jordan Blessing's site were usefull but too much can go
wrong. I found out the hard way. Thankfully Clay Sherrod knows how to
help people out.

Victor van Wulfen

ETX Base

Inside ETX-125EC Inside ETX-125EC

Power Panel

Inside ETX-125EC Inside ETX-125EC

Declination Drive Gearbox

Inside ETX-125EC Inside ETX-125EC

Declination Drive Optical Encoder

Inside ETX-125EC

Right Ascension Gearbox

Inside ETX-125EC Inside ETX-125EC

Right Ascension Optical Encoder

Inside ETX-125EC

Right Ascension Gear and Clutch Plate

Inside ETX-125EC

Right Ascension Lock

Inside ETX-125EC

Right Ascension Locking Bolt

Inside ETX-125EC

Tube Adapter

Inside ETX-125EC

Worm Gear

Inside ETX-125EC Inside ETX-125EC

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Copyright ©1998-2001 Michael L. Weasner / etx@me.com
Submittal Copyright © 2001 by the Submitter
URL = http://www.weasner.com/etx/techtips/inside-etx125.html