LXD55 Technical Tips

Last updated: 22 April 2004

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Subject:	LXD55 mount  / expired warranty
Sent:	Wednesday, April 21, 2004 15:03:54
From:	"Rick Crew" (rickcrew@excite.com)
I just found your link at LXD55.com, and after reading a couple of posts I
thought I would share my recent LXD55 mount catastrophe. I have attached
a description of my predicament and solution.

After removing my RA drive assembly in order to tighten the motor and
drive gear I noticed the left hand screw on the worm gear mount was
extremely loose. When I tried to tighten it I found it turning free.
Having never had this apart I wasn't sure what it was threading into
until I removed the worm gear. As you can see below, it wasn't pretty.
To top it off my warranty had expired in January 2004 with Meade. Since
receiving the scope last year I had problems with the RA , and after
speaking with Meade they informed me to adjust the backlash, which I
did. The drive response improved somewhat, but there was still some
"slop" on the axis. I assumed this to be inherent to the mount and was
content with its performance. I am sure this was my problem all along.
So without a warranty in force I decided to repair it myself. It is
coming along well and I anticipate the integrity of the repair will be
adequate to its function. Word to the wise, if it feels broke it
probably is, send it back. I learned the hard way.

1) Prep of blown out cast with acetone.
LXD55 mount

2) Most of broken cast epoxied back on.
LXD55 mount

3) Rough fill with Devcon after epoxy cured 2 hrs.
LXD55 mount

4) Taped face of area to lessen grinding and shaping.
LXD55 mount

5) Some rough filing/shaping after 8 hrs. set time.
LXD55 mount

6) Ready to drill/tap after a full 48 hr cure of steel filler.
LXD55 mount

Nice site, I have bookmarked it for further reference. Carl Crew

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