Weasner's LXD55/75 Site Announcement

Last updated: 17 May 2008

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This page provides announcements and important notices from me regarding this LXD55/75 site.

Site Update Decision

As frequent Site visitors know, my LXD75-8"SC (and most of my observing and astrophotography accessories) were stolen in December 2007. I ordered the replacement LXD75-8"SC in January 2008 but it continued to be on backorder for over two months. So I elected to cancel that order and get a Meade 8" LX90-ACF. Although I am still waiting for a problem-free LX90 (details on my 8" LX90-ACF web site), I have decided that I can no longer effectively support LXD55/75 users since I no longer have a LXD75. As a result of this decision my LXD55/75 web site will stop being updated at the end of May 2008. I thank everyone for their past support and encourage all LXD55/75 owners to subscribe to the LXD55/75 Telescopes Yahoo Group. My LXD55/75 web site will continue to be available as a reference and my ETX Site, with a lot of information that is applicable to LXD55/75 owners, will continue to be frequently updated.

Go back to the LXD55/75 Home Page.

Copyright ©2008 Michael L. Weasner / etx@me.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/lxd/site/site.html