California, Washington, Idaho, and Utah Trip
August 2015


Posted: 6 September 2015

In August 2015, we drove from our home in Arizona to California, then to Washington state to see some relatives and to attend the World Science Fiction Convention, then to Idaho and Utah, before finally returning home. The links below show some photographs from our trip; click a thumbnail on each album to see a larger version. Hope you enjoy them.

Date Places Visited (# of Photos)
13 August 2015 Lassen Volcanic National Park, near Redding, California. (16)
18-22 August 2015 Scenes in Spokane, Washington. Includes smoke and smokey skies from wildfires in Washington state. (16)
19-23 August 2015 Sasquan World Science Fiction Convention, Spokane, WA. Scenes from the convention, some speakers, and some panels. (50)
21 August 2015 Sasquan Masquerade. (70)
22 August 2015 World Science Fiction Convention Hugo Awards Ceremony. (34)
25 August 2015 Craters of the Moon National Monument, near Pocatello, Idaho. (56)
27 August 2015 Grand Staircase National Monument, Escalante, Utah. (78)

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