Last updated: 26 January 2007

LXD55 8sc logo

Some LXD55 users have sent me examples of their astrophotography. If you have some examples you would like included here please send me a description of how you made the astrophotos and a copy of the images as GIF or JPEG files (due to internet email gateway issues, please send only one image file per message or ZIP or Stuff multiple files). Send to mweasner@optcorp.com. Alternatively, if you have created your own web page with your examples please let me know and I'll include a link to your site.

Submitted by: alex wilson (esraguin@btinternet.com) [26 Jan 07]
Here is my best pic of 2006 taken with my dsi on my lxd55 8in sc , Can now take exsposures of upto 1minute, I find for me that meades FITS3P are easy to process ,I collect all my data through envisage software and then take the combined frame into pixlnsight and use the histograms section to produce these images.Thanx for all your hard work on ur wonderful site all the best for 2007. Alex M Wilson CLINTERTY OBSERVATORIES.

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Copyright © 2007 Michael L. Weasner / mweasner@optcorp.com
Submittals Copyright © 2007 by the Submitter
URL = http://www.weasner.com/lxd/astrophotography-guest/2007/guests-sun.html