Our Vacation 2010


We did a Summer Vacation this year, visiting Los Angeles, California.  We drove to Pasadena, where we stayed, on Monday, 28 June.  On Tuesday, 29 June, and Wednesday, 30 June, we visited with several friends and former work associates from when we lived in Southern California.  On Wednesday, 30 June, we went to the Los Angeles Zoo.  From Thursday, 1 July, to Sunday, 4 July, we attended the Westercon 63 Science Fiction Convention.  We viewed the Fourth of July fireworks from a friend’s house in Beverly Hills.  On Monday, 5 July, we visited the Huntington Library and Gardens in San Marino, CA.  We drove back home to Arizona on Tuesday, 6 July.

Use the links at the top of this page to view photos of each our of activities.

Thanks for visiting Our Vacation 2010 web pages.

28 June - 6 July 2010