Last updated: 9 March 2008

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This page is for user comments and information of a general nature or items applicable to all LXD55 and LXD75 models. If you have any comments, suggestions, questions or answers to questions posed here, e-mail them to me and I'll post them. Please use an appropriate Subject Line on your message. Thanks.

Subject:	Re: LXD 75
Sent:	Thursday, March 6, 2008 10:25:19
From:	Dan Dolaptchieff (starwindmarine@gmail.com)
Hi Clay,
 you got it right. I reset it each time. I switched the RA and DEC
 boards and the hi speed slew problem moved to the DEC side from RA
 side. I switched the 497 out and WALA the dec works fine in regular
 sidereal now .I dont have to go Tracking custom -999 any more. The Dec
 now has the problem of wanting to slew forever when looking for a
 alignment star. It also slews at max rate no mater what rate i set the
 497 at. the Ra slews at the corect speed.

 the status display shows real time change now  when slewing.

 the ra motor moves in small jerks when tracking in Sidereal is that

 looks like the movement might coincide with the width of a encoder
 notch. The dec will not let me find a star or goto.

 I assume i need to replace that board then the mount should work

 Once again I appreciate all the help you have given me. I wouldnt have
 been able to get this far without your expert help.

 My wife imports some nice freshwater pearls w/ silver studs. I would
 like to send each of you a set for your lady. Nothing fancy. Please
 tell me your colour preference (white-black) and your address. Thanks
 much again. Hope to be sending you some pics of the jewel box this

On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 9:01 PM, P. Clay Sherrod wrote:
In my opinion, you should avoid all patches to Autostar firmware.....I
have seen many odd problems develop inperfectly good systems from it.
When you are loading firmware, are you RESETTING the Autostar when you
do?  The problem you are having is not firmware related, so loading that
is not going to help.  RESET the Autostar under SETUP and let me know if
that clears things up.

What POWER SOURCE are you using?  I suspect either your power source is
bad or you have a bad DEC driver PCB circuit.

Dr. Clay
Arkansas Sky Observatories
Harvard MPC/ H43 (Conway)
Harvard MPC/ H41 (Petit Jean Mountain)
Harvard MPC/ H45 (Petit Jean Mtn. South)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Dolaptchieff"
To: "P. Clay Sherrod"
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: LXD 75

> Hi Clay,
> Thats the only thing that will sloww down the hi speed slew to almost a
> crawl. I have reset to the defaults several times with no luck. That Idea on
> the rate change was Dick Seymors. Thats the closeset  I can get it to
> actually track so far.
> I have tried all the firmwares from 3.0 up to the newest. I didnot like the
> starpatch at all.
>   I  really appreciate any you help you can give me.
> Aloha
> Dan
> On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 12:04 PM, P. Clay Sherrod wrote:
>> Hello Dan....you have the custom drive rate set to -999?  I don't see how
>> it can even
>> work with that setting.
>> I would RESET the Autostar completely and start from scratch.  Enter only
>> realistic
>> values and correct defaults on the Autostar.  What version of firmware is
>> in the
>> handbox??
>> Dr. Clay
>> -------------
>> Arkansas Sky Observatories
>> Harvard MPC/ H43 (Conway)
>> Harvard MPC/ H41 (Petit Jean Mountain)
>> Harvard MPC/ H45 (Petit Jean Mtn. South)
>> http://www.arksky.org/
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Dan Dolaptchieff"
>> To: drclay@tcworks.net
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 3:43 PM
>> Subject: LXD 75
>> > Hi Dr Clay,
>> > I have been working on A problem with my LXD 75 for 3 months now. It
>> wants
>> > to slew to the west right after easy align is entered. I have been in
>> > contact with mike Weasner and Dick Seymor. Still having the same
>> problem.
>> > The hi speed creep is minamised when i set the tracking to custom at
>> -999.
>> > It still  slews about 25deg to the west  before settling down. Then it
>> will
>> > track in jerks like its fighting the 497. I got another  497 to swap out
>> to
>> > troubleshoot. Im also looking for a pair of RA and DEC boards for it.
>> > The LXD75 was only used twice before the last owner tore it down to do
>> the
>> > hypertune and warps drive mod. I recieved it in a box torn down.
>> > I did the hypertune  and the warps drive.Then put it all together and no
>> > cigar. Do you have a set of Boards available. I also heard that you do
>> > repairs? If I give up after 3 months are you available?
>> > Thanks for your time.
>> > Aloha
>> > Dan

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