Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 21:43:56 From: jm.rayon@jmrconseils.fr (Jean Michel Rayon) Here are images of the inside of the ETX-70AT. Disassembling of ETX70-AT: - 1. remove the plastic mask of the bottom of mounting - 2. remove the azimuth lock (little screw) and to unscrew axis AZM in order to dismount the bearing - 3. unscrew the nut 4 fingers (key of about 17mm) - 4. remove the bottom of mounting - 5. unscrew the forks (3 screws each one) The 5th image shows the superb integration of mechanics and of electronics. I can only congratulate the engineers of Meade for this work. When they will make us a special telescope for the CCD?.... Cordially of France Jean Michel RAYON
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