Last updated: 14 August 2007
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Subject:	Journey to Palomar at Temecula Film Festival
Sent:	Tuesday, August 14, 2007 14:43:10
From:	Scott Kardel (wsk@astro.caltech.edu)
Caltech to sponsor premier of new PBS documentary on famed Palomar
Observatory at Temecula Film Festival

At this year's Temecula Valley International Film & Music Festival, the
California Institute of Technology will sponsor and host the premier
screenings of a soon-to-be-released PBS television documentary on the
epic 20th century story of the birth of American astronomy and the
building of the famed Palomar 200-inch telescope. Caltech owns and
operates Palomar Observatory and will have representatives present for
questions and answers, along with the filmmakers.

The film, entitled The Journey to Palomar, is the result of more than
five years' work by Los Angeles filmmakers Todd and Robin Mason. The
film traces the story of Chicago-born astronomer George Ellery Hale,
considered the father of astrophysics, as he struggles personally and
professionally to build the greatest telescopes of the 20th century at
the Yerkes and Mount Wilson Observatories, and finally the 20-year
effort to build the million-pound telescope on Palomar Mountain
(overlooking Temecula)--considered the "moon shot" of the 1930s and
'40s. Hale's observatories revolutionized our understanding of the
universe, making headlines throughout the 20th century with revelations
such as Edwin Hubble's 1929 discovery of the expansion of the universe.

The documentary includes rare archival footage and interviews with
America's top scientists and historians. The filmmakers anticipate a PBS
release some time in 2008. More information and the film's trailer can
be seen at www.journeytopalomar.org. Tickets can be purchased in advance
at the Festival website: www.tviff.com

Screenings are first-come; first served. Show times will be announced on
the Festival website after Aug. 25th.

High-resolution sidewalk telescopes will be set up outside the theater
for the public to enjoy.


W. Scott Kardel
Public Affairs Coordinator, Palomar Observatory
Telephone: (760) 742-2111
E-mail: wsk@astro.caltech.edu

Office hours: usually 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday 

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