From: AJerzewski@aol.com I have just started reviewing the info at your site. I bought a Meade DS114-EC telescope for Christmas. I have been struggling with several aspects such as using batteries to power the motors and updating the AutoStar software. I did not see this specific info listed - if it already is please disregard. I hope others find the info useful. I am still dealing with alignment accuracy problems and plan to implement some of the tips I have read. The info below gives a cheaper alternative the Meade AC power adaptor and gives wiring info with a wiring diagram of the cable I used to update the software and control the telescope with SkyMap Pro V7.
Meade AC Adaptor: #607 Power Cord - $59.95 or
Substitute: Radio Shack 273-1779 12V/1500mA Power adapter with 273-1717
Adaptaplug "N" (5.5mm O.D. x 2.5mm I.D.) connector - $19.95
Connector Cable Set: #505 - $29.95 or
Substitute: Radio Shack 276-1508 9Pos Metal Hood - $2.19, Radio Shack 276-1538 - $1.29, and 12' coiled phone handset cord about $4.50
This cable allows downloading of AutoStar updates as well as allowing PC software control of the telescope.
I have shown several views to assist with connecting the correct pins together on each connector. The DB9 connector will have numbers on them (they are very small, so look closely). The 4 pin handset cord I have did not have any numbers on it, the numbers I used were for my reference. Please note that the handset cord is the coiled cord that normally goes from the telephone to the handset, it is NOT to cord that goes from the wall jack to the telephone - which is a larger connector and will not work.
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