Congress and the flawed STELA Legislation

Congress fails to fix STELA Legislation in 2020

Phone Calls to Congress, Washington Post Op-Ed

10 November 2020: I called the offices of Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (Chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce), Congressman Greg Walden (Republican Leader on the Committee), and Congressman Michael Doyle (Chairman of the Communications & Technology Subcommittee). No one answered the phone calls, so I left voicemail messages with each office requesting status of fixing the STELA legislation for the reasons I discussed in my letters of 27 July 2020. I also called the Committee Staff and spoke with a nice lady who took information about my letter. As of 30 November, no responses have been received from these members of Congress. That's not surprising as Congress continues to treat this critical issue as unimportant to them even though it puts lives at risk and harms businesses. Members of Congress have a challenging responsibility: deciding whose lives and businesses to protect. If they had dealt with the STELA issue in 2013, they would not find themselves still putting lives at risk and harming businesses in this year of COVID-19.

21 November 2020: I submitted an Op-Ed piece to the Washington Post to raise awareness of the dangerous and unfair STELA legislation. I discussed the issue with the flaw in the STELA legislation and why it is critical for Congress to act now to protect citizens and businesses in several locations in the United States. Unfortunately, they apparently declined to publish it.

I continue to investigate legal action as parts of the STELA legislation may be unconstitutional. The legislation treats customers of cable TV companies differently than customers of satellite TV companies, even those living in the same area, and it puts lives at risk and harm businesses. Attorneys interested in pursuing the case against Congress should contact me.

Stay tuned for further updates.

Wasted Time and Lost Opportunity in 2020 thanks to Our Congressman

Main Flawed STELA Legislation page

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