Last updated: 10 February 2003

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Subject:	New report on LXD55 6" Refractor
Sent:	Thursday, February 6, 2003 05:41:27
From:	Dimitris Rakopoulos (liquid@mediaone.gr)
On 29/1/2003 I had the chance to try my LXD55 6" on the field (after
several days with bad weather). The sky was clystal clear due to extreme
cold (1 degree Celcius) so I choose a dark location to test the scope
and the new Sirius Optics Minus Violet filter.

I setup the scope and did a fairly good autostar alignment. I must admin
that it preferable to align Polaris without the counterweights on the
mount because will them the mount is too difficult to move.

The primary goal of my session was to check the quality of Sirius Optics
minus violet filter.

I choose 3 easy targets. First of all, Jupiter, then Saturn and then
Sirius. Sirius was the object I noticed weird spikes coming out of the
actual star. I can't explain it otherwise but the whole view seemed

On Jupiter, I used the standard 26mm eyepiece for a moderate
magnification. Then I adapted the MV filter. Different view! Jupiter was
more well-formed and it seemed to have more detail on it. I didn't try
any other magnification. I prefered to use my 6.7mm eyepiece on Saturn
instead because it was on a darker part of the sky. After finding Saturn
with the Autostar (still impresses me cause I know that my assignment is
not that good) I tried my 26mm eyepiece without the MV filter. The
objected seems more clear than Jupiter (it was higher in the sky). Then,
on to my 6.7mm eyepiece. After seing the object for 3-4 minutes I
quickly added the MV filter. Once again, the view was much better. Let
me explain myself. Even the first I used the LXD I noticed that Saturn
and Jupiter are not crystal clear. They were somewhat a bit not
well-formed. It seemed that the outer part of the object was not sharp
enough. The MV filter does that for both planets. On Saturn, the outline
is almost perfect I now I can see more detail on the planet. I get a
more 3dimentional view of it. After adapting the MV filter, I added a
barlow 2x to get a 360x view of the planet. Absolutely perfect. The view
was a bit dimmer than without the barlow but the MV does the job of
making the field of view sharp and clear. Totally satisfied.

Then, on to Sirius. Before I even applied the MV filter I noticed that I
could minimize this "spikes effect" to minimum by trying to focus a bit
better. I spent a minute more to focus correctly and the results was
quite satisfactory. The MV just made things even better. The "spikes"
were totally gone. There were a couple of people with me that night and
they all agreed. There was a difference.

So, Sirius Optics MV filter does the job. (So, thank you Mr. Nomikos for
a great present on my birthday)

Then, I tried some deep sky objects.

The Great Orion nebulae was excellent as always. I'm dying to try it
with my new Wide Field adapter by Apogee. Same goes fon Pleides, too.
Imanaged to see Andomeda galaxy in the Southern horizon before it set. A
bit fuzzy if you take under account the fact that the lights of the city
were just below.

Then, The Double Cluster. One of my favourites! I absutely love it. Here
comes a list of some of the Messiers I observed. M35, M36, M37, M38,
M42, M44, M45.

Then, I opened the folder Open/Star cluster of the autostat and observed
almost all of them. I focuced on Perseus, Orion, Auriga, Taurus, Canis
Major. The brilliant thing about this part of the tour was that I was
using quiet slew and all the objects were quite slow. So, I could move
from object to object very easily with my eye on the eyepiece. I could
see the telescope scan the sky and during that scan I could see all the
objects that were there. In many occasions, the telescope passed the
desired objects and then right on the autostar got the telescope back to
the correct position. It was like I was finding something new on the sky
and then I actually got the chance to see it without the scope moving. I
observed all deep sky objects with my favourite 40mm eyepiece. Perfect
eye relief, great field of view, very bright, low magnification. I think
the next time I will use my new Wide Field Adapter to check them all

So, till the next report. Best regards and clear skies. 
Btw, the weather in Athens is awful. 

Be good, 
Dimitris Rakopoulos
Athens, Greece

AR Models Feedback Archive

January 2003

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