Last updated: 30 June 2005

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I have created this page where users are welcome to have posted items (related to LXD telescopes please) they wish to purchase. Please send Wanted notices to Mike Weasner with pertinent details. Please let me know when the item(s) have been purchased so that the entry can be deleted. I hope this service turns out to be valuable to both sellers and buyers.

Notes: The entire transaction is between the buyer and seller. This site and Mike Weasner are in no way responsible for any portion of the transaction(s), errors that may arise, lost payments, missing shipments, or any damage or other loss resulting from selling or buying any item listed on this page.

Buyers and Sellers are advised to be aware of many SCAMS and other Fraudulent activities; some site visitors have sent me some examples. Please review this page: Online Buying Warnings.

Subject:	Wanted series 4000 EP
Sent:	Wednesday, June 29, 2005 04:56:37
From:	Richard Blaisdell (blaisdell25@charter.net)
I am looking for a Series 4000  6.7mm Ultra Wide Angle Eyepiece in good
condition and reasonably priced. Thank you,Rick Blaisdell

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Copyright ©2005 Michael L. Weasner / mweasner@optcorp.com
Submittals Copyright ©2005 by the Submitter
URL = http://www.weasner.com/lxd/wanted.html