This page is for user comments and information specific to the Meade DS telescope models. Accessories and Feedback items appropriate to the ETX models are posted on other pages as appropriate. If you have any comments, suggestions, questions or answers to questions posed here, e-mail them to me and I'll post them. Please use an appropriate Subject Line on your message. Thanks.
Subject: help Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2000 15:02:30 From: mvgasy@c2i.net (CHRISTIAN HAUGERUD) I been thinking about bying a refractor , but i dont know what to get. But i have narrowed it down to these: Helios Evolution 120 mm F/1000 , Meade DS-80ec 900mm f/11,3 or Ds-90ec 1000mm f/11,1 and Quantum 120eqq f/1000. Can any one help me with any info about these scopes? Im mostly going to be watching planets , so if you have any of this telescopes - please tell me how good they are to use , max practical power , can you see a lot of detail on the surface of mars , jupiter and saturn (they should - some of these scopes are very expensive...) ? + witch eyepices would you recommend , meade series (they are most expensive but are they realy best?), Helios sp. or any others? I hope somebody can help me - oh , and if you want to recommend any other scopes , please do so!!! Thanks for a great site , Christan johansonMike here: Check the DS Models Feedback page and the ETX-60AT, ETX-70AT Feedback page on my site. Small telescopes will really not show much planetary details, especially on Mars (except during a very favorable opposition). You will see phases of Venus (and maybe Mercury), Cloud Bands on Jupiter, and the Rings of Saturn. With luck and excellent seeing during a favorable opposition, you might see a Martian Polar Cap. Also, check the Accessories - Eyepieces page and the Buyer/New User Tips page for info on eyepieces.
Subject: hello again Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 21:47:35 From: thecolortech@mindspring.com (neil berkeley) im not sure if you remember i had contacted you a short while ago about an etx 70.. well i ended up purchacing a meade 114 ds,a long throw from the compact etx series. Im very happy so far with the scope, i also purchased a autostar controller. Im having some slight problems and wanted to know where i would post my questions? thanks again sincerely neil berkeley miami flMike here: You can send the questions to me and I'll post them on the DS or Autostar Feedback page (as appropriate). Alternatively you can post questions on the alt.telescopes.meade newsgroup.
Subject: DS powered mount Sent: Sunday, May 7, 2000 19:40:21 From: bedair@tucomm.net (Steve & Cathy Bedair) This is a new and improved mount I have just completed using Meade's DS series motors, and Autostar. This mount is almost all aluminum and will work on a table top or on a tripod. It uses 96 tooth (AZ) and 94 (ALT}stainless and brass worm gears. So far the tracking and the views from my MK-66 have been great. I have posted more info and pics at "people.txucom.net/bedair/ScopeStuff.html" Thanks again Mike for a great site. Steve Bedair
Subject: DS Series packages? Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2000 20:15:02 From: robandkasey@roadsterlife2000.com (Rob & Kasey Bromee) Do you have any idea where I can find info on which model packages (e.g. Polaris, StarQuest, etc) come with what? I see these things advertised and I cannot find a thing about the model names (printed on the box) on the Meade website. Hmmm? RTBMike here: The printed catalog doesn't have any names for the DS models.
Added later:
Thanks for the quick reply. They sure make it confusing.
Subject: My DS powered Russian Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2000 15:54:49 From: bedair@tucomm.net (Steve & Cathy Bedair) I've included a picture of a homemade Alt. Az. "Goto" tripod that uses electronics, motors and computer from a dept. store DS 114 . Complete with the 497 Autostar. The worms and worm gears are from Ford. You can get more details at: "people.txucom.net/bedair/ScopeStuff.html" Thanks Mike for providing "The Best" web site around for the DS and ETX users. Steve Bedair.
Subject: ETX/125 Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 09:48:57 From: HQGLTZ@aol.com I recently sold me ETX/125 with Autostar which I will ship as soon as the check clears. I ordered a 12" dob, and while waiting for new scope, I decided to buy a cheap refractor so I would have something to use in the interim. I ended up buying a used Meade DS-90 with Autostar from OPT (Oceanside Photo and Telescope) for $399. I was really surprised. The views are tack sharp, except for the very edges, and it is almost color free since it is an f/11. I still had the 125, so I decided to have a little shoot-out in my back yard. As it turns out, the lowly acromat is much sharper than the ETX, and the go to function is much better, despite its slightly loosey-goosey mount. It puts the star in the field of a 16mm 3 out of 4 times, something I could never do with the ETX. I had always noticed that the 125 was not as sharp as the old ETX/90 I had a couple of years ago. I bought as book on star testing optics by Suiter, discovered a few things. Though the collimation was not perfect, it was OK, and was reasonably sharp on planetary. But trying to view close doubles was another matter. According to the defocused star images I see, it seems that the optics are uncorrected between 1/8-1/4 wave. The Airy disk is extremely faint, and most of the light energy is located in the 3-4 diffraction rings. All I could see when viewing Castor most of the time was a 'figure-8' with almost no separation. The DS-90 on the other hand shows two perfect Airy disks with single diffraction rings and distinct separation, the same as I used to see on my old ETX 90. So there is more going on with some of the 125's optics' than just collimation. So I am happy with the scope I bought for 1/3 the price that I sold my ETX for. Herman
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