Last updated: 8 August 2005


6 August 2005
The weather forecast for 6 August was for a chance of thunderstorms but since it was only "a chance" and since my next opportunity to get to Oracle Observatory would not be until 24 September I decided to give it go.

When I arrived the sky looked like this:


I didn't even unpack the car. As sunset approached it began looking worse:

photo photo photo

Shortly before sunset I decided that all was lost for this trip so with the threat of storms I headed for a motel. As I drove away from Oracle Observatory I could see heavy rain falling on the ridge line to the east and really heavy rain to the south near Tucson, which was the direction I was going. When I got to the motel, the lightning I had been seeing during the drive had begun to decrease but I was able to get a couple of photos:



Get Quicktime Since I don't have any observations to report on I thought I was provide a short movie of packing my 2002 Toyota Pruis Hybrid for the trip. This is a series of still photos combined into a QuickTime movie (804KB).

Until next time...

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Copyright ©2005 Michael L. Weasner / mweasner@mac.com
URL = http://www.weasner.com/oracle_observatory/oracle080605.html